Thursday, 27 May 2010

"Billions Will Die- We Will Win!"

This rather humorous documentary by Louis Theorux is a good introduction to the Survivalism phenomenon; as you’ll know by now if you’re a HPANWO regular, I share a lot of Bo Gritz’ and Steve Quayle’s views about the New World Order. However if you watch on you’ll see that these unusual people come in all shapes, sizes and shades: . The core of the Survivalist movement is the American conservative and patriot culture, but in the dark underbelly you’ll find right-wing extremists and neo-Nazis with whom I share no common ground. The title of this article is the catchphrase of Soren Renner, a strange blend of environmentalist, intellectual and white supremacist. Here he is delivering a lecture in front of a portrait of Adolf Hitler: . The symbol on his T-shirt is the flag of his proposed Aryan homeland of Europia, which includes all countries where white people live. At the end of the lecture you’ll hear him quote Pentti Linkola about whom I’ve written a HPANWO article: .

Survivalism began during the Cold War when global civilization was under constant threat of nuclear annihilation. I remember as a child that some of the people who lived in our hometown of Lampeter, a remote location in west Wales, used to tell us how they’d come from the big cities because they were major targets in the nuclear war that they were sure would one day break out. Since the end of the mass nuclear standoff of the Cold War Survivalism continued, but its participants’ fears changed. Today they are motivated by a dread of any number of nightmarish proposed scenarioes: a Biblical disaster, like in the Book of Revelations; the rise of a Jewish or Black Nationalist regime that intends to exterminate all white people; a pandemic of natural or terrorist-created disease; a massive natural disaster like a climate catastrophe, volcanic eruption, meteor impact or tsunami; financial meltdown, economic depression, the return to barbarism and cultural atrophy; the emergence of a political tyranny like a fascist or Communist revolution or the New World Order, a Peak Oil apocalypse and 2012-ish prophesies (see: Some Survivalists fear more than one or even all of the events on this list. The only one of the above that I think justifies any serious concern is the New World Order problem, but is Survivalism a good way to cope with it? I’ll address that question later.

The one thing all of these folk have in common is that they believe wholeheartedly that one or more of these developments is definitely going to take place and they want to survive and be safe until the crisis is over and then they can rebuild the world in happier times. Survivalists often come from established backgrounds of conventional lives until they “wake up”, like many of the people Louis meets in the film above. The usual method of becoming a survivalist is to separate oneself from the infrastructure of conventional society; EG: growing your own food instead of buying it, generating electricity at home instead of hooking up to the National Grid. Sometimes Survivalists remain in an existing human habitat, like the characters in the TV comedy show The Good Life, which I’ve written about before, see: . However most of them don’t consider this viable; firstly because large cities and towns might be destroyed by whatever threat they hope to survive, and secondly because of the danger posed by the other people in the community who, panicking, starving to death and free from the forces of Law and Order, may attack and rob the Survivalists of their cherished caches of supplies. So Survivalists tend to move to remote and inaccessible locations, small villages in rural areas etc; and they might even found their own communities, like “Almost Heaven” in the film. Most of them will arm themselves and take other precautions against violent attack, like keeping the locations of their supplies, shelters or underground bunkers a secret. This is not only to keep them safe from the government forces, but also from their fellow non-Survivalist citizens who will be desperate, frightened and starving. A Survivalist must be hard-hearted, and willing to follow Pentti Linkola’s advice and “hack at the hands on the gunwales of the lifeboat”.

Survivalist skills are very wide-ranging and cover several disciplines, and are the subject of much discussion, books, websites and conferences, see: . They include: combat, armed and unarmed, and paramilitary organizing; escape and evasion tactics and tracking; nuclear, biological and chemical warfare defence; organic smallholder farming; hunting and gathering, living off the land, shelter-building etc; home medicine and first aid, herbal pharmacology; water processing and waste disposal; long-distance communication, leaving coded messages to other Survivalists, short-wave radio etc; electricity generation and home mechanics. As Louis discovered, there are specialized shops that sell Survivalist equipment. One member of the David Icke Forum called “Tracker” is particularly keen on this subject and writes long articles and discussion threads about it, EG: . He or she is full of advice on what to do “WTSHTF” (When The Shit Hits The Fan).

I’m not a Survivalist. I don’t have so much as a tin of sardines or a birthday cake candle stored; I have no weapons, no hut in the forest, no bunker in the mountains. You see, I find the mentality of the Survivalist disturbing, even if they are proved right. Even if something does happen in the future that makes it prudent to become one of them, I still hate the thought of it. As I said, I don’t believe we need to fear any of the above scenarioes, or at least fear them any more now than at any other period in history. Sure meteors could impact the Earth, volcanoes could erupt, but the only real danger we face today is man-made (or Reptilian-made if you prefer). Pandemics, financial meltdown, Peak Oil, civil disorder etc are all engineered by the Illuminati. This means that they are preventable; we can do something to stop them. But we will do nothing to stop them if we just run away from them. So Survivalism is actually a form of surrender. It’s fatalistically admitting that the New World Order is coming and we’re helpless to stop it, so the only way we can save our own lives and those of our family is to dig in and guard the rear. No! It won’t work! The only hope the human race has for any kind of future is for us to turn around and take this conspiracy head on, now, right where we are at this moment. Expose it, fight it and put an end to it! The problem I perceive with Survivalism has been well-illustrated by the tragedy of Ruby Ridge. In 1992 a Survivalist called Randy Weaver and his family were confronted by a Federal hit-squad. Weaver had failed to appear in court on a firearms charge and so the forces of government attacked his hideout in the forests of Idaho. His son and wife were shot dead during the 12-day siege before he surrendered. Here’s a detailed 50-minute documentary of what took place: . I sometimes wonder how different things could have been for Randy Weaver and his family if they had stayed in the city they lived in and challenged the New World Order in their existing lives among their current friends, neighbours and colleagues.

(Latest HPANWO Voice article:

New HPANWO TV film:


Anonymous said...


Good article- you have put down in words what I think about survivalists . I have met a couple of English survivalists and they are very similar to martial arts participants and bodybuilders ie: paranoid .

Charles Manson and his gang were early survivalists who were convinced there was going to be a race war in the USA and when it was over Manson intended to rise from his lair to become the ruler of the new America . Look what happened to him .

It is an attempt to run from their Self and Life but as the saying goes 'wherever you go, there you are ' or something like that .

I don't i'll last long as I only have half a can of baked beans in the fridge at the moment !



Ben Emlyn-Jones said...

Hi Frank,

So long as they're Heinz!

Thanks for your comment; glad you liked the article. I know what you mean; there are a lot of Survivalists, or semi-Survivalists in England today. See my review of AV4; there was a bit of that mentality there.

Soren Renner sounds to me, like many far-rightists, not somebody who's got where he is because he's "evil" or full of hate, but through a sense of fear and inevitability. He is deluded into thinking that his way is necessary for survival. But Peak Oil and Overpopulation are myths! Both are irrelevant when one considers the secret technology hidden from us.


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Anonymous said...

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Thank you for the article, really useful data.

Lemsip said...

I think a different kind of preparedness is needed to the gung ho American style version. If everybody had a basic level of preparedness in stocking non perishable food and every day essentials such as toiletries and candles then we would have less to fear from people who haven't prepared as they would be in the minority.

I'd rather stay where I was and fight the NWO but that it isn't easy either. I do my best by reading blogs like this and keeping up with truther videos and spreading the word. Also either not watching television or cutting down drastically is the first step so that the NWO cannot enter your consciousness like a parasite so as to keep your mind clear and positive for fighting the NWO.

It's not just the NWO we need to be aware of but also cosmic forces such as electro magnetic pulses which can attack the grid.

Lemsip said...

There are definitely psychopaths and narcissists in the survivalist movement and they are to be wary of, avoid like the plague and not to emulate. They tend to be also very angry and aggressive people hating anybody not like themselves. The men tend to be very sexist as well. All they are good at is buying lots of stuff, shooting at anything that moves and having a year's supply of tinned food, beer and chocolate in their garages. They tend to eat junk anyway and aren't big on fresh fruit and vegetables so aren't that good at growing food or making things from scratch.

Better to combine preparedness with permaculture and learn to make do and mend while building up communities where you live. That's more the British way.

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