Monday 30 May 2011

The New Iron Curtain

Important background articles:

The other day a friend sent me an email that really got me thinking. It went like this. I reproduce it as it appeared in the email, all in capitals:










It made me realize just what a hot topic Immigration is in the politics of the developed world, no more so than in Britain. We are seeing more and more people from the Third World flocking into the West looking for a better life. In some areas the native cultures are being displaced. There is now a large segment of society that is so concerned by Immigration that they are willing to do virtually anything and pay virtually any price if the government will just stop it. Anti-Immigration pressure groups and organizations like the BNP have achieved unprecedented success in recent years. The prevailing view is that the British Government is “weak” and “dithering” over the issue. They’ve been corrupted by “stupid liberals and evil Leftists”. Is that really what’s going on? What if the Government’s acceptance of mass-Immigration is not the result of passive, but of covert active policy?

In the background articles I link to above there’s one in which I review another email in which the author openly calls for a One-World Government to stop immigration, led by the former Australian Prime Minister Kevin “Chucky” Rudd. What form would that government take in order to achieve its aim? Well for a start you’d need tighter border controls. Independent border policies would be no good; there would have to be a single border between the West and the Third World, with perhaps a semi-permeable one between the post-war western and eastern European zones. At the end of World War II Winston Churchill coined the phrase “Iron Curtain” to describe the impenetrable border established between the two new Cold War power blocs. Today we’d need a new Iron Curtain, but a far bigger one; this New Iron Curtain would have to encircle the entire Earth! It would start with the existing US-Mexican border and cross the Atlantic to the Straits of Gibraltar. There it would follow the length of the Mediterranean Sea between Europe and North Africa and close off Turkey from Greece on its small land frontier and its extensive and intricate marine one in the Aegean Sea. From there it would run through southern Russia right across its vast continental expanse through eastern Europe and Asia to Vladivostok in the Far East. The Antipodean nations would need to be completely circumscribed, which may explain why Australia is already implementing some of the measures that I’m about to suggest. A smaller but otherwise identical boundary would also have to ring the archipelago of Hawaii before returning to its start between San Diego and the California Peninsula. There would need to be a separate enclave along the frontier of South Africa too. This border would have to consist of overland double barbed-wire fences manned by armed guards, with a limited number of tightly-controlled crossings-points for trade. Few, if any, people would be allowed visas to pass through. Where it crosses the sea the border will have to be a naval blockade, patrolled by heavily armed ships with guns, missiles, torpedoes and boarding parties.

Internally this fortress of the Western World will need laws to cope with the situation of both existing immigrants and illegal émigrés. Let’s see if we can beat any of the examples in that email!:

1. There would have to be a vast, single biometric ID network in which every citizen would be forced to enroll in. Nobody would be exempt. No social or economic activity would be possible without clearing the action against your entry on the Database. From applying for jobs, claiming benefits, to entering public buildings.

2. An international DNA database that would dictate all medical and reproductive activity. People would need to be assessed and categorized according to genetic nationality.

3. Licensed reproduction and sex. Permission would be needed from the Government to have children. These children would be limited in number and genotype. Termination of pregnancy should be enforced by law where necessary in the event of disobedience. Anybody without enough native DNA would be banned from having children and maybe even rendered medically incapable of bearing them through sterilization surgery or chemical libido-suppressants. Sexual relations between Westerners and non-westerners would be banned to prevent social, as well as biological, miscegenation of the native Western races.

4. Draconian law enforcement measures and punishment of criminals to prevent anarchic elements from resisting. These would include summary (maybe public!) execution for serious or even moderate offenses.

5. Further government intervention controlling transport, movement of people, employment choices, food distribution, where people live, education, healthcare choices and environmental protection.

(I’m sure there would possibly be a Number 6: Other laws to prevent troublesome Hospital Porters speaking out about the idea on blogs that this entire problem could be solved painlessly by ending Third World poverty; simply by declassifying Free Energy and advanced sustainable environmentally-friendly farming methods and water distribution!)

I dread to think what this system would mean for our children. It would mean that the Illuminati paedophile and Satanic outfits would be able to operate with total impunity and official sanction. There would be no need even for secrecy any more. Our young would become the farm animals of the Elite for sex, black magick and food.

As David Icke says: “Something must be done! This can’t go on! What are they going to do about it!?” Well, the above is the solution to the Immigration "problem”. I can’t see how this could be possibly achieved without implementing at least the majority of the polices above. We British would live in a country in which you'd need your biometric ID to open your front door, permission from the Government to take a boy or girl out of a date and a licence to get a new job or move house. I should point out that all these meaures have actually been suggested by various spokesmen for the anti-Immigration lobby over the years.

…But, look on the bright side! There would be no Immigration at all, so it would be much, much happier Britain!... Wouldn’t it?

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Wednesday 18 May 2011

Was the Titanic Scuttled?

I’ve often been accused of being a “Conspiracy Nut”, somebody who will believe any crazy story that I hear. I certainly take seriously many stories that most other people I know would call “crazy”, but this is only because I think there’s good reason to consider them true. If I think there’s good reason to reject them I shall do. There are many so called Conspiracy Theories that I do not believe in, even though many of my peers do. A good example is the rumour that when Apollo 11 landed on the moon, mission control edited the reports that Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin sent back to Earth because they found UFO’s and aliens living there on the lunar surface. I don’t think that this is true? Why? Because I don’t think Apollo 11 ever went to the moon; see: . There’s a popular contemporary Conspiracy Theory circulating at the moment on the Internet about one of the most tragic and fateful incidents in history: The sinking of the RMS Titanic, the most famous shipwreck in the world. One of the pioneers of this theory is an author from Oxford, Robin Gardiner. He wrote a bestselling book entitled Titanic- The Ship that Never Sank, see: .

At the time Titanic set sail on her maiden and final voyage she was the largest ship in the world. She was a purpose-built transatlantic liner of 882 feet in length, 92 feet in beam and with a draught of 35 feet. Her gross tonnage was 46,328. Despite historians raving about her size and splendor she was not a unique ship and was in fact the second of a class of 3 vessels of which she was not even the name-ship, the Olympic-class liners. Her sister ships, Olympic and Britannic were in drydock at the Harland and Wolff shipyard in Belfast, Northern Ireland at the time Titanic set sail and Olympic had already been launched and commissioned two years earlier in 1910; her visit to Belfast was for a refit. These ships were only slightly bigger than their main rivals, Cunard’s Lusitania-class ocean liners. (Lusitania became the victim of what I suspect to be a 9/11-style false-flag operation in 1915 which I may well write about in a future article.) What follows is one of the most renowned and poignant tales in maritime history. Titanic set sail from Southampton on the 10th of April 1912; within a few hundred yards of her dock she had a near-collision with another ship, ironically this would have probably not resulted in human danger, but would have scuppered the entire voyage and saved 1517 lives. She crossed the channel to Cherbourg in northern France and took on more passengers and then headed for Cobh on the south coast of Ireland, in those days called Queenstown, where a large gaggle of poor Irish immigrants embarked. Titanic then began her transatlantic crossing heading for New York. On the night of Sunday the 14th of April the weather was very calm but freezing cold. Titanic sailed along at 18 knots, above the speed limit for ships of her type at night. This was despite radio messages coming in from other vessels warning of icebergs in the area. The North Atlantic Ocean fills with icebergs in the spring when the polar icecaps melt after the winter. This is not a problem for modern ships which have radar, but in Titanic’s day there was no way to face the danger of icebergs except to post lookouts to try and spot them ahead. At 11.40PM the lookouts reported an iceberg dead ahead and recommended an emergency evasion course. The ship couldn’t turn quickly enough and struck the iceberg a glancing blow which ripped a long gash down the starboard (right hand) side. She began to take in water. Due to the extent of the damage it quickly became apparent that Titanic would definitely sink, albeit slowly, and the order was given to abandon ship. However because of a major loophole in the maritime health-and-safety codes the ship did not have enough lifeboats for all the passengers. This was arguably the entire cause of the resulting tragedy because the ship took almost 3 hours to go down, the weather was very clement and another ship was rushing to their aid and arrived just a couple of hours later. If there had been enough lifeboats it would have been very easy to save all the passengers’ lives. But sadly of the 2223 souls aboard 1517 were lost, that’s 68%. The survivors, mostly women and children, were left with nothing but their story; no photographs were taken. The story has been revisited in countless books and films, like A Night to Remember in 1958 and Titanic in 1997. In 1986 Dr Robert Ballard led a team of marine archaeologists to find the wreck of the Titanic and explore it using submarines and robot probes. Since then the wreck has been thoroughly explored and even paying passengers have dived down by submersible to see it, including some of the survivors.

Enter Robin Gardiner. A rather dour and pessimistic man who was a cleaner in the Theatres when I was a Porter there first told me about Robin Gardiner when we were discussing conspiracies. Gardiner was a friend of his who used to work with him before leaving to write full time. “Beats working for a living!” said my colleague with a hint of envy. I went on to explain to him that writing for a living is work, very hard work, but my pleas didn’t really register. I went online and discovered a plethora of capricious Conspiracy Theories spread over a number of websites regarding the sinking of the Titanic, but the basic premise was that the sinking had not been an accident; the ship had been secretly scuttled! Robin Gardiner is probably the world’s most famous proponents of this hypothesis. What’s more the ship that sank was not even the real Titanic, but Olympic! Their identity had been switched a few days earlier when the two vessels were shored up in neighbouring drydocks at Harland and Wolff in Belfast. Seeing as the two ships were almost identical this would have been fairly easy. All the conspirators had to do was exchange nameplates and colours. Olympic would then have put to sea with everybody thinking she were Titanic and then the ship would have been scuttled in mid-Atlantic. The scuttling procedure would have involved a carefully-faked near-collision with an unlit ship, later reported to be an iceberg, and the ship's ballast vents being jammed open to flood the hull. The crew and passengers could then be transferred to a third ship that came to the “rescue”. Gardiner’s evidence includes some eyewitnesses on deck who claimed to have seen the dark shape of an unlit ship nearby just before the iceberg hit. The motive for this fraud? An insurance scam. The decision to carry out this dupe was made by the White Star Line’s owner, the famous financier and power-broker, JP Morgan; it was motivated after Olympic was severely damaged in a collision with a Royal Navy cruiser. Morgan hoped to both get rid of his battered ship to save on repair bills, and claim insurance for the brand new Titanic at the same time. A very crafty plot that I’m sure somebody like JP Morgan would not have hesitated to carry out if he’d been able to, but Gardiner’s theory describes a model that could backfire in any number of ways with lethal consequences for those involved.

A member of the HPANWO Forum, Footie McGrew has suggested that to see if a Conspiracy Theory is feasible or not we need to “model it”; imagine how it could be done and see if it would really work. If we apply Footie’s Law to Robin Gardiner’s idea what do we get? To scuttle the ship at sea would have involved recruiting Captain Smith and at least an entire watch section of the navigation and engineering officers and men. The damage control teams would also have to be briefed in. This would be necessary to fake the collision and the subsequent staged flooding. This is a very top-heavy conspiracy; what’s more it must have been worrying for the conspirators; so much so that I can't imagine at least one of them not getting cold feet and blabbing. What if the faked collision at high speed went wrong and Titanic really collided head-on with the other ship? There’s no guarantee that a neat little hole would be made to conveniently allow the vessel to sink slowly enough to launch the lifeboats. Ships have sunk in seconds sometimes; an impact like that would probably make Titanic one of them. This conspiracy would have been a potential suicide mission for everybody on board! Murder too, because of all the passengers; and one ethic that lies at the heart of a merchant sailor is that of concern for the welfare of the passengers. Any one of those men would have been trained to have lain down his life for just one of those people! How could so many of them possibly have been involved in a connivance that might get all of them drowned? Also I’m not a money-hungry blackguard like JP Morgan, but I’ve already thought of a much better plan for carrying out the conspiracy: Why not stage a fire at the shipyard to destroy the fake Titanic? After the ships’ identities had been switched a very small group of conspirators could have sneaked aboard and planted explosive and incendiaries. It has all the advantages and none of the drawbacks that scuttling her at sea would have. Much fewer people involved, no risk to the conspirators or innocent bystanders etc. Gardiner has to be wrong. So you see I don’t just blindly believe every Conspiracxy Theory. I’m not a “conspiracy nut” at all.

In 1986 Robert Ballard, who had heard of the questions raised by Gardiner, took his submarine down to the Titanic’s dead hulk and examined the screws at the aft of the vessel. The screws of all of White Star’s ships was embossed with the vessel’s unique number and switching that in a single night in Belfast would have been impossible. The number embossed on the screw-blade of the wreck was indeed Titanic’s… Unless Ballard is in on the conspiracy too, 74 years later! What do you say, Robin?

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Sunday 8 May 2011

Nikola Tesla- as Close as it Gets!

The other day I was browsing through the ORH News, my hospital's newspaper when I came across an article about the refurbishment of the Churchill Hospital’s MRI Centre. The centre was having a new magnet put in its MRI scanner. Magnetic Resonance Imaging is a fairly recent invention compared to X-ray; the first one was only installed at my hospital about 20 years ago. It can take pictures of the inside of the body in a similar way to X-rays only it shows up far more detail, especially of the soft tissues that X-ray pictures tend white out. MRI also doesn’t carry the risks from potentially dangerous exposure to ionizing radiation that X-ray does. The MRI magnets are some of the most powerful in the world; in fact when working in the MRI chamber we have to remove everything metal from our persons and if you have a cardiac pacemaker it can put you in danger. If you stand at the far end of my hospital, almost half a mile away, with a magnetic compass, the needle will move when the MRI scanner is operating. This extremely intense magnetic field when concentrated on a narrow cross-section of the body will cause the very nuclei in the atoms of our body to spin. The spin makes them give off their own magnetic signal which is strong enough to be picked up by the scanner’s detectors and converted into a graphic. It might make you feel dizzy to think of the very atoms of your body spinning, but in fact the patient should feel nothing at all, apart from a bit of claustrophobia from being inside the machine’s tunnel. MRI scanners are expensive; each one will set you back about £5 million, but many hospitals consider that money well spent.

As you can see the article describes the magnet as “3T”; how many of the ORH News’ readers know what this means? Well, the T stands for “tesla” which is the standard unit of magnetic inductance, in laymen’s terms: how strong the magnet is. The world record is currently 5T and clinical MRI scanners vary from 3 to 4.5T. A fridge magnet will only be couple of mT, militeslas. The unit is named after one of the most remarkable men in scientific history, and possibly its most underrated; its greatest unsung hero: Nikola Tesla. You’ll hear a lot about Tesla in the Conspiracy-Paranormal research community but in the mainstream scientific milieu he is all but forgotten. He was possibly the man for whom the term “mad scientist” was coined. He was born in 1856 in Serbia and became one of the pioneers of the Electric Revolution, developing technology that eventually led to the workings of your computer monitor that allows you to read these words. He devised alternating current which is used today in mains electrical supply the world over. AC is also the principle behind the electric motor, a device so fundamental that it is essential to almost every aspect of modern society. His career began in 1864 when he moved to the United States to work for Thomas Edison, but he fell out with Edison over a payment deal and quit the company to go into business himself. His own company quickly became a rival to Edison’s in an almost TV miniseries-like revenge ploy. He had already had the idea for AC-alternating mains current, but the prevailing view at that time was that DC-direct mains current, the same as that produced by modern batteries, was the right path to progress. Tesla would eventually be vindicated, but not until after a long struggle. This struggle was bitter and sometimes turned nasty. Edison carried out a public demonstration that would be unacceptable and an obscenity by modern standards: He electrocuted an elephant, see: (WARNING! Upsetting content!) It makes me glad I live in the modern world and I feel somewhat scornful of the lament that today’s world is so cruel compared to “the Good Old Days”!) The world of mainstream science does halfheartedly applaud Nikola Tesla for his achievement with AC, but there’s a line in the sand between them for everything he did next. In 1899 Tesla travelled to Colorado and walked to the top of a mountain to set up an experiment involving a copper rod several hundred feet long erected vertically into the sky. The papers relating to this experiment are classified by the US Government and remain so today after 112 years! However the basic conclusion was recorded, that the rod became electrically charged, enough to produce a detectable current. The source of this charge was atmospheric electricity, the huge untapped reservoir of voltage above our heads that violently breaks loose during thunderstorms. Tesla was struck by the way electricity can travel through empty space without wires. It was accepted back then that electricity can be transmitted through the air in small amounts, after all this is the basis of wireless radio; but Tesla believed that this could be done with working electric currents with the power to drive motors and run donestic and industrial appliances. He decided to experiment and demonstrate it. Luckily no elephants were harmed this time and Tesla managed to put up wireless streetlights in Chicago. You can bet by now the existing interest he was attracting from the Government Intelligence services redoubled, and it was to double again many times. He built a structure at Wardenclyffe-on-Sound, New York that was to become the very icon of Tesla and his genius. It was a huge conical tower with a dome-shaped electrical transmitter on the top of it that Tesla hoped would demonstrate his effect. Unfortunately its operation was aborted because its investors pulled out. Tesla had funded the project by making a deal with JP Morgan and the Astor Empire, not a very wise thing to do. It is something that happens again and again with any scientific discovery that is deemed “socially and economically unsettling”. America has a great tradition in backyard inventors, part-time amateurs who create marvels on a shoestring budget in their garden sheds, like the Wright Brothers. What can happen is that a rich financier from the world of Big Business often approaches these people and offers a “partnership” that involves the inventor selling the rights. These inventors are usually very short of money and eagerly snap it up. Sometimes these takeovers can be completely innocent with the investor being genuinely interested and truly keen to develop it, but sometimes it can be the first step towards suppression and secrecy. As soon as the contracts are signed the “business partner” takes all the papers and prototypes with the promise to “leave it all in my capable hands. This is going to be a great success!” and that’s the last the world ever hears of it. I urge all inventors to be wary. In the case of Nikola Tesla he wasn’t wary enough. As soon as Morgan and Astor realized the implications of his discovery they pulled the plug, literally and metaphorically. You see Tesla’s ideas were getting dangerously close to verging on the territory of the dreaded F-word, Free Energy. I’ve made a film about this subject here: . His theories were about far more than just the mere transmission of electrical power, they concerned its availability. His belief was that electrical energy was present in the very body of planet Earth and could be extracted and used by anybody anywhere; safely, easily, in virtually unlimited quantities and without effort: Free Energy. This was bad news for the Illuminati rulers of the planet who don’t want us to have access to any energy source that they can’t stick a meter on and which can’t be rationed and doled out by their own institutions. This is for reasons I detail in my film Friekraft in the above link. Tesla was extremely eccentric and had an obsessive personality. He used to hallucinate and suffer nightmares, but his visions often aided him in his scientific ventures, like many other scientists. He was paranoid about cleanliness and refused even to shake hands with other people. He remained celibate his whole life through his own choice. As well as a scientist he was a student of oriental mysticism and was enthralled by the Hindu faith. Unlike many modern scientific media stars, Tesla did not see this as a contradiction. He spent the last few years of his life living in a New York hotel room and died in January 1943. The day he died the FBI ordered his room sealed off and all his papers were plundered and impounded by the US Government. They used the Alien Property Act to keep the papers under lock and key even though Tesla had been granted American citizenship when he was just 35 in 1891, more than 50 years before! To this day Tesla’s discoveries remain hidden from public access, although I suspect that they have been developed in secret. HAARP is probably based on a lot of what Tesla learned about the Earth’s atmosphere (see: and directed energy weapons could have been used to demolish the World Trade Centre twin towers on 9/11, see: . The governments have accessed this information from sources other than Tesla's oeuvre. Other scientists have contributed and they've also salvaged the technology from the wreckage of crashed flying saucers, see: . Like most scientific inventions, Tesla's are morally neutral and have the power to be destructive as much as they have to be creative. They can therefore be used for either good or bad depending on who gets their hands on them. As I said above, Tesla is largely ignored by the history of science when in truth his name deserves to be right up there with the greats like Isaac Newton and Michael Faraday, not to mention his more renowned arch-rival, Thomas Edison.

It struck me with a force of great revelation that just one single letter printed in the ORH News contained more of interest and had more of a stroy to tell than the rest of the issue put together. I asked one of the radiographers, a man with a qualification in the subject, about what this meant, just to find out how much he knew. Although he knew that the T stood for tesla he didn’t know anything about the man after whom this unit of measurement was named. This is one day going to change. Nikola Tesla will be vindicated and will take his rightful place in history when the people of the world finally take possession of his legacy. This legacy will transform the world in a way no other has; ending poverty, environmental destruction and imprisonment for the indefinite future.

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