Tuesday 4 August 2015

Bases 2015

The Bases Project was founded by Miles Johnston twenty-one years ago to investigate the claims of several individuals who came forward to say they had been involved with a secret military base which they say lies deep underground beneath the village of Peasemore in Berkshire. These claims are deeply disconcerting; activities on the facility are alleged to include kidnapping and extrajudicial imprisonment, illegal human experimentation, genetic engineering, mind control and covert research into UFO's and extraterrestrial life, see: https://thebasesproject.org/ and: https://www.youtube.com/user/megawatts1066. I've investigated Peasemore myself, see: http://hpanwo-tv.blogspot.co.uk/2013/10/peasemore.html. Since then Miles has carried out a large number of interviews and investigations and has produced films he calls the Bases series. The Bases Project, previously when amalgamated with AMMACH, has also hosted a number of public events, see background links below, but the most recent one was by far the most ambitious.

The Bases Project Film Festival and 2nd International Conference 2015 was a three day event held from Friday July the 31st to Sunday August the 1st. It brought in speakers from as far away as Germany and the United States of America, and delegates from locales such as the Netherlands and Switzerland. One man travelled overnight by coach from Oban, Scotland just to be there for the final afternoon session. My good friend Colin gave me a lift from Oxford; he lives in London and therefore I'm about half way there so he often picks me up when we're both attending events in the West Country. He had with him in the car Dr Robert Duncan whom he had to meet at the airport. Dr Duncan had just arrived after a long journey by air from Idaho USA and so was completely doped up with jet lag; he slept in his seat for most of the drive to Wiltshire. I was delighted at the prospect of the upcoming conference. As regular HPANWO readers will know, I never travel abroad and take few domestic holidays, but the UFO/conspiracy/paranormal conference circuit is my equivalent of that. This is despite the fact that they are often working breaks. At the last Bases event I was a speaker, see: http://hpanwo-voice.blogspot.co.uk/2015/06/bases-at-woodborough-ben-emlyn-jones.html. This time I was a judge in the Film Festival... as it turned out this was to be just the start of my involvement. The venue for this year's event was again a school, but a very different one to last year's traditional elite Illuminati induction centre with its esoteric ancient mound topped by a tank of polluted water. This time we were in the modern atrium of St John's International Academy, see: http://www.stjohns.wilts.sch.uk/. It was empty of pupils at this time of year. The conference was to be held in the theatre which had steep rows of folding seats like a lecture theatre, but it had a standard raised stage. As we arrived, Matthew Williams was exactly where I expected to see him, in the makeshift gallery at the front setting up his film and audio equipment. Miles Johnston was stomping around in Bermuda shorts and a tweed jacket with his face flushed and his white hair standing out like a lion's mane. "Where's the feckin' Blu-Ray remote!?" he bellowed in his Ulster brogue. "I left the fecker right here a minute ago on top of the feckin' projector for feck's sake!" Then the sweet anticipation I'd been feeling was satisfied as one old friend after another turned up and we had a happy reunion. The first speaker was David Hodrien (http://bufog.blogspot.co.uk/). The main conference wasn't due to start till Saturday, but Friday was the only day he was free so he was slipped into the schedule before the film festival. Dave gave a fascinating lecture about how music has been influenced by the UFO phenomenon. On my HPANWO Radio shows I sometimes play the 1947 song When you see those Flying Saucers, by the Buchanan Brothers, for example see: http://hpanwo-radio.blogspot.co.uk/2015/05/programme-136-podcast-roswell-slides.html, and according to Dave it's the first ever certified UFO song. However it was by no means the last and many established artists have written pieces of music inspired by UFO's and alien contact; including David Bowie, Jimi Hendrix and Bruce Dickinson. There are also some bands with a dedicated UFO theme like Element 115 and C.E.IV, whom I've seen playing live at the Weird 11 conference in Swindon. Many musicians have had encounters too, including some household names like John Lennon, see: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f9PgRl9ohA0. There's also a story told by Vernon Presley, father of the "King of Rock and Roll" Elvis Presley, that there was a UFO flying above the house when his son was born. There's a tragic element to this story because Elvis had a twin who was stillborn. He expressed grief for his lost brother his whole life and had a shrine built for him at Graceland. It's possible that his feelings contributed to his eventual nervous breakdown and premature death, see: http://hpanwo-voice.blogspot.co.uk/2015/02/is-elvis-alive.html. But is it possible there was a "walk-in" situation here, or attempt at one. Sometimes babies initially diagnosed as stillborn emerge alive and occasionally extraterrestrial influence could be the cause of this happy eventuality, as with Jason Andrews, see: http://5thworld.com/Jason/.
The Bases Project Film Festival was originally due to happen on a different date, but I think it was a good idea to have it consecutively with the main conference. The films began soon after David Hodrien's speech and I settled down with my notebook to watch them. Some of them are available free on YouTube, but I decided it wouldn't be fair to preview any of them unless I could do so for all of them. There were many entries out of which Miles selected ten nominations. The Dutch artist Mirjam Janse designed four beautiful trophies, three of which to give to the award winners, see above. The three categories were amateur, semi-professional and professional. The following is based on notes I made while watching the films. These are running observations based on a single viewing; I sometimes change my mind about a film after I've seen it more than once:
Beyond Apathy. Duration 5 mins 34 secs. Category: amateur. Dir. Anna Bragga.
A short film about the plans to introduce fluoridated drinking water into Bedfordshire. Serves as a good introduction to the dangers of fluoride. Will hopefully encourage viewers to find more details for themselves. Consists mostly of interviews with activists. (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ulrl8mYvwJM)
Voice from the Gasfields. Duration 1 hr 1 min. Category: semi-pro. Dir. Ian R Crane.
Ian is a personal friend of mine, but I didn't let this prejudice me. Covers the resistance to fracking in Great Britain and Australia. Sadly Australia is well advanced of the rest of the world and there's a warning that we must learn from the Australians' mistakes or we'll go the same way. Subtitle It started with just One Well indicates that. Good use of music and graphics. Ian has shot hundreds of lecture recordings, but this is his first feature film and that requires different skills. Good first effort. It was moving to hear about how the ordinary folk living in the Queensland forests have had their lives ruined by fracking. (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V3K0kV7UcME)
22 The Light Codes. Duration 34 mins 30 secs. Category: semi-pro. Dir. Jergen van Meeteren.
This was an animation. No narrative and was purely abstract. Featured beautiful graphics and was very dreamlike and hypnotic. Even psychedelic. Its imagery included fractals, crop circle-like patterns and mandalas. (http://www.earth-matters.nl/26/11286/spiritualiteit/the-light-codes.html)
Daisy Wheel Toruscope. Duration 7 mins. Category: amateur. Dir. Joanne Gray.
Another animation, much simpler this time. Has a lovely score; especially the opening piano solo. Illustration of a new discovery about how sacred geometry connects to the calendar, the hours of the day, astrology and astronomy. Even life cycles and plant seed growth. (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ozkYpO4vjbs)
Fight for Justice. Duration 5 mins. Category: amateur. Dir. John Walson.
Another good summary and introduction like Beyond Apathy. It's about a personal ordeal at the hands of organized child abuse by the state and religious institutions. Very disturbing, but dignified. Stylistically it resembles a movie trailer for a longer film. (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CIsPxt9zwS4)
Street Eyes. Duration 1 hr 15 mins. Category: pro. Dir. Ollie Marshall.
A fictional feature film. This covers a lot of important concepts rarely seen in Hollywood like Reptilians, demonic and angelic possession, indigo children, black-eyed humanoids, Area 51, zombies, men-in-black etc. The final scene is about the extraterrestrial abduction of unborn babies and was very disturbing. The narrative was slow-moving and tedious with some inept and botched attempts at humour. Acting and characterization were rather poor, but the actress who played Natalie wasn't bad. Technically it was very good. Well-composed score and sound effects, highly atmospheric. Excellent lighting and makeup. Some original and neat stylistic devices like designer crackling and lines on the screen. The ending was truncated, a bit anticlimactic. Could make room for a sequel? One of the minor characters was played by Stephen Bassett! (http://www.marshallfilm.com/)
Rush, Duration 1 hr. Category: semi-pro. Dir. Jane Clements.
Award winning film already, screened and Monaco and Cannes. All about the remarkable case of the "Fire Burn Doctor". Includes detailed testimonials of many people instantly cured of burns by the helpline. Interviews with Dr Philip Savage, the founder of the service. Amazing idea, but not enough info. Could have been longer and gone into more detail. Hope to see a sequel. (http://www.fireburndoctor.com/home)
Walk in Case. Duration 18 mins 29 secs. Category: amateur. Dir. Sandra Daroy.
Fiction. Tackles a lot of vital issues like the Djinn and implants. Mentions the late Dr Rauni Kilde. Very good score. Chilling scenes in the psychiatrist's office. The pub scenes were filled with background noise so the dialogue was hard to hear, but maybe that was the venue's audio. Was one of the characters based on Miles Johnston? (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7SicHiQAcXw)
Mind the Matrix. Duration 2 hr 14 mins. Category: pro. Dir. Christianne van Wijk.
Introduces various conspiratorial elements like GMO foods, vaccines, fracking etc. What's more the "Matrix" continues beyond death in a cycle of birth and rebirth. Interviews with Ian R Crane, Max Igan, Vinny Eastwood. Effective sinister score and sound effects. Resembles Voices from the Gasfields in style. Some of the scenes include different lighting effects within them. (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z30QqiA9s8U)
The Lake Drain. Duration 1 hr 23 mins. Category: pro. Dir. Jerry Griffin.
Another fictional feature film. Like Street Eyes it covers some vital esoteric subjects, including the hazards of CERN and the Large Hadron Collider. Features scenes that might be distortions of spacetime. Parodies of hillbillies. Very strange and offbeat. Surreal in both style and content. There's some humour, but is it intentional? A segment on deep underground military bases and an interview with the real Richard Sauder. The plot was hard to follow. I suspect the score and sound effects were all from a free music library. There are some weird sound effects inserted at odd moments, animal calls, helicopters and thunder claps. Spooky and a bit frightening in places. Intriguing movie. (https://www.youtube.com/user/PerformanceGallery/featured)
In the amateur category Fight for Justice won with Beyond Apathy as a runner up.
In the semi-professional category 22 The Light Codes won with Voices from the Gasfields as a runner up.
In the professional category Mind the Matrix won with Street Eyes as a runner up.
The viewing session was very long because we had short breaks between the screenings and in the end it even overlapped to the following day. Afterwards I got together with the other judges to make our decision. I know it's a bit of a cliché, but I mean it when I say standards were very high at this festival. I can honestly state, I did not dislike any of the films nominated and would happily watch any of them again. None of the films received no votes at all. The award ceremony was hosted by the woman I call "Jenny" in this article: http://hpanwo.blogspot.co.uk/2014/10/probe-autumn-2014.html. She is now a regular at alternative events and we've become firm friends. The award ceremony was filmed and during it she appears and partly reveals her identity, but I don't know yet whether this footage will be published so I will not. As I say in the link, she is a fairly famous media personality, and we all know what happens career-wise to people like that who stray from the directed conformist norm.
The conference suffered from a number of setbacks. Along with missing remote controls there were a few more technical hiccups, yet Matthew and Miles recovered from most of them and the show went on as it must. However when the main conference began on Saturday we were without a master-of-ceremonies. Danielle la Verité (see here for more details: http://hpanwo-radio.blogspot.co.uk/2015/05/programme-137-podcast-danielle-la-verite.html) had originally been booked but she had not turned up. It is no secret that Danielle suffers from agoraphobia, a psychological disorder that means she feels very uncomfortable leaving home. I approached Miles and offered to step into her place seeing I have experience of being an MC, see: http://hpanwo-voice.blogspot.co.uk/2014/12/mike-clelland-at-exopol-comms.html, and he agreed. I had some smart clothes in my bag and so got them out and ironed them. I had not put this set on for a few years as I'm not habitually a formal dresser, and to my frustration I found that they'd shrunk... I hope that's it anyway; the alternative is that I've grown! The trousers were completely indecent, but the shirt just went round me. However it left a draught gap at my midriff and constricted my throat a bit. So I wore that with my normal trousers and hoped I didn't look too silly. I also kept a hat on my head because photos and film of me without headgear tend to white out my scalp on camera, a bit like the snooker player Willie Thorne. My hat was white and therefore equally reflective, but I look less ridiculous with a hat whited out. Matthew said next time he'll give me some makeup! I wished Danielle a speedy and complete recovery and then took to the stage. Because of my MC duties I was not able to take notes of the speakers' talks so my reviews below will have to be brief. The first speaker was Daganac'h (http://www.ascendedavalon.com/#!daganach/c1enr) a beautiful Norwegian lady. She describes herself as an embodiment of the divine feminine and somebody dedicated to helping humanity return to divine natural law and order. I had got to know Daganac'h quite well because we were both staying at the home of a mutual friend. She is very likeable and friendly. We helped cook a dinner together after we arrived on Thursday night. She was originally an air hostess with SAS airlines, but had a spiritual awakening which changed her life. I'm glad to say that she is opposed to conventional secular feminism because I'm also a very harsh critic of it, see: http://hpanwo-voice.blogspot.co.uk/2015/04/anti-feminist-women-banned.html. As far as she's concerned, liberating women is about creating a spiritual balance and not just supplanting male domination with its female antithesis. Simon Miles (http://www.biblewheel.com/GR/GR_Database.php) gave a talk that might make you reconsider if you've decided that you've got crop circles sussed, whatever your personal conclusion. Simon has found that there are symbols encoded into more than one crop circle that appeared in the same area over a period of many years. These include a menorah, a ritual Jewish candlestick with seven heads, the famous "pi" crop circle and a strange decoding of the Bible called "the Bible Wheel". As you can see in the link above, the author Simon draws on has renounced his previous discoveries; would Simon's work make him think again? Unfortunately I had to swap hats during the next session and become a film judge again, so I missed most of the talk by Dr Emma Therese-Lewis (http://www.emmathereselewis.com/Introduction.html) which is a shame because she looks really interesting. Once I'd introduced her I just popped back in to call her to time and give her an outro. She's an academic and clinical psychologist who runs a private practice locally, so in the West Country perhaps that's not really mainstream and career-threatening. She was running one of the workshops at the event. Maria Wheatley (http://www.theaveburyexperience.co.uk/) was another speaker whose talk I had to miss in part. She lectured with her usual passion and eloquence about the ancient megalithic sites and her research into them. Interestingly, a bit of history here, I once met Maria a very long time ago in 199-something, long before I started HPANWO, when I went on a dowsing course at the Rollright Stones, Oxfordshire. I'd been invited along by a New Age pseudo-friend. She was accompanied then by her late father who shared her interests and skills. Harald Kautz-Vella (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HtAQdxowpYA) came all the way from Germany for a second visit in just a few weeks; he had shared the stage with me at the Woodborough event, see: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j88BcgzzcTc. He is a prolific author and covers a wide variety of interconnecting subjects from social engineering, cultural Marxism and mind control to chemtrails, the black goo and transhumanism. He believes our "bio-field" has been moved from non-linear empathic forms to binary, egotistical and left-brain centred forms, deliberately. Then after a tea break came the first in a double bill with our keynote speaker Dr Robert Duncan (http://projectsoulcatcher.blogspot.co.uk/), now with his circadian rhythm adjusted to British Summer Time. His speciality is transhumanism, the creation of cyborgs and how it relates to mind control. His research ties in well with Harald Kautz-Vella's although he is far less radical. In fact Harald and Dr Duncan had a long and very jargon-dense debate about mad cow disease during the Q and A's on both days. I asked him a question myself because he seemed to be giving out two different messages about transhumanism. During his two addresses he gave us multiple reasons to be concerned about how such high technology could be abused, but then went on to say how positive it was. How can such a subject be in any way positive without a social revolution beyond anything we can imagine? Max Igan puts it very pithily in his film about transhumanism; how much can we be transhumanized without losing our humanity? Especially when we have an elite which has none. The vision the ruling class might have for a cyborg future is likely to be very different to that of naive fools like Ray Kurzweil, see here for more details: http://hpanwo-voice.blogspot.co.uk/2013/09/bases-project-live-in-london.html. Saturday ended very late because the first speaker on Sunday, Dollie Indigostar (https://instagram.com/dolliepops1/) had to be shifted forward to Saturday at short notice. Dollie was certainly the most charismatic speaker. She is a very diminutive woman whose head barely comes above my waist but she is packed with energy. She glided up and down the stage in flowing movements wearing Gypsy pantaloons and lots of unusual jewellery. She talked about indigo children, whom we've all heard of, but also "golden", "crystal" and "rainbow" children. These are all "starseeds", humans with extraterrestrial souls, who are intended to bring healing and spiritual enlightenment to the world. This ties in eerily with David Hodrien's talk where he mentioned Elvis.
After the day's proceedings were over I shed my shirt and tie with relief. Colin and I headed for Knap Hill to watch the sunset and skywatch as we have before, see the links to my coverage of previous Bases events. The sun was shining although heavy cloud was rolling in. We didn't see any UFO's but did wonder at the glory of the full moon rising, tinted blood red by atmospheric filtering. I heard the voice of Douglas Adams, creator of Hitchhikers' Guide to the Galaxy, echoing in my head: "Isn't it enough to see that a garden is beautiful without having to believe that there are fairies at the bottom of it too?" I don't agree with Adams at all, in fact I think his point is pretty meaningless. I fantasize replying to him: "Is it necessary to disbelieve that there are fairies at the bottom of it in order to appreciate the garden's physical beauty?" I haven't paid Dr Steven Greer his five thousand dollars and so don't know the CE5 protocols, but I played a recording of David Griffin being interviewed on my mobile phone. However the UFO's did not flock to the sound of a familiar voice. While we were on Knap Hill, Colin and I filmed a "fast blast" video for Facebook, see: https://www.facebook.com/colin.woolford.3/videos/10204491616828533/.

The Bases conferences 2015 have taken place in a period of controversy for the organization. After the initial investigation of Barry King's claims related to the Peasemore base another man came forward professing knowledge, James Casbolt aka Michael Prince. He has just been sentenced to twelve years in prison for blackmailing and threatening his ex-wife and her family, and for stalking other women, see: http://www.cornishman.co.uk/Jail-St-Ives-dad-James-Casbolt-2m-blackmail/story-27499915-detail/story.html. I first met James Casbolt back in 2006 at the Probe conferences. Interestingly he had a girlfriend with him in those days, a blonde American called Haley, although according to the newspaper link the couple met four years later. Was this a different girl? How did a rich heiress like Haley Meijer end up marrying such an unlikely man? What's more his fast-tracked American citizenship papers and enlistment in the US armed forces seems unusually easy. A lot related to this story doesn't add up. Not least because of James' extraordinary personality change. Believe it or not, he used to be a cheery, happy-go-lucky character yet when I bumped into him again at last year's Bases at the Barge, see: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gKHBqlzz95U and background links above, he was transformed. He was cagey and dour. He seemed almost embarrassed to meet me. On stage he was very aphasic and evasive. Then I began hearing from some of my female friends that he had been harassing women online. It was inevitable that this subject would be tabled during proceedings at the conference. Another piece of news that emerged during the conference was that "Rowdy" Roddy Piper has died. The Scottish-Canadian wrestler turned actor is well known in the Conspirasphere for playing the lead in John Carpenter's incredibly meaningful film They Live, see: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-us-canada-33745636. I gave a few quotes from the movie from the movie on stage as a tribute to him.
Mirjam Janse (http://www.mirjamjanse.com/) opened the day's activities. She ad-libbed an uplifting and interesting lecture about healing, crop circles and aliens; and how they relate to our own bodies and souls. Mirjam also had a workshop running in one of the adjoining rooms. She is... if you were paying attention... the artist who designed the Film Festival trophies. Then came David Shayler (https://www.scribd.com/david_shayler) a former British intelligence officer who bravely spoke out against corruption and murder by the UK government. Hopefully this will serve as an example for other agents to follow. He talked about the law and how the UK judiciary is an unlawful institution that has stripped us of our constitutional rights under English common law. He also talked about the wonders of hemp and its predicted suppression. See here for a HPANWO Radio interview with Shayler: http://hpanwo-radio.blogspot.co.uk/2012/10/programme-19-podcast-david-shayler.html. Graham Harvey (http://grahamsquest.co.uk/) gave one of the best talks of the event. His subject is one I am fascinated by and consider one of the most important in the world: farming; because if we have no food nothing else matters. He explains how modern agriculture could be made so much less harmful if it went back to a "mixed" system of arable and livestock together rotated around different fields. Instead we have factory farms producing monoculture produce, toxic chemicals and genetically modified crops on the land. He didn't mention "terra preta", but off stage he and I talked about it, see: http://hpanwo.blogspot.co.uk/2008/06/terra-preta.html. Next we had an extended presentation by a couple, Max Spiers and Sarah Adams (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AIJrSQ6-9jk). They spoke both together in dialogue and as individuals about many subjects. They gave a bit of their own back story about their own unpleasant relationship with James Casbolt. Max has been involved with elite mind control projects while Sarah has had a spiritual awakening that has helped her deal with the troubles she's had in her life. Max and Sarah are a sweet couple who are very manifestly in love and who both have a vision for a better world.

When I gave my final address as MC, I warned the delegates about what was to come at the end of the conference. As I've said many times before, for example here: http://hpanwo.blogspot.co.uk/2014/10/probe-autumn-2014.html, the end of a good UFO/conspiracy/paranormal conference can be a surprisingly unsettling and gloomy affair. The closure of the event is very abrupt. Once we've had all the thank you's and goodbye's the lights go on, people get up from their seats and leave the theatre to begin their journey back to the normal world. After a weekend of being around people who understand and appreciate us for who we are, we all have to go back to our private isolated bubbles where everybody around us thinks we're crazy. It's difficult to describe to an outsider the camaraderie of the UFO/conspiracy/paranormal conference circuit. Events like those organized by Bases are very intense. The emotion, atmosphere and surroundings can be deeply intoxicating. A few of us hung around in the auditorium while Miles and Matthew hastily tidied up their equipment while Roger and Rosemary on reception did the same. I found myself feeling almost angry with these friends of mine, not because I dislike them; on the contrary, it's because I love them so dearly. I was angry because being separated from them made me feel the way it did. Angry that the conference couldn't just carry on indefinitely and we could just stay together. Some of them talked about heading down to the pub for a drink before going home, but I just wanted to get the painful parting over with and set a course for Oxford right away. In the end Jenny persuaded Colin and me to go to the pub. Once I was there I was glad I'd come and my spirits lifted a bit. The others were staying for a big organized dinner, but not me and Colin. We said a heartfelt goodbye to Jenny and left Marlborough. We were accompanied on the drive home by a jolly and talkative man whom I'll call "Tom" (not his real name). He lives in Kidlington, just outside Oxford, so he is one person on the scene I can stay in touch with locally. He wasn't going straight home though; we dropped him off at a lovely pub called the Gardeners Arms, one I used to go in regularly, where he was taking part in a pub quiz. He was very enthusiastic about us joining him for a "swift half" before leaving. However as I stood in the pub full of people hunched over their quiz sheets talking loudly I felt my surroundings closing in on me. I hinted to Colin that I wanted to get out of there right away. Tom meant no harm and I don't blame him; it was just the mental state I was in. I may be a big tough ugly ex-hospital porter, but I'm not invulnerable; I have my limits. Thank you very much to Miles, Matthew, Roger and Rosemary, and everybody else who made the Bases Project Film Festival and 2nd International Bases Conference 2015 happen. That includes all the speakers and delegates. I enjoyed every minute of it. The good news is that in a few weeks it's the Warminster 50 event, see: http://www.warminster2015.uk/ and a lot of the people at Bases are also going there, so we'll meet again very soon. Watch the HPANWO space for a report on that.


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