President of France, Nicholas Sarkozy, has put forward plans to prevent Muslim women wearing the Burqa, a long dress with full sleeves, a hood and veil that completely covers the body of the wearer except for their hands and eyes. Other countries may follow suit, like the Netherlands: http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/world/europe/6159046.stm . Here’s a debate between a former Mayor of London, Ken Livingstone MP, and the French philosopher (France has plenty of them!) Bernard-Henri Levy: http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/programmes/newsnight/8118735.stm . The justification for the ban is that the Burqa is seen by some as a form of imprisonment, like a shackle or pillory, designed to oppress women and keep them in their “proper place” as inferiors to men. In several countries ruled by Muslim theocracies, Saudi Arabia for instance, women are forced by law to wear them and can be publicly birched for flouting that law. The anti-Burqa campaigners like Sarkozy quite rightly oppose such brutality. However the country that has gone furthest and passed into law an actual ban it is Turkey, and in doing so it revealed something important: Most women in Turkey wear the Burqa out of their own free choice and they took to the streets to protest. They didn’t take kindly to the government patronizing them! Nor do I.
Here in Britain, the idea of a Burqa ban is also controversial, but often for different reasons it seems. It’s simply seen more as a patriotic matter. Native British culture is supposedly at risk of being smothered by Muslim immigration and the ban is a drive to keep un-British practices out of Britain. See this debate on Question Time: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7u5uEvuBY1c . As I’ve said many times and need hardly reiterate, we need to be wary that this issue will not be used to harness us to another Divide-and-Rule scam;
Here in Britain, the idea of a Burqa ban is also controversial, but often for different reasons it seems. It’s simply seen more as a patriotic matter. Native British culture is supposedly at risk of being smothered by Muslim immigration and the ban is a drive to keep un-British practices out of Britain. See this debate on Question Time: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7u5uEvuBY1c . As I’ve said many times and need hardly reiterate, we need to be wary that this issue will not be used to harness us to another Divide-and-Rule scam;
see here for background: http://hpanwo.blogspot.com/2009/04/snob-walls.html and http://hpanwo.blogspot.com/2008/11/british-national-party.html . It’s strange that none of the people who campaign against the Burqa seem to know anything about its real origins and what it truly symbolizes. Firstly, contrary to popular belief, it’s not a part of traditional Islam… you heard me right! There’s one big myth shattered! It is not mentioned in the Koran at all and was not worn by any Muslims for the first thousand years after Mohammed’s life. The Koran talks about how God wants us all to dress modestly, but this means just long trousers or skirts not a complete body covering. What’s more this commandment applied equally to both genders and there were no exceptional provisions for women. The Burqa was actually invented in the 16th Century by the Caliphs of Baghdad and was designed to shield the bodies of the Caliph and his family from the envious and resentful eyes of their “social inferiors” on the city streets. Therefore, far from being a stigma, a brand of submission and humiliation, the Burqa is really a status-symbol of nobility! And also, believe it or not, it was intended to be worn by both men and women! The Caliph and his sons wore it as well as his wives and daughters. Therefore technically I could wear one if I wanted to. Do you think it would suit me?
Actually I’m not going to wear a Burqa. I choose not to, but I would resent having that choice taken out of my hands by President Sarkozy and others. I agree with those Turkish women; it is patronizing! We constantly have laws imposed on us and things barred from us with the reassuring platitude: “it’s for your own good”. I’m banned from smoking in my hospital, even in the open air in the middle of our 5-acre sports ground! The fact that I’ve chosen not to smoke is irrelevant to the fact that now that choice has been taken away from me. We hear all the time about Orwellian laws being imposed on us to “protect us from Terrorism” when the only terrorists out there that are a serious threat to us are the same governments who claim that they are protecting us (Unless any HPANWO-readers are so naïve that they still believe that 19 men with plastic knives and forks, or something like that, can hijack a plane, beat laser and infra red-toting satellites and polarized radar, to crash the planes into buildings which then conveniently fold up like an origami model!). This reminds me of the hoody ban of 2005. That was just in private places like shopping centres, but this new Burka ban is going to apply to public areas as well. The French government wants to dictate our dress codes on the Taxpayers' public streets! Obviously some people in other countries want to do the same thing. Where will it end? What if President Sarkozy decides he doesn't like silver leggings with sequins on them; will he ban those to? We might end up in a situation like in Aldous Huxley's prescient 1930 sci-fi novel Brave New World where everybody is genetically modified and has to wear colour-coded uniforms to display their place in society. So the answer to the question in the title of this article is definitely “No”; we should not ban the Burqa.
Actually I’m not going to wear a Burqa. I choose not to, but I would resent having that choice taken out of my hands by President Sarkozy and others. I agree with those Turkish women; it is patronizing! We constantly have laws imposed on us and things barred from us with the reassuring platitude: “it’s for your own good”. I’m banned from smoking in my hospital, even in the open air in the middle of our 5-acre sports ground! The fact that I’ve chosen not to smoke is irrelevant to the fact that now that choice has been taken away from me. We hear all the time about Orwellian laws being imposed on us to “protect us from Terrorism” when the only terrorists out there that are a serious threat to us are the same governments who claim that they are protecting us (Unless any HPANWO-readers are so naïve that they still believe that 19 men with plastic knives and forks, or something like that, can hijack a plane, beat laser and infra red-toting satellites and polarized radar, to crash the planes into buildings which then conveniently fold up like an origami model!). This reminds me of the hoody ban of 2005. That was just in private places like shopping centres, but this new Burka ban is going to apply to public areas as well. The French government wants to dictate our dress codes on the Taxpayers' public streets! Obviously some people in other countries want to do the same thing. Where will it end? What if President Sarkozy decides he doesn't like silver leggings with sequins on them; will he ban those to? We might end up in a situation like in Aldous Huxley's prescient 1930 sci-fi novel Brave New World where everybody is genetically modified and has to wear colour-coded uniforms to display their place in society. So the answer to the question in the title of this article is definitely “No”; we should not ban the Burqa.
(Latest HPANWO Voice articles: http://hpanwo-voice.blogspot.com/2009/07/letter-to-abel-and-cole.html