(This article is a slightly-updated edition of the current HPANWO Voice front story: http://hpanwo-voice.blogspot.com/2009/02/atlantis-found.html)
I never usually read The Sun, in fact I'd hesitate to wipe my arse with it! But yesterday I did because of this extraordinary headline: http://www.thesun.co.uk/sol/homepage/news/article2255989.ece
It shows an image of something that looks artificial on the seabed off the Canary Islands. This is in the very location Plato said Atlantis was in his famous book. It certainly resembles a street plan; and it's huge, as big as Wales. This also matches Plato's description, of Atlantis being a massive city. Was Atlantis just a made-up story? The scientific establishment says yes, but I disagree. The myth of Atlantis exists in one form or another in nearly all cultures across the globe; including many who are supposed never to have had contact. It's the same basic story as Noah's Ark from the Book of Genesis, Manu in the Rig Veda from India, the Welsh legend of Cantref Y Gwaelod, and the Zulu folk tale of Zaralelli.
It shows an image of something that looks artificial on the seabed off the Canary Islands. This is in the very location Plato said Atlantis was in his famous book. It certainly resembles a street plan; and it's huge, as big as Wales. This also matches Plato's description, of Atlantis being a massive city. Was Atlantis just a made-up story? The scientific establishment says yes, but I disagree. The myth of Atlantis exists in one form or another in nearly all cultures across the globe; including many who are supposed never to have had contact. It's the same basic story as Noah's Ark from the Book of Genesis, Manu in the Rig Veda from India, the Welsh legend of Cantref Y Gwaelod, and the Zulu folk tale of Zaralelli.
Geologists, both mainstream and alternative, agree that the evidence is overwhelming that there was a massive global catastrophe in around 10,000 BC that ended the last Ice Age and altered the face of the planet in almost every way. For the people alive at that time it must have been an experience we can't imagine. The sea levels rising 300 feet in a week, submerging all beaches and coastal lands, torrential rainstorms measuring in feet instead of inches, worldwide hurricanes, supervolcanic eruptions turning the sky black and blotting out the sun for months. A waterfall as wide as the Bosphorous Strait filling up the Black Sea like a bathtub. The human survivors of this cataclysm would never ever have forgotten it and would most certainly have told their children and grandchildren about it; and those subsequent generations would have passed on the story to their own descendants. This memory endured to the present day to become these folk-legends of the Great Flood etc. However, conventional studies of prehistory say that 12,000 years ago humans existed in small groups; the Neolithic Age had only just begun and most people still lived in nomadic hunter-gatherer cultures. There were no cities, no nation-states like Atlantis is said to be and only a handful of settled towns numbering no more than a few hundred people. Many Mavericks have claimed that the myths describing a sophisticated prehistoric civilization are in fact real and the conventional scientists have got it wrong. However this alternative, minority view lacked hard evidence until recently. This latest discovery could be the biggest artifact supporting the alternative theory ever unearthed. It could blow our conventional view of human history out of the water, literally!
Sunken cities have been found before, most famously by Graham Hancock off the coast on India; see his brilliant book Underworld (http://www.amazon.co.uk/Underworld-Mysterious-Civilization-Graham-Hancock/dp/1400049512/ref=sr_1_3?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1235218407&sr=1-3). But so far all these ruins have been in shallow littoral waters off the continental shelf, on seabeds that are known to have been above the sea level in the past. This new discovery is different; if it is real then it shows the presence of a city in the intercontinental ocean depths, the Madeira Abyssal Plain. There is no process known in conventional geology that can ever account for this part of the ocean bed ever being on land.
Sunken cities have been found before, most famously by Graham Hancock off the coast on India; see his brilliant book Underworld (http://www.amazon.co.uk/Underworld-Mysterious-Civilization-Graham-Hancock/dp/1400049512/ref=sr_1_3?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1235218407&sr=1-3). But so far all these ruins have been in shallow littoral waters off the continental shelf, on seabeds that are known to have been above the sea level in the past. This new discovery is different; if it is real then it shows the presence of a city in the intercontinental ocean depths, the Madeira Abyssal Plain. There is no process known in conventional geology that can ever account for this part of the ocean bed ever being on land.