Wednesday 23 January 2008

America's Most Hated

Shirley Phelps-Roper has been dubbed “the most hated woman in America”. She is the chief spokesperson for the so-called Westboro Baptist Church, the name she’s given her group. In fact it is not a church at all; it has just 71 members consiting almost entirely of just her extended family and a couple of stray hangers-on. She sings songs like “God hates America because America loves Fags (homosexuals)!” She preaches that the Virginia Tech massacre was God’s punishment for our sins. Most controversially of all, she pickets the funerals of soldiers killed in Iraq and Afghanistan holding placards like “THANK GOD FOR DEAD SOLDIERS”, in reference to her belief that 9/11 and deaths in the War on Terror are God’s judgement on “Fag-enablers”, societies which tolerate homosexuality, and that those in the military are fighting for the Devil. She is openly oblivious to the feelings of the deceased’s relatives and considers the hurt her actions cause them irrelevant. She even shouts out at the cortege that the dead person is burning in Hell! The word “cult” could have been coined for this woman!

Here she gets the Jeremy Kyle treatment!: I’m not a fan of Jeremy Kyle usually, but here I take my hat off to him. No doubt if Phelps-Roper met me she would tell me that I’m going to Hell too! I would reply that maybe Hell’s not such a bad place after all. It is certainly preferable to her version of Heaven!

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