Internet Conspiracy forums are seldom good places to obtain useful information. However there are exceptions to that rule (And I’m not just referring to my own HPANWO Forum on the links column). On the 26th of June an unregistered poster from France “Anonymous Coward” (A soubriquet incidentally that would be an apt description of many Conspiracy Forum users!) started a new thread called Something just went BEZERK in the Gulf of Mexico- The US Navy just sunk a French Submarine! This title is usually shortened to simply BEZERK! ; here’s a link: http://www.godlikeproductions.com/forum1/message1113586/pg1 The site this was posted on is Godlike Productions, one of the Internet’s busiest conspiracy and paranormal forums. Sadly it doesn’t reach the same level of quality as it does quantity and I’m not a member. As you can see the second post in the thread was simply “Atheist” flagging the post as “Bullshit”, without even asking the opening-poster for an explanation! This is typical GLP conduct I’m afraid. If I’d been there I’d have asked a few questions. Unfortunately it takes a while for the conversation to progress from the ritual GLP drivel and settle down into actual exchanges of information. There are also several other members called “Anonymous Coward”. GLP allows people to post there without official membership and that name always appears in the post next to a user ID to tell them apart. The one we're interested in here is the opening poster with a flag of France in his profile box and the ID: 1011531. “Anonymous Coward-1011531” says he has a girlfriend who works at the French Embassy in America. She has a secure laptop connection to the US Department of Defence and has been telling “AC” what has been happening there. As you’ll no doubt be aware, on April the 20th, a couple of months before this thread began, the Deepwater Horizon oil rig exploded and caused the worst oil spill in history. The effects of the pollution are still being assessed and prognoses range from the inconvenient to the Apocalyptic. However, the information posted on the BEZERK! thread stir the pot even more. “AC” says that dozens of submarines from several different navies have converged on the Gulf of Mexico as a result of this incident. “AC” gives us live blow-by-blow coverage of the unfolding events, relayed from his girlfriend in America. The French submarine attacked was an SSN, nuclear-powered hunter-killer boat, called Amethyste; see: http://www.naval-technology.com/projects/rubis/ . It turns out a few hours later that the sub was not sunk, but just badly damaged. Many of her crew were injured. The attacker was a US Navy ASW helicopter, like a Sikorsky Seahawk. I expect it used some kind of depth-charge rather than a torpedo to force the boat to the surface. This worked and the Amethyste later surfaced in the Gulf. “AC” continues to post information despite torrents of ridicule and abuse from the GLP membership and other unregistered posters. The captain sent a message to his command stating that radiation levels on the surface were above normal. This could be a misunderstanding and “AC” means that the radiation in the submarine was above normal because of some damage to the nuclear powerplant, a very hazardous situation on a submarine. The submarine is then approached by a pair of patrol boats which radio the sub asking for permission to come aboard. The captain refuses and it quickly becomes clear that the boats are manned by a boarding party of US Special forces and they will not take no for an answer. The situation becomes ugly when two German submarines surface between the boats and the Amethyste and try to ram the two boats while another French assault ship heads towards the area with all dispatch. Later an Israeli submarine tried to intervene too. “AC” keeps the members posted through the following hours and days as the situation unfolds. It soon becomes clear why the Amethyste was attacked in this way; the submarine is carrying some kind of “cargo” that has been stolen from American territorial waters and the government wants it back. By now some of the more sensible members of GLP have started looking for solid evidence to back up “AC’s” story. They’ve been tracing ship movements; not the naval craft obviously, whose locations are always classified, but the merchant vessels that “AC” mentions. They also find reports of fishermen and leisure boat-users in the area who report strange activity going on. People living near local US Air Force bases and naval air stations report jets scrambling. The thread blossoms and is currently at almost a thousand pages. At just after 5 o’clock in the afternoon of the 26th of June the Amethyste’s captain reports that his sub has been boarded by US Special Forces and there’s a shoot-out. Eventually Nexus magazine (See links) gets hold of the story. Here’s an interview with the magazine’s editor, Duncan Roads, talking about the subject: http://radiooutthere.com/blog/2010/10/06/program-302/ . He would not have given this story this much publicity if he wasn’t convinced that there was something substantial in it. The following day “AC” reports that the entire embassy staff is at work even though it’s Sunday and security is as tight as it’s ever been before. Eventually he finds out a bit more about what this most coveted and sought-after cargo is. It’s some kind of extraterrestrial artifact, and it’s artificial! The captain also reports peculiar changes in local environmental conditions; weird sounds coming from the seabed, the quality of the water deteriorating. What happens next is a bit indistinct. “AC” relates that the Israeli sub opens fire on an American aircraft with her missiles; then it appears that the US aircraft fired first. The boarding attempt seems to fail and the Amethyste manages to make enough repairs to get underway and dive. They first transfer the mysterious cargo to another vessel, possibly one of the German submarines. What happens next is that most or all of the foreign assets manage to escape the clutches of the US Navy and eventually the American assets withdraw from the area. Then the next day the captain of the French assault ship relays a message from whichever unnamed vessel has the cargo that the cargo has “gone live” and the ship’s captain is asking from French task force command to jettison it. What does that mean?
Who is this “Anonymous Coward- 1011531” and is he telling the truth? Well there is hard evidence to back up some of his story. Duncan also claims to have made contact with other people in the know about this. It’s obvious and understandable that “AC” doesn’t want to be identified. His girlfriend is passing highly classified information to him from secure French government channels. If they were caught they’d both face many years in prison… if they were lucky! Many people will dismiss “AC” as a fantasist and a liar, despite the corroborating evidence, but I think to do this would be hasty. When you take a look at the world media today then it’s easy to see that if somebody did want to blow the whistle on secret activities and knowledge like this then the internet is probably the place where it would happen. This is why I always check out the “secret government film” of aliens and monsters on YouTube. If I had a secret film like that and wanted to get it out to the public YouTube is where I’d put it! I’d also contact internet researchers, like Jack did to me. See: http://hpanwo.blogspot.com/2008/07/jack-of-antarctic.html .
The latest information on this story is a theory that the “cargo” is some kind of alien sludge containing a hostile extraterrestrial life form and it’s spreading. It’s apparently leaking out of the Gulf of Mexico and trying to infect the entire Ocean. There has been no word at all from the mainstream media. This is a worrying and frightening story; it’s important not to accept every theory tabled about it just because the basics of the case pass scrutiny. This is an active and current affair and it’s still unfolding. If more stable and believable information comes out of it I’ll post it on HPANWO immediately.
Latest HPANWO Voice articles: http://hpanwo-voice.blogspot.com/2010/11/printer-cartridge-bomber.html
And: http://hpanwo-voice.blogspot.com/2010/10/thank-goodness-for-wikileaks.html
And: http://hpanwo-voice.blogspot.com/2010/10/my-first-ageless-birthday.html
And: http://hpanwo-voice.blogspot.com/2010/10/norman-wisdom-dies.html
Latest HPANWO TV films: http://hpanwo-tv.blogspot.com/2010/11/see-httpwww.html
1 – 200 of 216 Newer› Newest»Good post. Important info
Thanks, Ustane X
'The latest information on this story is a theory that the “cargo” is some kind of alien sludge containing a hostile extraterrestrial life form and it’s spreading.'
Reminds me of the 'black oil' storyline from the X-Files.
Wasn't aware of all this shenanigans till reading it here - cheers for the heads-up.
Your welcome, OF. Thanks for your comment. The story does sound a bit like one of these sci-fi horrors, The Abyss, X-Files etc. There's aRobin Cook novel called Abduction that seems to have a similar plot. This is why I'm dubious about some of the developments of this story. Something big did happene, there's no doubt; but can we say for sure what it is?
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My queries are: What amount can an agency legally cost you to let coverage holder out of his car insurance policy?
How much does your agency charge when somebody needs to terminate and how much pressure would you use to maintain them?
What are some tips something like that we can say if our consumer has several months remaining on his active automotive policy? Certainly, many of us are not going to hold back until his renewal comes due each and every time.
My concerns are: Just how much can an agency legally cost you to allow coverage holder out of his automobile insurance?
Just how much does your company cost when somebody wants to end and how much pressure do you use to continue them?
What are some tips something like that we can say if our client has several months still left on his existing automobile policy? Surely, we are not going to hold back until his renewal comes due each and every time.
My queries are: The amount can a company legally require to let a policy holder out of his car insurance policy?
How much does your company cost when a person needs to cancel and how much pressure would you use to hold them?
What are some tips something like that we can say if our client has many months still left on his current car insurance plan? Surely, all of us are not going to wait until his renewal comes due each and every time.
My queries are: Simply how much can an agency legally require to allow an insurance plan holder out of his vehicle insurance?
How much does your company cost when someone wishes to cancel and how much pressure can you use to hold them?
What are some suggestions or something we can say if our client has several months remaining on his existing auto plan? Definitely, we are not going to hold back until his renewal comes due each time.
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My inquiries are: How much money can a company legally require to allow a plan holder out of his insurance?
Just how much does your agency cost when anyone wants to terminate and how much pressure would you use to keep them?
What are some tips or something we can say if our client has many months left on his existing automotive insurance policy? Surely, all of us are not going to wait until his renewal comes due every time.
My inquiries are: How much can an agency legally cost to allow coverage holder out of his vehicle insurance?
What amount does your agency charge when an individual wishes to cancel and how much pressure can you use to keep them?
What are some tips something like that we can say if our consumer has several months left on his active automotive plan? Certainly, all of us are not going to wait until his renewal comes due each and every time.
My questions are: How much can a provider legally charge you to allow a plan holder out of his auto insurance?
Normally , how much does your agency charge when somebody wants to stop and how much pressure can you use to maintain them?
What are some tips or something we can say if our consumer has many months still left on his present motor vehicle plan? Definitely, we are not going to hold back until his renewal comes due each and every time.
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