Tuesday 25 January 2011

The BBC Takes a New Tack!

BBC Horizon- Science Under Attack. 24th of January 2011

I’ve just finished watching the latest BBC Horizon programme: Science Under Attack. At the time of writing it is available here on BBCi: http://www.bbc.co.uk/iplayer/episode/b00y4yql/Horizon_20102011_Science_Under_Attack/ . It was a remarkable thing to see because it has revealed a major change in propaganda tactics by the Corporation. Gone is the disembodied narrators like Dilly "Sexy-Voice" Barlow and in their place is the warm, friendly and approachable figure of Sir Paul Nurse, the new President of the Royal Society. All his narration is live and shows him travelling by taxi and train and walking down the street like any of us would. He meets his subjects in cafes and restaurants. He’s chatty and kind to waitresses and taxi-drivers, obviously a down-to-Earth guy. His movements are accompanied by soft string and harp music. The theme of the programme is Paul asking, with genuine wonder and very human confusion, why people distrust science so much these days. He is portrayed as the honest man, wanting to reach out, build bridges and understand the doubters and questioners. He doesn’t hurl sharp words like “charlatan” and “poppycock” and he doesn't demonize the baddies like previous BBC documentaries did to people like Graham Hancock and Dylan Avery. He sympathizes with us over our distrust caused by science reporting in the Media. He accepts that scientists themselves are partly to blame and so is kind-of on our side! He’s heartfelt and has a very innocent love for science; like the wonder he felt in his youth when he saw Sputnik 2 fly over London. The producers have managed to cast a presenter whom it is virtually impossible to dislike! This indicates a very signifcant departure from the BBC’s previous strategy of intimidation and smear.

Paul’s first investigation deals with the doubts over the MMCC Theory- Man-Made Climate Change. He visits NASA and is shown on a 3D display how many satellites the Agency has orbiting the Earth looking at the planet and measuring its changes. The scientist he interviews, Dr Bob Bindschadler, explains how clear it is that the MMCC Theory is correct and says that humans burning fossil fuels are the biggest producers of carbon dioxide gas, or “CarbonTM” as it has been rebranded. This I have heard is incorrect and that volacanoes and oceanic life produce far more; over 982 billion tons as opposed to humanity’s 22 billion. This doesn’t include far more potent greenhouse gases like methane hydrates and water vapour. Methane hydrates already leak into the atmosphere in huge quantities from decomposition and animal digestion, hence the “Fart Tax” imposed on cattle farmers. The MMCC-ists have a very neat out to deal with the way temperatures in Europe have dropped and we’ve had some very cold winters: it’s all caused by the weakening Gulf Stream. However Johnny Ball says that the Gulf Stream is generated by the Coriolis Effect, in other word, the roation of the Earth is what keeps it moving. My own views on this subject will be familiar to regular HPANWO-readers. For example: http://hpanwo.blogspot.com/2010/04/alternative-view-4-part-3.html (Scroll down to the David Bellamy section) and: http://hpanwo.blogspot.com/2007/12/convenient-lie.html . Paul also says that Climategate was a “misunderstanding” that got blown out of all proportion! Well I’m afraid that’s what everybody says when they’re caught in that situation. It’s what somebody at work said when he was accused of hurling abuse at a colleague. What about the Hockey-Stick Hoax? What about The Great Global Warming Swindle film? See: http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-5576670191369613647# .

Paul then goes on to examine "AIDS denialists”, the notion that the HIV virus is not the cause of AIDS. It’s a notion I share, but have written little about because the question is so crucial; if we get it wrong millions of people will die. However I’m sure enough to speak out now. If I went into hospital today with a bought of pneumonia and snuffed it my death certificate would read: "Pneumonia", but if I went in with the exact same condition, but had tested positive for HIV, my death certificate would read "AIDS-related condition". So what if I got a HIV Positive test and died of pneumonia and the cause was the same as the guy who was HIV Negative? What if the truth is that none of those people die from "AIDS" at all and that AIDS itself, as an infectious virus-caused disease, is just a delusion? AIDS is supposed to do its work by damaging the immune system; well other problems can do that, like drinking filthy water, not having enough to eat, taking drugs, vaccination side-effects. But no matter what any people who suffer those things die of it's HIV Positive = AIDS death, HIV Negative = whatever direct cause-of-death that person died of. What's more in many places, like Natal in South Africa, where more people are supposed to have AIDS than don't, the HIV test is not used and an AIDS diagnosis is made by seeing what symptoms that person is suffering from and then jumping to the conclusion that it is AIDS-related. Incidentally I’m curious to know how such a huge number and high proportion of people managed to pick up the virus when the proportion of HIV infections in Britain is just 3% of 1%. Can it really all just be through sex and dirty hypodermic needles? Credo Mutwa (See: http://hpanwo-voice.blogspot.com/2010/08/credo-mutwa-attacked.html) says that Africans never practice anal penetration during sex, not even gay men; it’s a taboo. Did you know that in the West if you get a HIV Positive test you're immediately put on chemotherapy? Even if you're not ill! And the side-effects of that chemotherapy are, you guessed it, an atrophied immune system. but when you get sick and die of the side effects of AZT (a drug that was previously used to treat cancer patients in the 60's but was withdrawn because it was so toxic!) the coroner will say: "Oh dear, another poor fellow died of AIDS". Some people have lived for decades with HIV and taken no medication, like Christine Maggiore: http://www.aliveandwell.org/ . Do you remember when AIDS first emerged in the 80's? They said you'd die within 2 years if you got it, then that was raised to 5 years, then 10 years and so on. Of course AZT was thanked for keeping those people alive for so long. A member of the HPANWO Forum (See Links column) said above that if I caught the virus how long would I last? Well suppose I didn't last long; suppose I died a few years later of pneumonia. My death certificate would read "AIDS-related conditions", but then I could catch that illness and die without a HIV Positive test; what's the difference and how do you prove a link? This actually happened to Christine Maggiore in 2008. There are a lot of very sensational and photogenic media showmen being used to debunk this idea and maintain the establishment consensus, like Dr Ben Goldacre who I’ve discussed several times before. See: http://hpanwo.blogspot.com/2009/03/bad-science-by-ben-goldacre_25.html Paul says in the film that there is “overwhelming evidence” that HIV causes AIDS, but doesn’t even outline what that evidence is.

My feelings over GMO foods needs to reiteration here. See here for example: http://hpanwo.blogspot.com/2009/06/alternative-view-ii-part-3.html . Here Paul meets a scientist trying to grow a new type of GMO potato. Well, Arpad Pusztai has already done experiments on GMO potatoes as you’ll see in the link above and found them to be highly damaging. He was persecuted and lost his career over this. Does Paul mention this? No!
We've got to be on our guard because propaganda is changing. The new strategy tested out by the BBC here will probably spread to other media outlets and TV companies. The manipulators are trying to meet the new challenge of a more aware populus with new styles and psychological tricks. Don't fall for it!

Latest HPANWO Voice articles: http://hpanwo-voice.blogspot.com/2011/01/nisa-local-shops.html
And: http://hpanwo-voice.blogspot.com/2011/01/bmj-wakefield-article.html
And: http://hpanwo-voice.blogspot.com/2010/12/israeli-roswell.html
And: http://hpanwo-voice.blogspot.com/2010/12/zecharia-sitchin-1929-2010-official.html

Latest HPANWO TV films: http://hpanwo-tv.blogspot.com/2011/01/charles.html
And: http://hpanwo-tv.blogspot.com/2011/01/erik-pianka-and-overpopulation.html
And: http://hpanwo-tv.blogspot.com/2011/01/pat-condell-is-not-atheist.html
And: http://hpanwo-tv.blogspot.com/2011/01/ogonite-headband.html

Thursday 20 January 2011

The Overpopulation Myth

During the last few decades the state of the Earth’s environment has become one of the biggest causes for concern among the people of the world. Along with this has come an understanding that the fate of the environment is directly linked to the survival of human civilization. Fear of disasters caused by Global Warming, Peak Oil, Overpopulation, the destruction of natural habitats and biodiversity, soil erosion and water shortage are endemic. The drive to find a solution to these problems has led to a variety of proposals that have become intensely political. The urgency and severity of the perceived problem have generated a new brand of environmental extremism that is a stark departure from the bearded and bespectacled men in lifejackets who used to sail their boats into the path of whaling ships. Modern eco-warriors are rich and powerful businessmen, academics and politicians who devise their plans at in-camera meetings and in-house-only documents. They’ve also built up a following of underlings and admirers who are less subversive and more outspoken in their views. What unites them all is extreme political views and a shared malaise of deep pessimism and desperation. I’ve already discussed two of these individuals: Soren Renner and Pentti Linkola, see: http://hpanwo.blogspot.com/2010/05/billions-will-die-we-will-win.html and: http://hpanwo.blogspot.com/2010/02/pentti-linkola.html . Their opponents are often labeled as “deniers” and any questioning of even a part of the environmental issue is lambasted and the questioner will be accused of “not caring” and being an “eco-criminal”. But, as always in any political or scientific movement, is there more going on? Could there be an occult and/or conspiratorial element? The answer in this case is yes.

I’ve already dealt with the issues of Global Warming and Peak Oil. Global Warming is palpable nonsense; human “carbon” emissions have no effect on climate at all. Many say that Peak Oil is a myth too like my friend and fellow researcher Ian R Crane, see Links column and: http://hpanwo.blogspot.com/2008/10/ian-crane-war-on-terra.html . He says oil is not a fossil fuel and replenishes itself over time; a fact that if ever made public would cause oil prices to fall through the floor and ruin a nice useful nightmare. However this question becomes academic when one takes into account the Free Energy conspiracy, see: http://hpanwo-tv.blogspot.com/2009/09/freikraft.html . In this article I’m going to address another untruth: Overpopulation. One of the biggest concerns, and one who some say would automatically solve all the others if it itself was solved, is that the Earth simply has too many people on it. That the human population has exceeded the planet’s bioeconomic capacity and is now rapaciously consuming the planet’s biomass like yeast in a vat and when that biomass is all gone we’ll die too, like yeast does in fermentation. Richard Heinberg (http://richardheinberg.com/) facetiously asks: “Are humans more intelligent than yeast?” But I think that this whole idea is a delusion, one that is encouraged and spread like the Global Warming one. The world is not overpopulated. You might find it hard to believe that the world is not overpopulated when you consider that there are more than 6 and a half billion of us alive right now. Take a look at any industrial city anywhere in the world and they’re hellholes! But they are localized hellholes (and hopefully temporary ones), and this is the point. In fact it’s worth opening an atlas at this juncture and taking a look at the population density colour chart which most of them have. You’ll immediately see that almost three quarters of our planet is covered by the oceans and seas; then you’ll notice that of the remaining 30% or so of exposed land, only about 15% of that is inhabited to any great degree; most of the Earth’s people are crammed into a few rather small areas, Europe, the plains of China, India and a couple of smaller regions of the Far East. There are a few hotspots elsewhere, for instance in North America and Central Africa, but basically we’re all standing shoulder to shoulder in the corner of a big, empty room. If you squeeze us in enough we could all fit on the Isle of Wight! Now at this point someone’s going to say “Yes, but it’s not just about space, it’s about food and resources for all those people.” And that is why the world is not overpopulated; it only looks as though it is. It looks like this, not because the Earth is an inadequate home for so many people, it is simply because we are such bad tenants. I’ve already dealt with the issues of space and energy, and the water shortage is negated by the energy one because it will allow us to build machinery for turning seawater into irrigation and drinking water and pump it inland to drought areas for almost no cost or environmental obtrusion; let’s look at food. Can we produce enough food for everyone, that is without destroying the planet’s biosphere by overfishing, killing all the animals for meat and turning all the wilderness into farmland? Yes we can. We have this idea in our heads that modern factory farming is the ultimate achievement in food production. It is most certainly not. When the explorer Francisco de Orellana sailed his boat down the river Amazon he found a huge undiscovered civilization lining the riverbanks for hundreds of miles. It baffled him how such a culture could arise in the middle of a forest; the people he encountered only had tiny plots of farmland. Where did all their food come from? The answer can be found in a little-known TV documentary that keeps being removed from Google Video whenever somebody uploads it (so download this one quick before it disappears!): http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=8993313723654914866# The reason these people could sustain themselves with such a small amount of farmland was because they were using a special type of soil called Terra Preta, see here for more details: http://hpanwo.blogspot.com/2008/06/terra-preta.html . The discovery, or should I say “re-discovery”, of Terra Preta is just one illustration of how grossly unnatural are current lifestyle is; and that if we changed it we could vastly increase the yields of farmland, or reduce the space taken up by farms and leave more room for wilderness. Those smaller farms would also be non-polluting and not destroy topsoil. ORMUS is another good thing (See: http://www.subtleenergies.com/ORMus/whatisit.htm), in fact I suspect that Terra Preta is ORMUS-based. Also consider other factors: once Free Energy is declassified there’ll be a vast reduction in air pollution as well as plenty of building room on the brownfield sites where power stations used to be. Mother Earth has enough for everyone; we’ve just got to treat her with respect, give as well as take and she will deliver. In truth nobody knows for sure exactly how big the bio-economic capacity of the Earth is, and it is not infinite; it can’t be. However one thing’s for certain: when we live a more environmentally friendly manner that limit goes up, and it goes up manyfold. So to solve the apparent overpopulation problem we need to concentrate on our lifestyle, not our numbers. Seeing as the means to do this is being actively suppressed by the Illuminati what can we do? The answer lies in the question: Why would they do this? I’ll explain.

“But where’s the harm?” you might ask. Isn’t it good that people care about the environment, whether or not their specific ideas are true? Well, no. No because their deluded ideas can lead them to advocate actions that cause terrible damage, like with Mark Lynas’s promotion of nuclear power, see: http://hpanwo-voice.blogspot.com/2009/02/green-party-man-backs-nuclear-power-in.html . The Overpopulation Movement is also led by the conspiratorial elite who want to create the New World Order and Overpopulation gives them what David Icke calls a “Problem-Reaction-Solution”. Problem: Overpopulation, Reaction: people are fearful and worried, Solution: They join organizations and take part in secret agendas to bring in police-state Big Brother controls on energy consumption, sex and reproduction and other activities. An example is Erik Pianka. This is a biologist who called for the reduction of the human population by 90%; how this could be achieved he doesn’t say apart from muttering about “controlling reproduction”, but the unspoken elephant-in-the-room of his views is that to have his wish it would involve an active culling of the human population. Pianka always claims that he’s been misquoted, and seeing as the speech where he made his alleged incitements to genocide was not recorded, nor were minutes taken, we can’t prove him wrong, but it’s worth watching some of his videos! The most interesting ones are not on the usual film sites, but are on shared files that you’ll need to download here: http://www.zo.utexas.edu/courses/THOC/ The 26.5 minute video is the most interesting. I don’t know how many people he expects to be watching it, but he is much more outspoken here than in his online interviews; and his misanthropy really shines through. “Humans are Homo Saps not Homo Sapiens” and he compares our species to bacteria. The problem here is that people like Pianka could easily be recruited to a tyrannical depopulation agenda without needing to be briefed in on the entire conspiracy. Here’s another: Bill Gates talking about using vaccines to reduce the population: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6WQtRI7A064 Is this why massive amounts of different vaccines for Swine Flu and other diseases are being peddled to the people right now? What do these vaccines really contain? The discoveries of Jane Burgermeister make the picture fit together like a terrible jigsaw: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PelTWCUmTsU . I suspect that there are people working towards the depopulation agenda who are not in the Illuminati, who don’t want the New World Order, but who see it as justified, even to the point of mass genocide, because the falsehood I’ve described has made them so direly pessimistic and desperate. Speaking out on this issue could save the human race!

(Related HPANWO TV film: http://hpanwo-tv.blogspot.com/2011/01/erik-pianka-and-overpopulation.html)

Latest HPANWO Voice articles: http://hpanwo-voice.blogspot.com/2011/01/nisa-local-shops.html
And: http://hpanwo-voice.blogspot.com/2011/01/bmj-wakefield-article.html
And: http://hpanwo-voice.blogspot.com/2010/12/israeli-roswell.html
And: http://hpanwo-voice.blogspot.com/2010/12/zecharia-sitchin-1929-2010-official.html

Latest HPANWO TV films: http://hpanwo-tv.blogspot.com/2011/01/pat-condell-is-not-atheist.html
And: http://hpanwo-tv.blogspot.com/2011/01/ogonite-headband.html
And: http://hpanwo-tv.blogspot.com/2011/01/2012-ahoy.html
And: http://hpanwo-tv.blogspot.com/2010/12/rendlesham-forest-incident-30th.html

Sunday 9 January 2011

UFO Down? by Andy Roberts

A HPANWO book review:

UFO Down? by Andy Roberts can be purchased here: http://www.amazon.co.uk/UFO-Down-Berwyn-Mountain-Crash/dp/1905723601
See here for Nick Redfern’s review: http://ufocon.blogspot.com/2010/10/nick-redfern-reviews-andy-roberts-book.html
Here’s a background documentary to the subject matter of the book: http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-4229735559825757217#

One thing I’ve always hoped for is to actually be in the vicinity of a Roswell-style UFO event. This way I will be in no doubt of what has taken place and, if it really is an extraterrestrial event, I can do something to let people know about it as it happens. It will probably only be when one of these crash-retrievals occurs in a place where there are lots of people around who understand what’s going on and take action to negate any attempted cover-up by the government as they move in to investigate the incident and salvage any wreckage and/or alien bodies, that we get real Disclosure. When I heard first about the Berwyn Mountains Incident I realized that my dream has already come true! I was living near to the location at the time it happened; well fairly near. Actually I was living in Lampeter in Dyfed or the modern county of Ceredigion. This is about 50 miles away, but that’s closer than Roswell is to Corona! A drawback is that I was a tiny baby at the time, but I’ve asked my parents if they remember the event and they say no. Lampeter was within the zone in which the earth tremours were felt and local media coverage was intense, but unfortunately their memory has faded with time, as some claim it has with the witnesses. The Berwyn Mountains Incident has become known as the “Welsh Roswell” and how it got that name is the subject of a book I purchased at the Weird 10 Conference a few months ago. See: http://hpanwo-tv.blogspot.com/2010/08/weird-10.html and: http://hpanwo-tv.blogspot.com/2010/08/its-just-coincidence.html One of the speakers was Andy Roberts and like four or five of the others he was using the conference as a place to launch his new book UFO Down? I bought a copy and he signed it for me asking me what I thought of his speech. I replied: “Well I understand your reasoning, but maybe more information will come to light.” He replied: “I doubt it.” I know I had to read the book and learn more about the subject to either confirm or deny what he said. The book is short and very digestible; it’s written in simple, lively language that anyone can understand and it covers the entire Berwyn Mountains Incident in a series of narratives from several viewpoints. Some might consider the style a bit “tabloid”, but I rather liked it, even the Murdochian puns which entitle many of the segments and sub-chapters. It has a gripping cover picture illustrating the most extreme scenario related to the event (which I reproduce under the Copyright Fair Use claim. I’m giving the author free publicity after all! If he or the publishers ask me to remove it I will; it’s their loss!). It begins with a foreword by Dr David Clarke who also spoke at Weird. Clarke is an expert on folklore and studies how myths and legends emerge and evolve; he sees UFO’s as an example of this process and this train of thought was one Andy Roberts employed towards his investigation. I'm interested in folklore too, like how Piranhas are seen as dangerous,see: http://hpanwo-voice.blogspot.com/2010/09/piranhas-are-not-dangerous.html , but I don't think this applies to UFO's. So what was the Berwyn Mountains Incident?

Let’s begin with the simple facts that all researchers agree on: Almost exactly 37 years ago on January the 23rd 1974 at 8.28 PM the inhabitants of the remote villages of Llandrillo and Llandderfel (These words are not pronounced as they are written in line with English spelling and their proper pronunciation will sound strange and be difficult to articulate for anyone who’s not Welsh. Ask advice from a Welsh person, preferably a Welsh language-speaker, if you want to learn how to say these names correctly.) were settled in front of their televisions or down the local pubs. The weather was typical for a Welsh winter: cold and wet. Suddenly there was the sound of a huge explosion and the ground shook. The people rushed outside and saw a huge ball of fire streak across the sky in the direction of the Berwyn Mountains, a range of tall and remote wilderness peaks in northeast Wales. The initial speculation was that an aircraft had crashed in the mountains and the people immediately ran inside to call the police (Mobile phones were a luxury products in those days). One of those people was a nurse called Pat Evans. She and her two children jumped into a car and headed away from their home in Llandderfel to the Berwyns with a first aid kit in the boot. Her intention was to assist the emergency services if indeed an aircraft had crashed and the occupants were injured. At the same time a number of police officers approached the area guided by a local farmer. It is at this point that the controversy begins. You see Pat Evans reported seeing a strange object on the ground, sitting on the slopes high in the mountains. It was some distance from the road where she was driving, but plainly visible. She describes it as egg-shaped and bright red, although as she watched it pulsated and changed colour to white, yellow and orange. This main object was surrounded by a number of unstructured white lights flickering close to it. She watched the objects for a while then drove home. The actual location of this sighting is highly contentious and some claim that there are contradictions in her testimony. Today Pat doesn’t want to be interviewed and this is because, according to the author, she’s fed up of UFO-investigators. The initial news coverage didn’t mentions UFO’s openly and there was only a few tongue-in-cheek lines about “things from outer space” and a cartoon showing a little-green-man type joke alien; the general theme of the reports was that it was a meteorite. The author has worked hard to track down and reproduce much of the original newsprint from the media’s coverage of the Incident as possible. He says that these half-hearted and jocular hints along with alleged sightings of military vehicles in the area lit the touchpaper that led to the “Berwyn UFO Legend”: that an extraterrestrial spacecraft crashed and that the government cordoned off the area with the police and army to prevent the people from discovering it, a la Roswell. Andy denies that any military vehicles were actually there and that the only source for their presence is a lady called Rhiannon Evans and apparently nobody else has confirmed her story. There were lots of strangers around in the days following the 23rd, but these were geologists searching for the suspected meteorite and casual sightseers. For this reason he also rejects the reports of “Men-In-Black” in the Llandrillo area (I’ve changed my mind on the Men-In-Black lately and no longer think they’re government agents; I think they’re actually kind-of alien themselves, but that’s a long story!). As the Berwyn Mountains Incident slipped from the world or current affairs to old news the follow-up journalism, took two distinct paths that only a newsreader with a specialist’s interest in the subject could have followed. The first path was the conclusions of the official scientific authorities. Their geological equipment for hundreds of miles around picked up the vibration of the tremour, which is how we can be so precise with the timing for the start of the Incident. They failed to locate the impact site which was disappointing because an object large enough to cause such a tremour at impact would cause considerable damage at the point it struck the ground: an explosion and impact crater. They wondered if maybe they were searching in the wrong place. Later on the idea that the tremour was actually an earthquake and that it had happened to occur at the same time as a much smaller meteor crossed the sky; and, the human mind being what it is, witnesses and investigators had assumed the two were connected. This idea leads me to philosophize over the whole issue of coincidence and synchronicity as I detail here: http://hpanwo-tv.blogspot.com/2010/08/its-just-coincidence.html . The other news path was the UFO theories which, according to Andy didn’t take hold in earnest until a few years after the incident. This began with the interviews Pat Evans gave to the UFOlogist Margaret Fry and also the Institute of Geological Science, today the British Geological Survey. Although, according to another Berwyn researcher called Scott Felton, Pat also related her experiences informally to people in the village. However Pat was misquoted and these misquotes have become an accepted litany of viral pseudo-fact. The basic notion of the book is that there is some kind of “UFO Mystery Machine”, an involuntary herd-reaction consisting of “I-want-to-believe” UFO enthusiasts, fraudulent fantasists like “APEN” and “self-appointed researchers” that churns out fictional narratives that people accept as real without looking into their background, and this is what has generated the modern view of the Berwyn Mountains Incident, and by implication many other UFO events as well, although the book doesn’t go there. This might be true up to a point. For instance Tony Dodd’s story of the “Anonymous Soldier”, something the author describes as an archetype of fake UFO stories. (I’ve got a lot of respect for Tony Dodd despite this. Tony was one of the few researchers who took Ann and Jason Andrews’ plight seriously. See: http://hpanwo.blogspot.com/2007/11/my-trip-to-haunted-house.html . I was very sorry to hear he passed away. Rest in Peace, Tony). The report he received from the man with the pseudonym “Jason Prescott” sounds completely incredulous. For instance Jason claimed that the alien bodies were just dumped in the back of an army lorry and driven to Proton Down, what's more only four men were went with them… and they stopped off at a service station for a snack and cup of tea! As if such a sensitive and high security matter would be dealt with in this way. You can picture the scene in the Little Chef: “Jason, did you remember to lock the lorry?” “I ain’t going back to check now!” It’s comical! If there really were a UFO wreck and alien bodies they’d probably be flown out of the area by helicopter, either that or be transported by road under a very heavily-armed convoy like the Kecksburg object was (See: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TB6LX-D-arA). For Andy Roberts this “UFO hysteria” culminated in the Daily Star article in 1996 entitled X MARKS THE SPOT- Alien Crash Riddle Would Baffle Mulder and Scully, with the X being printed in the same way as that letter in The X-Files title banner. The book goes into more details, but really the rest is proverbially history. The basic conclusion which Andy Roberts details in the last part of the book is that on January the 23rd 1974 at 8.28PM there was an earthquake in North Wales. At the very same moment, quite by chance, a lump of rock from outer space entered the Earth’s atmosphere and began to burn up through friction with the air, passing over Llandrillo within minutes of the earthquake. It’s possible that “Earthlights” were seen in the area too, like Paul Devereux often says accompany earthquakes. That’s about it! Although, to his credit, Andy admits that Pat Evans’ sighting remains unexplained, although he doesn’t give this hole in the story the attention I think it deserves. Andy’s conclusions have given him the image of a Skeptical debunker, a “UFO spoilsport”, perhaps deservedly; whether this is a good or bad thing depends on your point of view. This has also resulted in him being accused of being a government disinformer. In fact Richard D Hall (See: http://hpanwo.blogspot.com/2010/10/my-interview-on-richplanet-starship.html ) has accused him of this in as many words and in the book Andy outlines his conflict with Richard over this. Andy makes a joke out of the matter: “You might want to laugh heartily at Hall’s remarks, I certainly did”, I personally doubt if Andy is being paid by the government to spread lies, but to be honest it can’t be ruled out. Remember the Phoenix Lights? Governor Fyfe Symington, who is now a Disclosure Project witness, at first took part in a campaign of ridicule and diversion which included a showpiece arrest of a man dressed up in an alien costume to be paraded at a press conference; see: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JMfEV5qATrY . The word “confession” has never been attributed to Symington, but it really should be. If an ET object crashed in the Berwyns and the government know about it, then as far as Andy Roberts goes he’s probably much more likely to be what has become known as a “useful idiot” (Not that Andy is an idiot… or particularly useful!) In other words his views are his own that he arrived at independently, but they happen to match what the government would like us to think about the Berwyn Incident and so Andy inadvertently helps them out. “Useful idiots” are far more effective than knowing disinformers because they don’t have to be briefed in on the secret, so preventing the conspiracy from becoming top-heavy; they also can’t develop a conscience and spill the beans. They can’t swap benches as Symington did; in fact they can talk complete bollocks and be totally sincere about it! Andy asks some questions in the book that stray off the Berwyn speciality into more general UFOlogical areas. He asks at one point why when UFO’s crash it’s always at some remote desert or mountain location in the middle of nowhere; Why do they never seem to crash in the heart of a city? The solution can be found by simply looking at a population density map of the Earth. The answer is that, contrary to popular belief, very very little of the Earth’s surface is built-up, urban cityscape. 70% of it is the sea and of the remaining 30%, over half is almost completely uninhabited, either too hot or too cold or too inhospitable in other ways. It could also be that UFO’s deliberately avoid human habitats when they’re in trouble; that’s understandable considering that they might well end up imprisoned in an underground base and have experiments done on them like a lab rat! Sooner or later a UFO will come to grief in a city area, as indeed they did do in Varginha in 1996, but until then we must expect more and more remote and inaccessible “Roswells”.

Andy Roberts is not the only researcher studying the Berwyn Mountains Incident. Many others have investigated this event and some have reached very different conclusions to Andy. One is a man I only knew though a few email exchanges whom I met at Probe last year called Scott Felton, see: http://www.conwyufogroup.piczo.com/?cr=5 . He has studied the Incident in great depth and lectured extensively on it. He has asked some very relevant questions that cast doubt on the No-UFO Theory. For instance the activities of the police in the area were extremely unusual and this comes from testimony of local people like Huw Lloyd whom Scott has got to know very well. Aircraft have crashed before in the Berwyns, including an incident just 6 years before, and the police normally call in the local Mountain Rescue Service. These are volunteers who live close by. It would make sense to call them in because these are people with a lot of experience of the mountains and know their patch like the backs of their proverbial hands. However in this case they were not asked to help. Instead the police waited for a Territorial Army unit from a base on Angelsey which was much further away; police from other areas were also seen on patrol nearby. Also when it became obvious that no plane had crashed why did the search go on? In fact it went on for several days and the teams moved a long way away from the place the witnesses said the suspected aircraft had come down. Scott says they went to the area he thinks Pat Evans saw the egg-shaped object. Why? What were they looking for? Scott doesn’t know and neither do I, but if you ask the various government agencies and contractors involved in the matter you’ll not find them terribly cooperative. Scott was sent some documentation of the aforementioned Pat Evans' interviews with the British Geological Survey, but it took a long time. Also the code numbers on the documents made Scott think that these releases were heavily retracted and censored. He is convinced that much information is still being withheld. Despite Nick Pope’s assurances that the government is now coming clean about its UFO project and that anything you want to know is available at the National Archives in Kew, this suspicion lingers and I share it (See: http://hpanwo.blogspot.com/2008/05/more-british-ufo-files-released.html) Nick is confident that as head of the UFO desk at the MoD if the government had secrets about UFO's then he'd know about it. Personally if I had a "saucer in a hanger" to quote his favorite phrase, then Nick Pope, the public face of British UFOlogy, would be the last man on Earth I'd tell! There are also reports related through Scott of geological specimens from the area going missing; see his website for further details. Scott and Andy have both spent a lot of time in the Llandrillo region and have befriended the local people. However Scott has given himself an advantage over Andy in an important way: he has learned the Welsh language. This might seem like a minor detail to an outsider, after all Welsh-speakers nowadays are all bilingual, they all speak fluent English, so why is this an issue? The answer lies in the very clannish and insolated nature of Welsh-speaking communities; I was born into one of these communities myself and can confirm that. To really gain the witnesses trust I would recommend that every researcher learns Welsh. It’s a language with a strange pronunciation and odd quirks, like mutations, the first letters of words changing according to how you use them; but in truth it’s a logical and regular language that’s not hard to learn. Anybody who coped with French at school will have no trouble with Welsh. If you can pick up the basics then going to a place where it’s spoken, forcing you to use it, will soon make you fluent. (It’s for this reason that my own Welsh is today so rusty! Nobody speaks it in Oxford and I’ve lost touch with my Welsh relatives) There are plenty of books and online courses where you can learn it for free. There have been a handful of mainstream documentaries on the Berwyn Case, like this one by Firefly Productions: http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-4229735559825757217# Scott and many other researchers consider this programme to be very one-sided, giving excessive bias to the Skeptical explanation. They say that the author gets more than his fair share of airtime on it. In fact it’s even been nicknamed The Andy Roberts Show! I can see what they mean actually. This is hardly surprising though, the TV producers have always had a Skeptical slant; they leave the other extremity to the tabloid newspapers. How better to discredit us!?

I’ve also recently spoken to somebody who has been privately and independently researching the Berwyn Mountains Incident and has made some startling new discoveries. This person plans to publish their discoveries soon, and confided in me on condition that I keep their information to myself until then; I promised I would and intend to keep that promise. When this person goes public I will let you know; see this HPANWO Forum thread: http://hpanwoforum.freeforums.org/ufo-down-by-andy-roberts-t1240.html . It could be a few months because they might have to wait till spring to complete their investigations. It’s actually quite dangerous to go wandering in the Berwyns during winter. It’s easy to get lost and it gets very cold and misty there at night. If any HPANWO-readers feel inspired to try it, be careful! (EDIT- April 2012: The person I refer to is Richard D Hall and his findings have been published in a new documentary film. See the HPANWO Forum thread above)

Andy encourages his readers to contact him with enquiries, comments and criticism. He doesn’t have a website, but he openly publishes an email address where he can be reached: andy@cfz.org.uk . If any HPANWO-readers want to send him rude messages then please include the disclaimer that you didn’t find out his email from HPANWO, even if that’s a lie! I was delighted to see that the editor of the book is Jonathan Downes of the CFZ (See Links column) I’m one of his biggest fans! The CFZ is also the publisher, but they now have a new imprint called Fortean Worlds to cover the books with non-Cryptozoological themes they bring out; I see they’re Nick Redfern’s new publisher too. I’ll probably send Andy a link to this review, but only when my friend publishes his own discoveries. Too often Skeptics dismiss the “I know stuff I can’t talk about yet” line. Mine is not just a line!

The thrust of UFO Down? Is that the Berwyn Mountains Incident probably does not have a supernatural or extraterrestrial explanation. The author presents the subject in a “case closed” kind of tone; this is the last and definitive word on the subject, although he does ask for more information when he gives his email. He also concedes that Pat Evans sighting is not solved. However he doesn’t seem to think that there are any serious loose ends to tie up. I disagree totally; this case is still well-and-truly open! In January 2014 it will be the 40th anniversary of the Incident; who knows what new revelations might come out between now and then!

(Edit November 2013: Richard D Hall's film The Berwyn UFO Cover-Up is now available online for free, see: http://www.richplanet.net/starship_main.php?ref=170&part=1)

Latest HPANWO Voice articles: http://hpanwo-voice.blogspot.com/2011/01/bmj-wakefield-article.html
And: http://hpanwo-voice.blogspot.com/2010/12/israeli-roswell.html
And: http://hpanwo-voice.blogspot.com/2010/12/zecharia-sitchin-1929-2010-official.html
And: http://hpanwo-voice.blogspot.com/2010/11/north-korea-is-very-bad-indeed.html

Latest HPANWO TV films: http://hpanwo-tv.blogspot.com/2011/01/2012-ahoy.html
And: http://hpanwo-tv.blogspot.com/2010/12/rendlesham-forest-incident-30th.html
And: http://hpanwo-tv.blogspot.com/2010/12/white-christmas-in-oxford.html
And: http://hpanwo-tv.blogspot.com/2010/12/butts-winter-wonderland.html

Saturday 8 January 2011

Kevin Annett is Coming to Britain!

And: http://hpanwo.blogspot.com/2008/10/unrepentant-kevin-annett-and-canadas.html

This is an important announcement: Kevin Annett is about to tour of the UK. His new book Unrepentant- Disrobing the Emperor has been launched!: http://www.hiddenfromhistory.org/RecentUpdatesampArticles/Oct272010BookReleaseDisrobingtheEmperor/tabid/142/Default.aspx
The Beyond Knowledge group in Liverpool are supporting Kevin on his forthcoming tour of the UK and the launch of his new book; see: http://www.beyond-knowledge.co.uk/ (See here for my review of their 2008 conference: http://hpanwo.blogspot.com/2008/05/beyond-knowledge-conference-2008.html )

Kevin is former clergyman from Canada who discovered a conspiracy of the most horrific kind: that the churches, government and corporations of Canada, for over 100 years, all conspired to perpetrate the genocide of Native American children in the “Residential School” system run by the churches, including Kevin’s own, the United Free Church of Canada. When he spoke out about these crimes he was targeted with a witch-hunt. He was sacked from his job, defrocked from the Priesthood and had his children taken away from him. This has not stopped him and today he is as determined as ever to expose the truth and make those responsible pay! At the start of the New Year Kevin has released his new book (See above) and is coming to Britain to launch and promote it. He will be appearing in Liverpool on the 12th of March and hopefully many other venues too. I’m hoping to organize one for him in Oxford. Watch the comments box and this HPANWO Forum thread: http://hpanwoforum.freeforums.org/kevin-annett-is-coming-to-britain-t1232.html , for details which I will post as they appear. Any support HPANWO-readers can give will be very welcome. Please contact me or Kevin if you can.

Latest HPANWO Voice articles: http://hpanwo-voice.blogspot.com/2011/01/bmj-wakefield-article.html
And: http://hpanwo-voice.blogspot.com/2010/12/israeli-roswell.html
And: http://hpanwo-voice.blogspot.com/2010/12/zecharia-sitchin-1929-2010-official.html
And: http://hpanwo-voice.blogspot.com/2010/11/north-korea-is-very-bad-indeed.html

Latest HPANWO TV films: http://hpanwo-tv.blogspot.com/2011/01/2012-ahoy.html
And: http://hpanwo-tv.blogspot.com/2010/12/rendlesham-forest-incident-30th.html
And: http://hpanwo-tv.blogspot.com/2010/12/white-christmas-in-oxford.html
And: http://hpanwo-tv.blogspot.com/2010/12/butts-winter-wonderland.html