Daniel Estulin
The Bilderbergers (or “The House of Orange versus the Man in Orange!”)
“I’m not a conspiracy theorist! OK? There’s no one-world government! That’s all crap! Don’t tell me about eyes in pyramids on the dollar bill because it’s crap!” So Daniel Estulin announced himself to the AV4 delegation. I’d first encountered Estulin when I was walking though the hotel lobby. A swarthy, sour-faced man strode purposefully towards me dressed in a bright orange shirt. I looked around nervously to see if he were alone, but luckily he was and the hotel was not being invaded by Dutch football hooligans. Daniel Estulin is a former Canadian intelligence officer who is now a journalist (“Former?” I hear you say!). He investigates the Bilderberg Group. Like Area 51, this has become an underground household name, but still has no officially acknowledged existence. You will never find an official Bilderberg Group website and its only references on the Net are independent ones produced by investigators like Daniel. Their information comes only from leaks and informants; no in-house literature is ever published and no members of the Press are invited to attend their events. In fact the Press must be actively forbidden to report on the Bilderberg Group when you consider the names of the people who attend and the obtrusiveness of the meetings in the areas they choose to congregate. For example the security for the 1998 Bilderberg meeting in Ayrshire, Scotland was the biggest police operation in Scottish history, but it received not a single word in the mainstream media. There are occasional feature or novelty articles on the Bilderberg Group in papers like The Guardian, but basically the organization is hidden behind a total media blackout. It’s odd because the people who attend these meetings are individuals whose movements and activities the Press is usually obsessed with: Tony Blair, Hilary Clinton, Condoleeza Rice, Queen Beatrix of the Netherlands, Peter Mandelson, Bertie Ahearn and basically any senior politicians and government leaders from all the nations of Europe and North America. Along with them are less well-known, but I think even more powerful people: bankers, media moguls, advisers and political strategists. This site has a full attendance list: http://www.bilderberg.org/ . Sites like these are compiled by dedicated researchers, like Daniel, standing outside on the streets at the edge of the security cordon and taking photographs of the delegates’ limousines as they enter the meeting. Daniel showed us some of the photos he’d taken with a telephoto lens of very famous people hiding their faces like suspects entering court or sitting on hotel verandahs in casual clothes as if they were just average holiday-makers. Only one ex-delegate, and one of the most dedicated attendees, Lord Healey, has ever spoken publicly about his involvement with the Bilderberg Group and his statement sounded like a typical politician's whitewash: “There’s no secrecy, just privacy… we just like to get together and relax and have informal chats… These conspiracy nuts are all talking bunkum!…etc.” (Interview with Danny Wallace ) It’s ironic that public events like the G8 Summits in Prague and Gleneagles and other places attract all the attention while Bilderberg gets none. The latest of the G8 events in London last year was met with thousands of protestors, but just a week later the Bilderberg Group met in Athens and only a handful of independent investigators turned up. However the latter was delegated by far more powerful people and seems far more influential. The Bilderberg Group has held a conference every year since 1954 and it always meets in a 5-star hotel in a random location. The first meeting was held in the Bilderberg Hotel in Oosterbeek, Netherlands. One of its organizers was Prince Bernhard, a former Nazi and consort to Queen Juliana of the Netherlands. The current Queen, Beatrix, is actively involved with the Group to this day. It’s interesting that Blenheim Palace, home of the Duke of Marlborough is situated very close to the headquarters of the Ditchley Foundation in Charlbury, Oxfordshire. The Ditchley Foundation is a similar organization to the Bilderberg Group, although unlike Bilderberg it does have a public face; see its website: http://www.ditchley.co.uk/ . However we should still be on our guard, as it may well have a Bilderberg-style under-the-counter aspect to it as well; see that its membership does overlap with Bilderberg. What’s interesting is that the first Duke of Marlborough was given his title by King William III in 1705 after winning the supposed “Battle” of the Boyne (This was in fact not a battle at all; it was a ritual, but that’s a story for another time). I’ve made a HPANWO TV film at Blenheim Palace which is now available, see: http://hpanwo-tv.blogspot.com/2010/04/blenheim-palace.html . William III represents the House of Orange’s incursion onto the British Throne, but the House of Orange is still incumbent on the Dutch Throne and Queen Beatrix is the latest monarch of that dynasty. However Daniel very vocally dismisses this line of enquiry. For him the origins of the Group go back relatively recently to the Black Nobility of Venice in the 19th Century, the people who he believes set up the modern banking system. To know who is involved you just have to follow the money. Bilderberg itself is a fairly new organization, but it is modeled on predecessors that can be traced back to the Black Nobility. Based on the leaked information he has studied Daniel has worked out how the Group is formatted. It has a steering committee to direct it and select individuals to be invited. About 130 delegates attend each year. Once the meeting is underway there are all-member sessions in a large central conference and also workshops of about 20 people each on various specialized subjects. The membership list is a mixture of regulars and one-off visitors. If you get on that list then it seems to be remarkably good for your career; many Presidents and Prime Ministers, like Margaret Thatcher, Bill Clinton and Tony Blair, achieved their positions just a couple of years after receiving invitations to the Bilderberg Group, as first-time guests when they were lowly back-bench MP’s or obscure congressmen and senators. The goal of the Bilderberg Group, Daniel says, is to consolidate power for the Elite Globalist clique and destroy national and individual sovereignty. This involves attacking minority languages and cultures and restraining the advancement of science. I think differently to Daniel in that I don’t think the Bilderbergers would object to the advancement of science so long as it is hoarded by them and they are the sole beneficiaries. They formulate plans in the meetings that are then carried out by politicians in the various countries. For instance Daniel believes that the Bilderbergers want to destroy Canada by supporting the independence movement in Quebec (Does this include the terrorist group the FLQ? Why not? It wouldn’t be the first time the Elite have sponsored terrorism!) and they were behind the independence referendum a few years ago that narrowly failed. If Quebec becomes independent then the rest of the country would be renamed “British Canada” and merged with the United States. Is this why the Canadian Dollar has been devalued? The creation of a North American superstate also originates at the 1973 Bilderberg Group meeting, long before the creation of NAFTA. The Bilderbergers have their wicked way with us through their control of the media. The infamous Danish Muslim cartoons were a deliberate ploy to enrage Muslims; I worked that out for myself and was saddened at how Muslims all over the world took the bait. Daniel thinks that a lot of these protests were themselves set up and aided by the same Elitist agencies. This is possible because it’s definitely happened in Britain, see: http://hpanwo.blogspot.com/2010/01/muslim-clerics-are-they-shills.html . In one TV report, the protestors were carrying thousands of Danish flags which they all burnt, but where did they get so many Danish flags from in Yemen and Indonesia? The media also, to quote Silent Weapons for a Quiet War, “distracts us with matters of no real importance” and Daniel believes that the Bilderbergers are behind this too. I’ve noticed that over the past two or three months there have been a succession of news stories about the private lives of sports stars. Four or five different sports stars have been caught out cheating on their partners and there have been long articles and centrefold features on them; is this a coincidence? No way! Daniel’s view of the Bilderberg Group is that it is not so much a capstone as a circle within circles, this is so that the clique will survive if a few of them get assassinated. It’s impossible to carry out a “decapitation” hit on any of them because like the Hydra they have so many heads and they are organized this way deliberately. Daniel has worked really hard on this subject, I can see clearly, and his research is really interesting, but unfortunately his attitude could make his information less accessible. His opening sentence was only the first line in a long and angry tirade which he inserted between his factual revelations at regular and numerous times. He constantly used the word “crap” in reference to “that Dan Brown stuff”, “crystal skull, eye-in-the-pyramid”. “What does all this crap mean!?” “Shut up about it!” “That crap is putting people off!” He strutted arrogantly up and down the stage “hanging ten” and pelvic thrusting as he ranted at us. There’s no doubt he genuinely wanted to share his real information with us, but his aggressive and judgemental manner is going to alienate many of the people who need to hear it. He came to do a lecture, but he also clearly took the opportunity to lance a boil. I’ve seen this same thing in the UK 9/11 Truth organizations. They are desperate not to be associated with the popular image of “Conspiracy nuts” and do everything they can to project the image of being a political organization and not into UFO‘s or the fake moon landings, black helicopters etc. I think this is why I always felt unwelcome when I was involved with the campaign a few years ago. The Bilderberg Group, like 9/11, does fit into these other conspiracies and I think it’s a mistake to consider it otherwise. Many people disagree, and it’s OK to disagree, and to say you disagree; but disagree respectfully or you will drive a wedge between yourself and much of your audience. Daniel indulged his anger during his speech and I, and many other delegates, felt we were under attack. He can educate us or he can wash his head at us, but he can’t do both at the same time. The Skepper Dr Ben Goldacre has this same shortcoming, see: http://hpanwo.blogspot.com/2009/03/bad-science-by-ben-goldacre_25.html . Daniel is an interesting researcher and his contribution to the alternative media is very valuable, but he needs to learn a bit of self-control.

F William Engdahl
Genetics- The New Name for Eugenics
I first met William Engdahl outside the restaurant on Friday evening, but in doing so it revealed something about myself that feels uncomfortable. You see, Engdahl can’t walk. He is a wheelchair-user. I knew what he looked like and I knew his voice from his various radio interviews and his books are definitely on my study-list, but when I met him I just saw a dude in a wheelchair waiting for the disabled-lift to take him upstairs to dinner; I failed to recognize him at all. It was a big wake-up call for me because for so long I’ve been snootily preening myself for being a man without prejudices! But my mind still has a cognitive lock on it that needs to be picked and when I finally realized who the man I met was I awakened to that. Nobody has mentioned before that Engdahl can’t walk, and why should they? It’s not relevant to his work at all. He came into the conference room and began his talk in a calm and professional voice, a great contrast to Daniel Estulin whom he succeeded on stage. He has written numerous books on various aspects of the political agenda for the mass control of humanity by the Globalist Elite. One of those aspects is to do with food, particularly GMO food which we’ve discussed before at the AV conferences. What William described was a nightmare; a terrifying revelation that the Elite class plan a conquest beyond the ambitions of any empire that has ever risen on Earth before: the conquest of the very biosphere of the planet, to make all Life on Earth a chattel to what I call The Illuminati. This vanguard of this invasion is what William calls “The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse”, the bioscience companies Monsanto, Dupont, Dow and the British and Irish company Syngenta. This evil plot emerged in the 50’s and 60’s under the presence in government of Richard Nixon, particularly through his lackey Henry Kissinger (or was Nixon the lackey?). Kissinger coined the infamous phrase “useless eaters” and a document was published outlining this plan. So you can’t call this a “Conspiracy Theory”, it’s a Conspiracy Fact, backed up by official literature. The document was originally classified Top Secret and was innocuously entitled NSSM-200. The theme of the document was that increasing population growth in a number of foreign countries constituted a “clear and present danger” to US national security; in other words the security of the NWO agenda. This document soon became official government policy and set the US on a course to reduce the population of 10 countries by any means necessary; among the countries mentioned was Brazil, Indonesia and India, the 5th, 3rd and 2nd most populous countries in the world respectively, containing within them over 35% of all humanity. The NSSM-200 document was the inspiration behind the Eugenics studies at Cambridge University. Whenever you hear the words “Eugenics” beware! It’s a euphemism for something very sinister indeed. Eugenics is historically linked with Nazi Germany, but in fact it was begun in the United States by the Rockefeller Foundation before the rise of Hitler, and when Hitler came to power it was the Rockefeller Foundation who went to Hitler and sold him the idea of Eugenics, as opposed to the conventional view: that Hitler came up with the notion himself independently and was opposed the US government. Modern Molecular Biology and Genetics today is a front for this continuing project. No, it did not end with the defeat of the Nazis; let’s clear that up right now! It’s a programme that continued after World War II and does so to this day. Molecular Biology is the essence of Eugenics in that it states that life is merely the sum of the parts of a chemical cocktail; it’s a scientific error, and read below for what Peter Taylor has to say about that too. Genes are for life what atoms are for matter, not something that you can make life from. Genetics is an artificial pseudoscience that has become a controlled branch of the genuine science of biology. The central achievement of this pseudoscience has been Genetically Modified Organisms. The first GM crop created was “Golden Rice” so called because it had a yellowish tinge that came from it having a daffodil gene in it. It’s creator was a small chemical company based in St Louis, Missouri, USA called Monsanto. It’s only claim to fame thus far had been its manufacture of Agent Orange, the chemical weapon deployed during the Vietnam War. Monsanto patented the “genetic cannon” which made GMO-creation easier and it then went on to produce GM soya that is pest-resistant, but only if it is used alongside another Monsanto product, Round-Up pesticide, which is highly toxic. Round-Up’s side effects include reduced sperm count in men and ovulation in women, a prerequisite to population reduction through reduced birth rates? Certainly, but they don’t stop there! Arpad Pusztai is a close friend of William’s and you should read my review of his lecture at AV2 to know more about what happened to him; see above for the link. Arpad Pusztai was witch-hunted out of government service from the highest level and William thinks that Tony Blair personally ordered his discharge from the MAFF. The whole concept of farming has changed until even the word itself has been substituted with a term straight out of the Newspeak Dictionary: “Agribusiness.” Farms would become factories with food grown from GM seeds in chemically-treated soil and harvested by robot tractors controlled through a satellite by the corporation that owned the farms. The traditional, privately-owned “Mom and Pop” farms would be totally eliminated. All seeds would be licensed and be unable to reproduce, ending a practice that began with the first farms 10,000 years ago. The client farms would have to buy new seeds every year. Livestock on the farms would be treated as objects, not living animals with feelings, kept locked up in barns and chained down and fed with hormones to make them as fat as possible before slaughter. The other prong of this attack is in the medical field with vaccines. This TED Talk by Bill Gates is interesting: http://www.popsci.com/technology/article/2010-02/video-bill-gates-agrees-obama-we-need-nukes . In it he hints that vaccines can be used for population reduction; but this means not just preventing births, but… actually killing living people. Bill Gates is also behind that “doomsday seed vault” on Spitsbergen Island, north of Norway. According to a friend of William's and fellow anti-GMO campaigner, Rima Laibow, this seed bank is just one of many (Tir na Saor Radio). Are these vaults being built for a time after the New World Order revolution when the population has been culled and GMO’s are no longer needed? There’s no doubt that more and more companies are buckling under and giving in to the pressure for the GM giants. Bill Gates’ food plan for Africa sounds like a back-door scheme to spread GM crops onto the continent. Zimbabwe’s demonization by the Western media may have more to do with its refusal to accept GM crops than any faux pas by its rogue leader Robert Mugabe. Iraq is another recent annexation by this imperialistic plan. The new government of Iraq has become a major customer of Monsanto since the removal of Saddam Hussein and one of Bill Gates‘ seed vaults has mysteriously vanished from where it was located in Abu Graib, Iraq. The conquest of the Vegetable Kingdom is only the first step, the Animal Kingdom would follow. Dolly the sheep is just the first of many other GM animals planned. In fact the biosciences department at Cambridge are working on a GM chick. Once mass-produced by one of William’s “Four Horsemen” it could mean that all chicken could be GM within a decade, thus enveloping the staple diet of southeast Asia. William has done excellent work in uncovering much of the GMO agenda and his work compliments that of many other AV speakers like Len Horowitz and Susan Bardosz. William warns us to think twice before we buy imported cereals and bread from supermarkets, as it is probably from the US and contains GM corn and wheat. Dutring the Q&A session that followed a woman stood up and told of how her son has been born with anophthalmia, no eyes, after she was exposed to a Dupont fungicide while pregnant with him. There is a lot we can do to stop the agenda that William talks about and I’ll go into these plans-of-action in detail after I review Scott Tips’ lecture next.
(Part 1: http://hpanwo.blogspot.com/2010/03/alternative-view-4-part-1.html
Part 3: http://hpanwo.blogspot.com/2010/04/alternative-view-4-part-3.html)
(Latest HPANWO Voice story: http://hpanwo-voice.blogspot.com/2010/03/large-hadron-collider-at-half-power.html)
(New HPANWO TV Film: http://hpanwo-tv.blogspot.com/2010/04/blenheim-palace.html)
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