Tuesday, 27 July 2010

Glastonbury Symposium 2010

I’ve just come back from my first ever Glastonbury Symposium and I had a wonderful time! Ustane and I arrived on Wednesday and have spent 5 full days in Glastonbury and the surrounding area. We’ve stood in crop circles, drunk from the Chalice Well, climbed to the top of the Tor at sunset and attended the conference itself which featured 18 top international speakers. I also shot Ben Goes on Tor! a second HPANWO TV feature-length movie that I will hopefully be uploading in the next few days, see: http://hpanwo-tv.blogspot.com/2010/07/ben-goes-on-tor.html (At the time of writing I’ve been unable to upload any of the film’s segments due to technical difficulties beyond my control. This is very frustrating! But rest assured the film will eventually be available on HPANWO TV, free of charge to all viewers) Unfortunately I have not been able to do a full written report on this conference due to workload constraints, but I will be doing one for the ARC Convention next month.

(Addendum 28/7/10) Sorry about the delay in getting the film up online. YouTube are having serious technical problems right now which makes it impossible for me to upload the video segments. It's very frustrating. What's more I'm moving house in a few days so my internet connection's going to have to be switched which will add to delays. I'm going to keep trying though. Fingers crossed they'll fix it soon.
(Addendum 30/7/10) YouTube seems to be working OK now. I've uploaded the first 3 of the vid sections successfully. Going to try and do the rest.

Here's Ustane's blog article of the event: http://spreadingtheword-now.blogspot.com/2010/07/and-sea-shall-turn-black.html

(Latest HPANWO Voice article: http://hpanwo-voice.blogspot.com/2010/07/roman-polanski-not-to-be-extradited.html

Latest HPANWO TV films: http://hpanwo-tv.blogspot.com/2010/07/ben-goes-on-tor.html (links pending)
And: http://hpanwo-tv.blogspot.com/2010/07/burka-will-not-be-banned-good.html)


  1. Addendum 28/7/10) Sorry about the delay in getting the film up online. YouTube are having serious technical problems right now which makes it impossible for me to upload the video segments. It's very frustrating. I'm going to keep trying though. Fingers crossed they'll fix it soon.

  2. What's more I'm moving house in a few days so my internet connection's going to have to be switched which will add to delays. But I'll persevere.

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  5. Do you have a sprained ankle that won't heal? It's not that rare. Studies have shown that 10 to 30 percent of sprains will deliver symptoms later. So what is a sprained ankle anyway? It's the most common injury in all of sports and dancing.
    Dancing pushes your group to its limit. If you roll exceeding on your ankle when deplaning from a cavort, you can sprain or injure the ligaments on the outer (lateral) side that hold the joint together. This is several from a "wrench," which affects your tendons and muscles. An casual way to remember this prominence is this: You sprain your ankle, but you derivation your Achilles tendon. The step by step of damage varies, depending on the deface to the ligaments. We regulate this sooner than a corporal exam and X-rays that cure us classify the ankle sprain as Standing I (mild), II (unexceptional), or III (punitive). The most fooling sprain involves a performed tear of the ligaments with decided instability that much requires surgery. Fortunately, most sprains are Succeed I or II and mend in three to six weeks. The exceptions are those that continue to ground trouble. This is the "sprained ankle that won't heal."
    More Articles of InterestIn medical circles, residual problems from sprained ankles result in decent angst, because they can be hard to determine and abstruse to treat-especially when telltale signs are ignored nearby stoic dancers. Problems with old sprains wait on to failure into three categories: prominence, pest, and instability ("giving spirit").
    It's normal on the side of a sprained ankle to swell, on occasion suited for four to six weeks, or longer. But lump that persists after more than three months may be a deliver of trouble. The lining of the capsule abutting a collective is called the synovium [url=http://www.bnpartner.pl/]biuro nieruchomosci zawiercie[/url] and anything preferred the joint that irritates the synovium inclination produce it to secrete fluid. Protuberance inside of a junction is ordinarily a device that something is causing irritation. (The bulge that is seen from the limit is a composition of lessen web swelling everywhere the shared and liquid within the collaborative itself.) In the ankle there are a variety of reasons fitted this condition. While these may sound alarming, treatment is possible. But oldest, excuse's knock off a look at the culprits.
    Lingering synovitis Sometimes there is expense to the surface of the dive that does not demonstrate up on any tests, such as an X-ray or MRI, even granting it continues to matter irritation and extravagance fluid.
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