Saturday 1 March 2008

The Vrillon Broadcast

On Saturday November the 26th 1977, at 5.10pm, viewers watching the news on Southern TV in England got a bit of a surprise; the soundtrack suddenly cut out and was replaced by a slow, masculine voice claiming to be someone called “Vrilion”, an alien who represented the "Ashtar Galactic Command". The voice spoke perfect English, but sounded not quite human, or was perhaps electronically distorted. In the background a slow, bass, rhythmic, pulsing tone could be heard. Vrillion announced that he had come to warn humans of the impending catastrophe their civilization was causing and how to avoid it. 5 of Southern’s transmitters were effected over the whole of Berkshire, Hampshire and viewers as far away as Surrey parts of south London picked it up. The TV network received thousands of panicked calls and the police were mobilized. After about 6 minutes the broadcast returned to normal. The source of this interruption has never been traced. If it was a "student hoax" (Why do students always get blamed for these things?) then the perpetrators have never been caught and never confessed. If it was a hoax then it would have been very difficult to carry out. Breaking into a UHF TV signal is no mean feat, especially over such a wide area, even in the pre-digital age. It would have needed a lot of expensive technical equipment and the collaboration of many people over a wide area.

Could it have been a real alien? It's possible; after all UFO's are undeniably real. If even a small proportion of them are alien spacecraft then it means that beings from extraterrestrial civilizations are visiting this planet every day! Why shouldn't one of them try to contact us? It's been thirty years now since the incident; wouldn't one of the human hoaxers have confessed? By confessing they'd no doubt win fame and fortune; controversy would follow them as "conspiracy nuts" like me accuse them of being paid by the government to cover it up. But then again, seeing as the incident has been virtually forgotten, why bother covering it up? In fact any further publicity of any kind would be counterproductive.

I’m in the middle of reading the excellent book Does it Rain in Other Dimensions by Mike Oram where the author refers to this incident. He includes news reports of TV officials stating that their signals are fitted with sophisticated security devices that would make jamming, although not impossible, very difficult. At one point the author himself is accused by the authorities of being the perpetrator! Here is a recording of the TV’s audio that night and some subsequent follow-up news bites: The newsreader Ifor Mills, the same one who was speaking when Vrillon interrupted, sounds a bit a scared to me! Vrillon’s speech sounds slightly corny to me and reminiscent of cheap sci-fi, but it does contain pearls of wisdom. Could it be real? I’ve not made my mind up yet.

Here is a full transcript of Vrillion's message:
This is the voice of Vrillon, a representative of the Ashtar Galactic Command, speaking to you. For many years you have seen us as lights in the skies. We speak to you now in peace and wisdom as we have done to your brothers and sisters all over this, your planet Earth. We come to warn you of the destiny of your race and your world so that you may communicate to your fellow beings the course you must take to avoid the disaster which threatens your world, and the beings on our worlds around you. This is in order that you may share in the great awakening, as the planet passes into the New Age of Aquarius. The New Age can be a time of great peace and evolution for your race, but only if your rulers are made aware of the evil forces that can overshadow their judgments. Be still now and listen, for your chance may not come again. All your weapons of evil must be removed. The time for conflict is now past and the race of which you are a part may proceed to the higher stages of its evolution if you show yourselves worthy to do this. You have but a short time to learn to live together in peace and goodwill. Small groups all over the planet are learning this, and exist to pass on the light of the dawning New Age to you all. You are free to accept or reject their teachings, but only those who learn to live in peace will pass to the higher realms of spiritual evolution. Hear now the voice of Vrillon, a representative of the Ashtar Galactic Command, speaking to you. Be aware also that there are many false prophets and guides operating in your world. They will suck your energy from you - the energy you call money and will put it to evil ends and give you worthless dross in return. Your inner divine self will protect you from this. You must learn to be sensitive to the voice within that can tell you what is truth, and what is confusion, chaos and untruth. Learn to listen to the voice of truth which is within you and you will lead yourselves onto the path of evolution. This is our message to our dear friends. We have watched you growing for many years as you too have watched our lights in your skies. You know now that we are here, and that there are more beings on and around your Earth than your scientists admit. We are deeply concerned about you and your path towards the light and will do all we can to help you. Have no fear, seek only to know yourselves, and live in harmony with the ways of your planet Earth. We of the Ashtar Galactic Command thank you for your attention. We are now leaving the plane of your existence. May you be blessed by the supreme love and truth of the cosmos.

(BTW: Happy St David's Day to all HPANWO readers!)


  1. One thing that strikes me about the name "Vrillon" is that it sounds a lot like the real name of "Rael": Claude Vorihon. Vorihon claimed to have had a close enounter with an alien called "Yahweh-Elohim" whose teachings founded the Raelian religious movement. This encounter supposedly happened just four years before the broadcast. This, in my view makes it more likely that the broadcast is a hoax.

    Ellis (see links) thinks it might be a psyop. That's another possibility I don't discount.

  2. Hi Ben
    I'd go with some kind of psyop.

    It seems to me they were simply using the technology of the day - I'd expect something a bit more splendiferous if they were real, and the message seems a bit of a rehash of what pops up every so often.

    It reminded me of the airing of the War of the Worlds in 1938 which caused havoc because listeners thought it was real.

    Maybe they were just checking to see they had everyones attention.

    Coincidently, I was doing a bit of research on cults the other week and read about the Raelians.


  3. ps. I forgot to say that the War of the Worlds broadcast was done as a Halloween special - so maybe the outcome was not so accidental.

  4. That "War of the Worlds" incident was definitely a psy-op; "docudramas" often are. The govt was testing the population for the effect knowlege of hostile aliens would have on them. Poor old Orson Welles took the rap! No doubt the data collected influenced the post-war sci-fi world a lot. TV programmes like "The Invaders" and movies like "It Came from Outer Space!" This was at a time when people were about to go into space for real and the powerts-that-be needed to assess its effects. Have you heard of the Brookings Report?

  5. No I hadn't, but I had a look. Just enough info to make people a little uneasy.
    There's this constant feel of being herded in one direction after another, by this or that report or organisation.

    I used to have an answer machine on my phone & as soon as I got home I'd be checking for mesages & be disappointed if no one called. Since I got rid of it, I haven't given a second thought to whether or not someone has called - it's no longer an option.

    Every day some authority is dangling some new bit of info to herd us into a new/old direction. I'd love to know what life would be like without this 'junk mail'.

  6. Ben you posted "It would have needed a lot of expensive technical equipment and the collaboration of many people over a wide area." Can you elaborate on this please?

  7. Babage, if it was a hoax then it would have been firstly necessary to break into the TV landlines or jam the analogue signal from the transmitters (There was no digital TV in those days). But even if the hoaxers had achived this they'd have had to dodge the network's security systems. Legitimate signals from the TV station are accompanied by "insertion signals", a coded tranmission that authenticates the station and the transmitter automatically blocks any other. The signals are also fed back to the director's gallery at the TV station and monitored continuously. Why didn't the rogue signal register on the monitor's instruments? The fist the Tv station knew about it was when terrified viewers started phoning in! (Source: News of The World 27/11/77)

  8. WW, the Brookings Report was published for NASA by an American psychological think-tank, a similar organization to the Tavistock Institute, in 1960. The report concluded that the discovery of advanced extraterrestrial life would do serious damage to the social, political and religious infrastructure of America and the whole world (I think this translates as: "If people find out we're not alone it will make it harder for you to control them"!) They advised NASA that if they found evidence of such alien lifeforms they it would be best all round not shout it from the rooftops! It amazes me that despite this policy bering in place from the dawning of the space programme people still reckon that NASA would never dream of covering up things like the Face on Mars.

  9. You dont need to jam the high power transmitter signal. That would take a large amount of power and would give very poor results. The Vrillon broadcast actually was quite poor What you would do is override the feed signal to the transmitter which is a low power signal transmitted on a different frequency than the signal we all tune into. As you know you can receive the same signal on different places on the dial. This is because the different transmitters transmit on different frequencies. This is so people who live between 2 dont get ghosting and bleed over. Transmitters work in a chain the first revives the signal and repeats it as a high power signal for people to receive. Also it sends another low power signal to the next transmitter on a different frequency. The second transmits a high power signal for people to watch and sends a low power signal to the next transmitter on a different frequency. The further up the chain you are the more transmitters you hijack. You dont need a lot of power to send a signal from one transmitter to the next its only the broadcast signal that needs to be strong but you dont hijack that you hijack the low power signal thats being received from the last transmitter. Then the transmitter will repeat your signal to the next while at the same time broadcast it for people to see. Thats the way it works even with digital although hijacking a digital system would be more tricky. Shit im Shit at describing things maybe i should draw a pic lol.

    The reason why the station didnt know it had been hijacked is because the office which monitors the station was being moved. If you dont belive me check it out its a fact. This does make me suspect inside knowledge.

    The quality of the broadcast was so poor that i wonder if it was genuine how the hell did they ever get here lol. Surely if they can get here they could muster up something that would cost a small amount of money and could be put together by an armature. Country's governments can take over all the tv and radio there population see and hear easily. Surly this wouldnt have been beyond the visitors? can take over all TV stations even

    This was a hoax that wasnt as difficult as you have been told to pull of at the time.

  10. Maybe i need tuition to use that word processor lol. Sorry if things popped up in the wrong place in my post.

  11. Ok, I looked at it from a different angle.
    I saw it as a sort of govt 'suggestion' that there 'might' be aliens out there. An almost subliminal idea - perhaps to be used as a sort of unnerving of the populace to make them more dependent for protection on the powers that be, backed up by tv & film.
    I guess I just can't see them making a report public without something at the back of it.

  12. Nuclear explosion in hijacked czech tv breakfast show.

  13. The Max Headroom hijack

  14. WW, no doubt there's an element of that too. But the hints that aliens might exist portrays them all as hostile. Movies like ID4 are an obvious example. Maybe they know that they can't keep aliens secret for much longer so are trying to engender fear and anger towards them so that we'll support an attack on them. It's worth watching the Disclosure Project video. What Carol Rosin says about what Werner von Braun says is very interesting!

    To discuss things more easily, would you like to join the HPANWO forum? See the links column.

  15. Babage. OK, that's two sides to the story I've hard now. It may well be a hoax; as I said, I've not yet made up my mind. On the other hand, if aliens are real then inpromptu contact is always on the cards.

    Would you like to join the HPANWO forum? Then we can discuss things more easily. See the links column.

  16. Aliens using this method of conveying a message is akin to Mission control speaking to the space shuttle using two soup cans and a long piece of string. A leaflet drop from there UFO would have been much more effective. Then we have the fact that the hijack happened when the hijack detection people were moving buildings, was it really just a coincidence, i think not.

  17. As I said, yes it is possible that this was a hoax. But a TV hoax of this kind on this scale has never been achived before. It was quite a feat!

    Why wouldn't aliens communicate in this way? After all two cans and a string works, doesn't it?

  18. Well if they wanted the people of the world to hear their message it clearly didnt work.

  19. I'm sure they have other ways of reaching us. ;-)

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