To begin with, I should precis the official line from Tacitus: Boudica was the queen-consort of Presutagus who ruled the Eceni as king. His land was nominally independent, but he had signed a deal with the Romans which effectively made him a puppet ruler. When Presutagus died there was a conflict between the Roman and native British probate law. Under native law Boudica would have become ruler in her husband’s stead, but Rome did not recognize this because she was a woman. Roman society was very male-chauvinistic and the idea of a queen or any woman with political power was totally alien to them. Presutagus’ kingdom was also heavily in debt to Roman bankers; which is so often the case in today’s world too. As a result the lands of the Eceni were seized and annexed by the Roman Empire. To hammer the message home a posse of Roman officers invaded Boudica’s homestead where they had her brutally whipped and her two daughters, aged just 10 and 11, gang-raped. As a result of this atrocity the British people were outraged, and especially Boudica herself, as any mother would be. She led her people in rebellion against the Roman establishment. Initially the insurrection went very well. Hundreds of thousands of warriors from many of the tribes united and wiped out several legions of the Roman army by ambushing them as they marched. They then descended on the Roman capital, Colchester, and totally raised it to the ground. All the buildings were burnt down and all the local people, seen as Roman collaborators, massacred. To this day, archaeologists can see the layer of ash and smashed masonry there that they call the “Boudica destruction layer”. Boudica’s army then went on to do the same to St Albans and London, which was a far smaller city then than it is today. The remaining two legions of the provincial garrison were deployed to the island of Mona, called Ynys Mon or Anglesey today, occupied on something that is of crucial importance to the thrust of this article that I will come back to later; they were trying to wipe out the Druids or “Dreamers” as the author calls them; I like that name and so will I here too. News reached their commander, the Governor Suetonius Paulinus, and he about-turned and hot-tailed it back east to deal with Boudica. The two sides met at a location that has never been pinned down, but it was probably somewhere in the West Midlands although all the suggested battlefields have been scourged by both professional archaeologists and metal-detector geeks, and have proven empty of detritus. Tacitus says that Suetonius set up a defensive position in a valley surrounded on 3 sides by thick forest. The Britons were very confident of victory, numbering over a quarter of a million warriors against a mere 22,000 legionaries. They dragged a line of wagons to seal off the entrance to the valley then advanced in to finish off the Romans. This was Boudica’s mistake. Up till now they’d been fighting a virtually unbeatable guerrilla war, but now she attempted to take on the Romans on their home turf, open-field battle. It didn’t work; the Romans’ superior armourment, skill and discipline turned the tables and the hunter became the hunted. As the Romans advanced the Britons tried to turn and flee, but they were caught in their own trap. The battle turned into a slaughter. Over 80,000 Britons were killed for the loss of only 400 legionaries and Roman rule in Briton was never seriously threatened again, right up until the fall of the Empire in the 5th Century. Boudica herself, drenched in despair by the end of her insurrection, poisoned herself. Her grave is unknown, if she even had the luxury of a proper funeral in the turbulent times after the battle when her people were all on the run. But as with the battle, various sites have been suggested, including underneath Kings Cross Station.
That’s the official line, the party line that would make the Emperor’s chest swell with pride at the Glory of Rome. But Manda Scott points out the account’s predictable flaws in her books. Her description of Boudica’s last battle, although it is a still a defeat for her, is far less one-sided. The Britons take on the Romans with far more competence and restraint and in the end it is a near thing. Boudica’s suicide sounds to the author another example of Roman anti-female bigotry. It’s the kind of thing a feeble-minded Roman matron would do to avoid dishonouring herself, but to Scott this doesn’t fit in with the warrior that Boudica was. In the book Boudica is mortally wounded while fighting and died a few days later in a Dreamers’ cave. The background to the insurrection is also wrong according to the author. The scourging that Boudica suffered along with the rape of her daughters sounds more like a pre-crucifixion ritual. The reason she was about to be crucified was that she was planning the very rebellion which Tacitus claims was a result of that punishment; reverse cause and effect. However the idea that this was a carefully-planned and forthought action by a female insurgent conflicted with the Roman view of the world. Far better to present her as being in the throes of reckless maternal enragement. Before crucifixion people were flogged, like Jesus was, and young girls were often raped to make sure they were not virgins; law forbade the execution of virgins. So why was Boudica and her family not crucified? In the book Corvus, a Roman officer who is a friend of the tribe steps in to stop the killing at the last minute. This is probably what really happened; although the one who stopped it needn’t necessarily have been a friend; maybe just someone of senior rank who disagreed with the sentence.
The first book in Scott’s quartet is about Boudica’s childhood and the life she and her people lead before the Roman invasion. Her account is based on the scant and far-from-impartial historical testimonies like those of Caesar and Tacitus, along with modern archaeological studies. Far from being “barbarians” like the Romans used to portray anyone who was not Roman, the pre-Roman Britons had a very stable society. They were Celts who were not in any way culturally related to today’s English; in fact their modern descendents are the Welsh, Scots and Irish. They were a warrior culture who often fought and they made very sophisticated weapons of high-quality iron. In fact in the book there’s a scene where a smith adds charcoal to some molten iron to make it stronger: steel in other words! Despite the fact that they fought with each other, for the pre-Roman Britons war was fought under a carefully-worked and universally-accepted code-of-conduct which resembles that of Mediaeval knights. These rules of chivalry were never breached, even at the cost of defeat. Innocent bystanders were never harmed and also a full-scale battle could be averted if the two leaders chose to engage in single combat. The outcome of this duel was final and all parties would stand down with the winner of the duel being declared the winner of the battle. The Roman code-of-conduct in warfare was far more like modern one, in other words there was no code-of-conduct. In the scene where the Romans first invade Boudica’s cousin challenges a Roman officer to a duel and when he wins he naively assumes that this means the Romans would withdraw; this is what he is used to in war. But instead he is immediately cut down by a javelin and the legions just continue to advance, glad that they tricked their enemy into sacrificing one of their warriors. Innocent people were constantly slaughtered in horrific punishment-massacres by heavily-armed, “brave” legionaries. This is no doubt the real motive for the rebellion.
“Boudica” actually means “victory” and survives in the modern Celtic languages as words like the Welsh Buddug (something I soon hope to be yelling at the upcoming Six Nations Rugby tournament!). In the book this is a nickname given to her during the rebellion. Her real name is Breaca, which is related to the modern Celtic name Bridget. Her people are an indigenous Shamanic culture, and this is where we come to my main reason for writing this article: I’m pretty sure that they were pre-Illuminati. Not that there wasn’t an Illuminati presence in their society; I’m sure there were attempts at infiltration. In fact in the recent film of Boudica (http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0338806/) Presutagus is assassinated by Magior the Dreamer, who fits the profile of a Roman, and therefore Illuminati, secret agent (a character similar to Heffydd in the book, a fraudulent Dreamer who influences the king Cunobelin). But the political and military leadership of that society was not Illuminati-occupied. The Roman Empire most certainly was Illuminati-occupied. It was used as a vehicle to advance Illuminati rule, just like other empires were, both before and after Rome. The Roman Empire was the first time that the Illuminati made a significant presence for themselves in Western Europe and it was here that they first encountered indigenous Shamanic spirituality. I often wondered why the Romans were so Hell-bent on exterminating the Dreamers. In other regions they usually stayed out of matters of faith and let it be as a question of personal choice. There’s the famous scene in the Gospels where Pontius Pilate refuses to intervene in the decisions of the Pharisees. I wrote an article several years ago, before the advent of HPANWO which I published on forum, called Boudica’s Last Stand which is now something rather embarrassing for me because I indulged in some reckless speculation over how the Romans maintained their grip over Britain. I was far wide of the mark, but there’s no doubt that this island was vital to them and they were willing to go to almost any length to keep it under their banner. The Roman province of Britannia was a massive white elephant, costing far more than it ever returned; an entire quarter of their military power was spent on just this one part of the Empire. No wonder there were calls throughout the occupation to abandon it. But those who made the political decisions desperately hung onto the island against all opposing voices, both in Rome and in Britain itself. Maybe this was for occult reasons, and it ties in with what some researchers say when they describe Britain, especially southern England, as a massive global energy centre, the “Heart-Chakra of the Earth”. This, it is claimed, is why most crop circles appear there. Plans may have already been laid to create London in the form we know it today, the operational nerve centre of the global Illuminati web. How did the suppression of the Dreamers fit into the Roman’s strategy? When you think about it, it can’t have helped in the "winning-of-hearts-and-minds" that every foreign ruler needs to keep control, in an asset that was already under serious jeopardy. What was it about the Dreamers that was such a threat to Roman rule? Or… was the suppression of the Dreamers part of a much wider, international and more long-term plan of action, one that not all of the Roman Elite knew about? The abolition of the Dreamers was ordered by the Emperor Claudius in 54AD and the justification for this was that they practiced human sacrifice and there are gruesome descriptions of this from Tacitus. There’s no way of knowing if this accusation was true or whether it was an invented excuse by the Romans to justify their actions, the “weapons of mass destruction” of its time. The annihilation of the Dreamers in Britain is a heartrending story. The Romans attacked the Dreamers’ sacred island of Mona, Anglesey, and cut down the sacred groves. The Dreamers tried to hold them back with curses, but those who didn’t flee were killed. The book presents a happier tale; the Romans fail to land on the island and most of them drown swimming back when the Dreamers fill the air with poisoned smoke. The people of Mona also evacuate much of their population to safety in Hibernia, Ireland, which may well have happened in real life. Scott’s descriptions of Mona reminds me of Tolkien’s beautiful Elf city of Rivendell. It has a sacred round house and ancient standing stones dating back millennia before the Dreamers, some of which still stand today. It’s likely that the Dreamers persisted for a while as an underground movement before they disappeared completely during Roman occupation. They continued to survive in areas not under Roman rule in Scotland, and in Ireland, but the early Christian missionaries put an end to that, and that is why I think there’s much more to the story. I believe that the Dreamers were exterminated because they were an indigenous Shamanic religion. Why? Because all the Illuminati-occupied governments of the world in history have tried to extinguish Shamanism. These pogroms are always portrayed as separate, unconnected actions, but they were not. They were part of a long-term global agenda, a perennial holocaust.
The Romans exterminated Shamans because they said they were conducting human sacrifices; after the fall of the Roman Empire the Christian Church exterminated Shamans because they said they were the apostles of the Devil. Christian missionaries in the 5th and 6th centuries “spread the word” into the areas of the British Isles that Rome had failed to conquer during the Empire. I remember during my teenage years as a Catholic, before I got my head out of my arse and left the church, being told the story of the missionary Patricus Sucatus, aka St Patrick, a name that is revered in Ireland. One of my church's lay-preachers told of how Ireland was populated by “savage pagans” who were little more than human rats before Patrick bought the “Light of Christ” to them. In fact Patrick was unique among early missionaries in that at least he never used violence! Other missionaries around the time brought brutal mercenaries with them, paid a kings ransom from the vast coffers of the Vatican to pillage, rape, burn and crucify Ireland into a Christian nation. The tale of the Dreamers of Ireland and how they fell is fictionalized wonderfully in a trilogy of Wanderers books by the Australian writer Caiseal Mor (http://www.mahjee.com/). 500 years after Boudica we see history repeat itself. But it doesn’t end there!
1500 years after Boudica Spanish Conquistadors led by Hernan Cortes and the Pizarro family invaded the Americas and the story of what happened there is virtually a mirror image of the Boudica story: the banning and exterminating of native medicine men, political and financial manipulation and playing different tribes off against each other by favouring some and rejecting others. The equivalent of Boudica was the erstwhile puppet king Manco Capac, who led a revolt against Spanish rule. In a famous speech he gave at the sacred city of Machu Pichu, the equivalent of Mona, he said: “They will force you to worship their god.” which shows that the conquest was spiritual in nature. Because the Conquistadors were much more recent we have far more historical information on it than we do for Boudica and the Romans, and thankfully the genocide didn’t quite succeed this time allowing the native account to survive, so it is interesting in our imaginations to cut-and-paste what happened in the Americas under the Spanish in the 16th Century onto what happened in Britain during the 1st. See this excellent three-part series with Michael Wood on the subject: http://www.amazon.co.uk/CONQUISTADORS-Michael-Wood/dp/B001JJH1US/ref=sr_1_3?ie=UTF8&s=dvd&qid=1264325954&sr=1-3 This aversion to indigenous spirituality continued during the centuries between the 16th and the 20th, with the actions of the British Empire in Africa and Australia. The Zulu Credo Mutwa (See: http://hpanwo.blogspot.com/2009/08/alien-abduction-similarities.html) explained how the African natives were softened up for conquest by mysterious agents who infiltrated them before the main forces arrived and how the British and Dutch settlers “milked the minds of the Sangomas (Shamans) and then killed them”. Even in the 20th and 21st Century this aversion takes form, albeit in a form more subtle, with the attacks on the nearest thing we have in our society to Shamans, Spiritualist mediums, by Harry Houdini, James Randi and other Skepsters (See: http://hpanwo.blogspot.com/2009/05/houdini-code.html and http://hpanwo.blogspot.com/2008/08/psychic-mafia-by-m-lamar-keene.html). A medium, Helen Duncan, was even jailed during the 1940’s, although that might have also been because her spirit contacts were giving away World War II secrets.
I see the renewed interest in Spiritualism, Paganism and Shamanism as a good sign, a sign that the grip the Illuminati has had over us is slipping. So why is it that the Illuminati have this knee-jerk aversion to Shamanistic spirituality? To be honest I’m not entirely sure and I’m still thinking about it. Maybe HPANWO-readers can help me here by telling me what you think in the comments boxes or HPANWO Forum. But the vehicle the Illuminati have used, Western Globalist Society, is unique among civilizations for its rejection of the Spiritual. We are the first society on Earth to be almost totally founded by the Material and Rational. What David Icke calls “This-world-is-all-there-is”. Of course there is the official organized religions, and these are heavily promoted, not suppressed at all; but as far as I can tell these official religions seem to be structures designed to undermine and confuse any natural Spiritual urges that might surface in our minds. The Illuminati need us to be completely focused on what is going on in the physical world; it sounds like putting blinkers on a horse, and it is actually. This is an interesting field of study for me, and it’s useful to know, when I’m listening to the various photogenic and media-eloquent promoters of Skepperism and Materialism, that their feet, in their TV studio-polished shoes, rest on a huge mountain of charred and mutilated corpses dating back at least 2000 years. As Bill Hicks used to say: “Life is just a ride… but we kill those good guys who tell us that and let the demons run amock!”
Latest HPANWO Voice Story: http://hpanwo-voice.blogspot.com/2010/01/deek-jacksons-mba-restored.html)