Wednesday, 8 September 2010

Bathing into History- Part 3

(In loving memory of Jerry E. Smith)

Wilhelm Reich and UFO’s
By Kenn Thomas
I first met Kenn Thomas in 2008 where he appeared at the Beyond Knowledge Conference in Liverpool, see: . My first encounter with him this time was outside the venue. I saw a bearded man walking towards me who looked a bit familiar, but what drew my eye was his Robert Anton Wilson T-shirt. It said on it: “If you can read this, then you are the Pope”, one of the classic “Discordian” quotes. I warmed to him immediately; any RAW fan is a friend of mine! Kenn runs the Steamshovel Press website and is famous for inventing the term “parapolitics” as an alternative to the pejorative “Conspiracy Theory”. I personally think the better way to deal with dysphemistic language is to use and reuse it in a positive context until it is stripped of its negative power. We see this in America where black people have started referring to themselves as “niggers” and homosexuals now call themselves “queer”. It really bursts the bubble of anyone who subsequently tries to use those words as insults! Kenn began his speech by paying homage to Jerry E Smith. Jerry had been at the Liverpool event with Kenn and had given a great speech about weather warfare. I only recently found out that Jerry died in March, see: . Oddly enough his friend and colleague Jim Keith died in 1999 in similar circumstances; and although Kenn doesn’t commit himself to the possibility of foul play he doesn’t dismiss it either. Jerry’s death came just one month before the BP Disaster and this does sound very convenient because he would have had a lot to say about that. Kenn showed a filmed lecture by Jerry on the auditorium screen. If I remember correctly Jerry’s views on Chemtrails vacillated somewhat. He said at Liverpool that Chemtrails were just planes' jet condensation, but in the interview he talks about plans to sprinkle fragments of silver into the upper atmosphere to reflect the sun’s rays as a supposed anti-global warming project. Such a thing could be kept secret from the public and coopt the pilots and other people involved. They could be told that it’s a secret plan to stop global warming that the decadent public would never allow through Parliament; but at the same time, seeing as man-made global warming is a load of crap, the real purpose for the Chemtrails could be very different and the pilots would not be briefed into their real purpose, a secret within a secret. Jerry reckoned that the project had been abandoned for legal problems, but when has concern for the law ever stopped them before!? Jerry described other proposals considered to fight this non-existent threat, some bordering on science-fiction. Mirrors and lenses in space and nuclear-powered ships sailing back and forth spewing up clouds of evaporated seawater. Jerry said that the New World Order is composed of two Elitist groups that are apparently in opposition but cooperate at a higher level. He calls them the “Banksters” and the “Watermelons”. The Banksters are the ones we’re most familiar with, right-wing financial power-brokers who entrap Third World countries in debt, organize wars in the Middle East and raise our taxes whenever it rains twice in the same month. But only a minority of Conspiracy researchers consider the other faction, the Watermelons. Jerry calls them that because they’re green on the outside and red on the inside. On the surface they tend to lead the environmentalist movement and in private they are left-wing extremists, usually Marxists. What makes them so dangerous is that their threat is more subtle and harder to spot. What’s more some anti-authoritarian activists will even see them as allies! They are considered by some to be the solution to the NWO, while they are actually one of its causes. No anti-establishment movement would ever affiliate themselves with the Banksters, but sadly many do with the Watermelons. Watermelons oppose the actions of the Banksters vehemently and profess hatred for them, yet at the same time they calculate ways of sterilizing and culling the population, financially crippling people with “Green Tax” and even imprisoning them in “Eco-Camps”; they sound very similar to those two men on the train actually. Their message is spelt out on the mysterious Georgia Guidestones, see: and see Pentti Linkola too: . They and the Banksters despise and vilify each other. They fight bitter and venomous political, and even literal, wars against each other; and yet these are two oxen that pull the cart of the New World Order. One could not function without the other. At the heart of the Watermelons are a super-elite who are not even green or red, they are black! These are the Satanic Illuminati. So we really should change the name of the Watermelons to “M&M’s” because they are green outside, and then have a red layer, but they have an invisible black core. But, guess what? The same Illuminati who are the heart of the Watermelons also run the Banksters! With that in our minds, Jerry then asked us to think about the Earthquake experiment in Nevada just before World War II which could have made the A-bomb obsolete. This was matched by another experiment in New Zealand called “Project Seal” which tried to produce an artificial Tsunami to be used as a weapon of war, see: . This was tested in 1946 and the American OSS, forerunner of the CIA, stole it. Was the 2006 Tsunami that killed hundreds of thousands of people a part of this project, continued for 60 years in secret and then tested? The loss of life would please the Watermelons no end and guarantee their cooperation for that reason alone. Then Kenn ended the film and started speaking himself. He describes the mysterious link between Wilhelm Reich and the US Government. I’ve written about Reich before, see: . Wilhelm Reich was an innovative and revolutionary scientist who’s genius was cut short in 1957 by the powers-that-be in finance, medicine and energy production. He was born in 1897 on a Ukrainian farm and became one of the first psychoanalysts, studying with the famous pioneer Sigmund Freud, but unlike Freud he believed that sexual energy was a real energy, not just a metaphor for a psycho-biological drive. He named this energy “Orgone” and soon set up experiments to isolate it. He invented instruments that could detect it and used to observe volunteer couples having sex in his laboratory, an action that was predictably misinterpreted by the sleazy media and was used by his enemies to smear him in later life. His ideas caused him, like Carl Jung, to leave Freud’s inner circle and venture out on his own. In 1942 he built a huge laboratory complex in Maine called Orgonon; today it houses the Wilhelm Reich Museum and is open to the public. There he continued his work for a number of years, building motors that ran on Orgone and developing successful medical treatments. He also became curious on how Orgone affected the weather and built a machine called a "Cloudbuster" that could make it rain or indeed stop it if you liked. In 1953 there was a terrible heatwave and drought in the eastern United States and Reich became a household name among farmers as he traveled up and down the country creating rainstorms, apparently out of thin air with his Cloudbusters. Unfortunately this brought Reich to the attention of the authorities; these are people who have a vested interest in humanity being hungry, poor, sick, bored, demoralized and in want. He was attacked by many so-called “respectable” scientists and eventually criminally charged. A court ordered that his papers be burned and his machines smashed. Reich himself was imprisoned on a trumped-up state border violation technicality. His health had suffered as a result of the stress he’d been subjected to and this last insult was too much for him. He died on November the third 1957. Kenn has found out that the US Government actually took an interest in Reich’s work before his downfall. There was a strange event in February 1954 when President Eisenhower disappeared for a few hours. UFOlogists have sometimes claimed that he was taken to Wright Patterson Airbase to see the Roswell wreckage, but maybe there’s another possibility that is also connected to UFO’s, it’s just as interesting and equally secret. Eisenhower went to Orgonon to see Reich. Towards the end of his life and career Reich became interested in UFO’s and thought that there might be a connection between them and Orgone energy. He had several close encounters when the Cloudbusters were running and even today Cloudbuster-operators relate how the devices attract UFO’s. Reich discovered that there are two kind of Orgone, the positive Orgone that he’d already discovered and Deadly Orgone Radiation, or DOR, that can make people sick and even kill them. This is why using a Cloudbuster or Accumulator box is risky and should not be undertaken unless you’re fully qualified to use them. Reich once trained the Cloudbuster on a UFO and believes he damaged it as a result. This might be why the American Government was so keen to pick his brains; they’ve always been all over anything that can be used as a weapon like a rash! Reich also visited Roswell and commented on the 1947 incident and so it is wrong for the Skeptics to call it a virtual non-event before Stanton Friedman found Jesse Marcel. The Cutler-Twining Memo of July 1954 refers to a meeting at which UFO’s were discussed; this was just six months after the strange lacuna in Eisenhower’s schedule. Perhaps Reich’s downfall was caused by his refusal to cooperate with the Government in their hopes for a weapon development. It would fit with his personality because Reich was a former Communist and remained something of an anarchist all his life; he would probably not have wanted his research to be used for military purposes. Kenn thinks Eisenhower’s famous “Military Industrial Complex” speech might have been inspired by the Reich affair. Kenn then went on to talk about another mysterious connection, that between the Kennedy Assassination and the Maury Island UFO sighting. Maury Island is an island in the picturesque backdrop of Puget Sound in Washington State in the far northwest of the United States. Yet in June 1947 a boat sailing near the island was attacked by UFO’s. They dropped what seem to have been red hot pieces of metal onto the vessel, killing a dog and injuring one of the crew. Later on the skipper, Harold Dahl, was approached by one of the Men-in-Black, one of the earliest ever reported encounters with them, who warned him not to talk about what had happened to him. Dahl refused and related the incident to a friend of his, Fred Crisman. If you think that name sounds familiar you’re right because Crisman was one of the “tramps” detained at Dealey Plaza after JFK was shot (Here are the UFO Hunters investigating the Maury Island encounter: ). There are so many theories as to who killed Kennedy and why, that it’s easier to ask: who didn’t kill Kennedy? It was either the Mafia or the anti-Castro Cubans or Lyndon Johnson or the CIA or the Ulster Loyalists or J Edgar Hoover or Boeing because he cancelled their fighter contract or… anyone. Many individuals and organizations had cause to want JFK dead. Kenn explores a complex link between the events of Maury Island and that murder in Dallas 16 years later. I didn’t follow all of it unfortunately. Kenn reeled off a whole series of names and places. Obviously he is inviting us to make note of what he said and to look for the details ourselves; something which I have not yet done, but when I have I’ll let you know. Here’s an article by Kenn about Crisman and Maury Island: . Kenn is a very feet-on-the-ground kind of researcher who has a very scientific attitude to Conspiracy research, but there’s no way he’d wear a RAW T-shirt unless he was also interested in the more esoteric and spiritual side of the discipline. His tribute to Jerry E Smith was very touching. I was very sorry to learn of his death and I’d like to add my own appreciation for Jerry and the contribution he made to our future world of truth and human freedom.
“Where shall we eat?” asked the woman. She and the man saw a KFC on a street near the venue. The Stepford Wives behind the counter were engrossed in handing out GMO-burgers and Aspartame-laced soft-drinks to the customers. Prozac hooks dug into the corners of their mouths tugging them upwards into a smile: “Enjoy your meal, please call again.” They said as their dilated pupils stared into space. The man shook his head. “Nah, let’s give that one a miss.” They dined at the Lamb and Lion and then had a drink at the hotel bar. The sun was low in the sky and the shadow cast by the edge of the valley was lying like a puddle over the city. They returned to the venue, but then hesitated at the door in confusion. “Is this the same place?” asked the man? The auditorium was transformed. The lights were dimmed and the rows of chairs had been replaced by circular tables with candles on; and where the bookstall had been there stood a traditional-looking pub bar, complete with an archetypal buxom barmaid. Other people were gathered round the tables, some were familiar as conference delegates, other not. The woman took a seat while the man ordered some drinks. When he joined her at the table she elbowed him playfully in the ribs. “You weren’t half staring at the lady behind the bar.”
The man blushed. “Was I? I hope she didn’t notice… It was instinctive; she’s got a cleavage like the Avon Gorge!” Both of them burst out laughing and toasted each other.
The music started soon after and Karen Sawyer sang herself along with an acoustic guitar solo and then came a funk band called Dirty Dog. The man and woman felt their spirits rise. The rhythm and harmony of the band rippled through the air, walls and floor in a way recorded music just can’t, no matter how high the quality of the player. Before long most of the people were on their feet dancing. The man was like a dervish when he danced, absorbing and flowing with the music. This was the modern day equivalent of the Shamanic trance dance, he thought. He was infected with it, the drowsiness of the afternoon fell from his shoulders like a hot, heavy cloak. On the way back to the hotel he sang Welsh hymns at the top of his voice and both he and the woman slept a lot better that night.
The man was woken by the morning sun and the cry of seagulls echoing around the sandstone canyons of Bath. He stretched and yawned, and rolled out of bed to go to the toilet. On the way back he grabbed the TV remote and casually flicked on the news. Something on the screen made him stop and stare: an image of craggy hills, ruined stone houses, steep heathery slopes and blue sea. “My God!” he gasped.
“What is it?” groaned the woman, just emerging from sleep.
“What’s the date today?” demanded the man.
“How should I know?”
He ran over to his trousers, folded on a chair, and fished out his diary from the pocket. “It’s the 29th! It’s the Sunday the 29th of August!... How could I have forgotten?”
The woman sat up and stared at him quizzically. “Forgotten what?”
“It’s the 29th of August 2010… it happened 80 years ago today!”
“What happened 80 years ago today?”
“The evacuation of St Kilda!” Thoughts and feelings were flooding into him. Research he did years ago, the fascination and heartache he’d felt when he studied.
“What’s St Kilda?”
“A remote island off the west coast of Scotland. It was inhabited by a unique culture of people dating back hundreds of years; there are even archaeological sites of human habitation 5000 years old! But the youth were lured away by the ‘bright lights of civilization’ leaving the old folk behind them; the aging population couldn’t fend for themselves and they asked the mainland authorities to evacuate them.” The man was struck by triste as he spoke; he almost felt tearful. “They agreed and the evacuation took place on August the 29th 1930.” He looked at the TV. “It seems that BBC Breakfast are marking the anniversary.”
“Who lives there now?”
“Nobody. There’s a Government signals station there and Scottish National Trust scientists and volunteers, but no permanent residents… You remember in Chapter 1 of Rockall when they land on St Kilda?”
“I’ve not read Rockall yet?” she turned over in bed and buried her head in her pillow.
“Haven’t you?” asked the man, slightly miffed.
“Not yet. I’ve got too many other books to read.”
The man shrugged. “Fair point I suppose… It feels somehow appropriate that the ARC Convention should happen on the 80th anniversary of the St Kilda evacuation.”
They got dressed and went to breakfast, then prepared for day 2 of the ARC Convention.
Part 4: (
Part 2:

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