Friday, 26 November 2010

Evan's Land Online

As you’ll know if you’re a regular HPANWO-reader, my second novel Rockall is freely-available on Ben’s Bookcase here: . But I know that some of you are not aware that Rockall is only my second novel and that I published a first novel in 2002 called Evan’s Land. This book was written during a period of my life when I was a very different person to whom I am now. And seeing as Rockall was up on HPANWO maybe I should put Evan’s Land up there too. There are three reasons why I hesitated: Firstly I’d lost the original Word files I'd used to write it. They were on an old floppy disk that had become corrupt over time, as they do. I’d have had to scan the pages in which would have been fairly costly and time-consuming, as well as probably using up a copy of the book that could have been sold. Secondly I consider it an inferior novel to Rockall. Some of it makes me cringe a bit actually. But thirdly, and most importantly, it is something of a personality-fossil; it was the creation of somebody who, although he shares the same soul, memories and personality with me, is a total stranger. In the end though I decided to go ahead and do it, but to avoid the hassle of creating a written copy, and to be a bit original, I decided to publish its online edition as an audio book; see: . I was a bit concerned that without the right audio recording methods the soundtrack might not be good enough, but as you can see I’ve had some comments that have alleviated those fears.

Evan’s Land is set in a kind of future or parallel world. It follows the path of a young Welshman, Even Hughes as he has his life uprooted and revolutionized when he returns to Wales to find it a changed country to the one he left as a child, a nation torn apart by civil war. He goes through much turmoil and trouble before he eventually finds his true destiny. What I have constantly tried to deny, unsuccessfully, is that Evan is not me. It was dishonest of me to try actually and I apologize. He is very similar to how I was back then and by comparing him to my other alter-ego, Dill from Rockall, you will see how much I’ve changed in the last decade. Evan’s Land was written in 1998 and 1999 when I was still a Delivery Suite Porter and I was revising it at the time I rebelled against what I saw as unacceptable and unjust policies and practices in that department. This led to me being transferred out. It was also at the time when I first began considering the “Conspiracy Theories” that have since become such an important area of my life. This began with the suggestion that the Apollo Moon Landings were faked. In fact when first wrote the book, in the scene where Evan and Connie are at the railway station pub in Cardiff I had Connie tell Evan that “man reached the moon during the Barbarian Age”. In my revision I felt uncomfortable making that assertion in the light of my new revelations and struck that line out. Since then of course I’ve gone on to look into more and more areas of how strange this world is and how badly we who live in it have been lied to; so in reading, or rather listening, to Evan’s Land you’ll notice a distinct lack of Conspiratorial and Spiritual awareness that is present in Rockall, The Obscurati Chronicles and my other more recent pieces of fiction.

The book is essentially about Wales. I consider myself a bit of a mondialist, a “Citizen of the World” (I don’t like that cliché though) and I despise Nationalism of any kind, but if I have any patriotic feelings at all then these rest in Wales. I love Wales, its people, its landscape, its language, its thoughts. Like all cultures, Wales has its own unique wisdom and viewpoint on life and the universe, but like all cultures it also has its own unique stupidity and error. Evan’s Land is intended to be first and foremost a satire of Welsh Nationalism. I emulate Malcolm Pryce’s cultural parodies of Wales, only mine is a political parody; see: . Actually Howard, an old friend of my family, first bought me a Malcolm Pryce book because he said it reminded him of mine. Oddly enough Pryce published his first Aberystwyth book at around the same time I did Evan’s Land; maybe Jane Dorner is right and we picked up on something “morphic” in the air! I hope you enjoy it. When (or if!) I (ever) finish The Obscurati Chronicles you’ll be able to compare it to both my previous works and gain even further insight into my mind and soul. (Sorry if you’re waiting for a new HPANWO article; I’m currently too busy because of my audio book project, but I am planning more articles when this task is done.)

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Tuesday, 16 November 2010

The Meaning of Life?

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Philosophy is an absolutely huge subject. Those who study it at university have to spend literally years reading. There are many prominent philosophers and almost as many not-so-prominent ones that a dedicated student would have to study. And philosophers love to write! They are some of the most prolific authors you’ll find. My own personal favourite, Ken Wilber (See links), has produced over a dozen book, including some huge doorsteps that I couldn’t cope with like Sex, Ecology and Spirituality (Luckily he went on to produce a condensed edition of S,E and S called A Brief History of Everything! which is slightly more digestible.) Philosophers are a strange bunch, in fact Julian Baggini describes them as “adults who don’t stop asking the questions that small children usually ask". Actually Baggini’s own book What’s it All About? is in fact an excellent introduction to the entire subject of philosophy. Here’s Julian’s blog: . Philosophy and philosophers are essentially very comic subjects and I love Douglas Adams’ Hitch-Hikers Guide to the Galaxy because it lampoons philosophy with such wit and brilliance.

Living in Oxford I’ve managed to meet a few philosophers and I’ve come to find them interesting people although there is an element that I’ve noticed in their culture that I’ve christened EPM, “Everything’s Pointless and Meaningless”. Many philosophers are very pessimistic; people like Friedrich Nietzsche and Arthur Schopenhauer etc. They’ve come to the conclusion that the universe is a bleak, cruel and dispassionate creation in which human beings are the helpless playthings of random chance; good and bad fortune striking without intent, forethought or consequence. This outlook may or may not be true; I’ll come to that later, but whether it is or not there seems to be a bulwark of prestige associated with thinking this viewpoint that is very similar to what I have termed MBA, See here for a background to MBA, although if you’re familiar with my work you’ll know what I mean by now!: and: . The prestige that’s awarded to you for embracing a very pessimistic philosophy is very like the accolades of MBA and some philosophers really love to wallow in it! Schopenhauer, for instance, advised his readers to swallow a live toad every morning when you get out of bed because that was the only way to ensure nothing worse would happen! This is very similar to the self-indulgent superiority of MBA, although there are slight differences. There are those who are EPM-believers who are not necessarily MBA-ers; however mostly the two overlap. Conversely there are MBA-ers who are not EPM-ers; or those who don’t believe in Life-After-Death, but do think there is a point and meaning to life. To be a true MBA-er it is essential that you think that there is no form of Life-After-Death. There are EPM-ers who actually do believe in a Life-After-Death… and this is a kind of confession time for me, because I think I might be one of them!

I’ve been studying spiritual, mystical and philosophical cosmologies of all kinds for many years now. I’ve heard it said many times that human life on Earth is a purposive experience, that we incarnate here to fulfill some kind of divine plan, to achieve goals and meet targets (sorry if that sounds like a government auditing office!) that we agree to engage in before our incarnation. This is the core notion behind Michael Newton’s hypnotherapy studies, see: . In the last couple of years I’ve come to doubt this. How I came to this viewpoint or what reason I have is not something I can put into words right now; nor has it been a “Eureka!” moment. It’s a thought that has been building up slowly over some time. What if the universe we perceive as reality actually has no purpose? What if it’s just here because, to quote a philosophical joke, “where else would it be?” Why did I incarnate here? For a plan or lesson? Or maybe I just incarnated here by random chance; maybe I did it as a whim. What if I did it for a bet!?

A few years ago I read a book called The Lucifer Code (It was originally just called Lucifer, but in the slipstream of Dan Brown every publisher was adding the suffix “Code” to their titles!) by Michael Cordy, see: . It’s a fascinating read because it follows a religious sect that uses psychic powers, enhanced by high-tech computers, to contact spirits on the dead. One of these spirits, a leader of their sect, comes back on international television to explain that there is no Heaven or Hell or God or Devil and that life is just a chaotic and uncontrolled cycle of birth, death, reincarnation and further reincarnation for eternity. The results are electrifying and people riot on the streets in fear and outrage, driven to madness by this sudden revelation of indisputable EPM. I actually think that the EPM view might well be true. The universe is beginning to look increasingly bitty and nonsensical to me. But I’d like to emphasize two provisos: Firstly just because the universe is fundamentally meaningless in itself doesn’t mean that we have to live meaningless lives. We have active minds with Free Will and can give meaning to things that have none in themselves. This is the basis of Jean-Paul Sartre’s Existentialism and I rather endorse that! I’d also like to make it clear that I have no intention of becoming an EPM-poser! I don’t feel in any way superior for thinking what I do; I don’t look down on others who do not uphold EPM-Theory. I actually dislike the rather childish back-slapping self-congratulation of the EPM-posers as much as I dislike that of the MBA-laureates. I don’t feel my life is in any way diminished in quality or value because I’m an EPM-er. It changes nothing about my life’s ambitions and goals as far as I’m concerned. I’m still determined that we must stop the New World Order and create a better and happier world for everyone. The Earth and this Universe and glorious and beautiful objects; I love and revere them and I will do anything to defend and nurture them. So here’s to Pointlessness and Meaniglessness! May they have a great point and meaning!

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Thursday, 11 November 2010

Is it Cool to be Anti-Icke?

There is something I've noticed on the conference scene. Among conspiracy researchers it's become very trendy and prestigious to dislike David Icke and his work. It's almost become a kind of badge of one’s own self-perceived sophistication! They say things like "Yeah I started reading his kids' stuff but I've evolved beyond that now". I often get ridiculed by other researchers; when I say that I like David and am still very interested in his discoveries. Take a look at the HPANWO Forum on the links column. In fact at a live show in Brighton I went to, the speaker made a joke on stage about David being my "hero"; and on the HPANWO Forum they even say that I “adulate” and “worship” him as my “guru”. I don't mind people making jokes about me, but what's wrong with admiring someone and appreciating the wonderful gift they've given me?

This cool and trendy anti-Icke tendency in conspiracy research comes across as a bit childish.
It may well be that David has got it wrong, seriously, in some areas. It's also likely that he's under psychic attack and that dark forces are taking advantage of him. This kind of trendy "anti-Icke" culture rears its ugly head among serious and otherwise clued-up researchers whom I thought better of.

It doesn't bother me so much when a person who's been exposed only to Conformist media comes up and ridicules David, in a way that's to be expected and I'd have done the same once, but it does bother me when somebody who understands the conspiracy sits around with his mates back-slapping over how much more "in there, man" they are than David’s fans. I thought the whole idea of conferences was to get above all that childish, egotistical sniping and griping. Sure I don't agree with everything David says, but that doesn't mean he's not someone to listen to and admire for his contribution to our awareness.

Marmite-Lover, a friend of mine (See links) has come up with a wonderful term to describe conspiracy researchers who are too far up their own arses "synchro-mystical”. There's too much ego-driven "criticism" and competition. I don't get into that. I do my own thing. I don't see myself as having to live up to any standards that other researchers set. But I learn from all. If I think somebody is talking 99% nonsense then I'll learn from their 1% and appreciate it rather than put them down for their 99%.

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Saturday, 6 November 2010

Resurrection- Kevin Annett is Back on the Air

It’s been some years now since I first woke up and realized that the world we think is real is a fraud, a façade propped up in front of our eyes to stop us seeing the truth. But of all the conspiracies I’ve encountered the most shocking and upsetting has to be what has been termed The War Against Children. Nobody has had more experience with and done more to oppose this war than Kevin Annett. The first time I saw his film Unrepentant is something I will never forget. See here for background:

Here’s the video I made about one of Kevin’s very unfair and ignorant critics:

This is the latest episode of Kevin’s new radio show Resurrection:

I’m one of the guests on this show and I come on the air about 55 minutes into the programme. The reason I’m there is because I’ve no doubt that the Canadian Residential Schools Scandal is just one part of a global conspiracy of horror. As I explain in the interview, it’s the most important piece of activism we can do and when the whole story comes out it is going to blow our minds! It will be a scandal beyond scandal! There is no precedent! Hollie Greig might be one of the lucky ones, in that her story has been told. How many small voices are crying out with nobody to hear them?

Why do the Illuminati this evil obsession with children? It could be because they represent the next generation. The reason they tried to take my daughter's fingerprints at school ( ) was not just to enter her onto an ID database, but to condition her into accepting big Brother procedures as normal. As Lenin said: "He who has the youth has the future." It could be more than that though; like many conspiracies this has a spiritual dimension. There are a rising number of children being born into the world who have become known as "Indigo". I'm not quite sure what this entails, but it's clear that Indigoes have a highly-devloped psychic and intuitive mind and could do a lot of good in the future when they grow up, as some of them have done like Jason Andrews; see: . The Powers-that-Be have always hated spiritual knowledge and evolution which is why they've exterminated indigenous cultures and gnostic sects like the Cathars. This was the true motive for the Inquisition and witch-burnings of the Middle Ages.

However I'm happy to say that I think their efforts will be in vain. Thanks to people like Kevin, this dark secret is being exposed. People will weep in the streets all over the world when it does, but then we will be able to come to terms with it and the years hence will be happier and safer for our youngsters.

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Tuesday, 2 November 2010

The BEZERK! Thread

Internet Conspiracy forums are seldom good places to obtain useful information. However there are exceptions to that rule (And I’m not just referring to my own HPANWO Forum on the links column). On the 26th of June an unregistered poster from France “Anonymous Coward” (A soubriquet incidentally that would be an apt description of many Conspiracy Forum users!) started a new thread called Something just went BEZERK in the Gulf of Mexico- The US Navy just sunk a French Submarine! This title is usually shortened to simply BEZERK! ; here’s a link: The site this was posted on is Godlike Productions, one of the Internet’s busiest conspiracy and paranormal forums. Sadly it doesn’t reach the same level of quality as it does quantity and I’m not a member. As you can see the second post in the thread was simply “Atheist” flagging the post as “Bullshit”, without even asking the opening-poster for an explanation! This is typical GLP conduct I’m afraid. If I’d been there I’d have asked a few questions. Unfortunately it takes a while for the conversation to progress from the ritual GLP drivel and settle down into actual exchanges of information. There are also several other members called “Anonymous Coward”. GLP allows people to post there without official membership and that name always appears in the post next to a user ID to tell them apart. The one we're interested in here is the opening poster with a flag of France in his profile box and the ID: 1011531. “Anonymous Coward-1011531” says he has a girlfriend who works at the French Embassy in America. She has a secure laptop connection to the US Department of Defence and has been telling “AC” what has been happening there. As you’ll no doubt be aware, on April the 20th, a couple of months before this thread began, the Deepwater Horizon oil rig exploded and caused the worst oil spill in history. The effects of the pollution are still being assessed and prognoses range from the inconvenient to the Apocalyptic. However, the information posted on the BEZERK! thread stir the pot even more. “AC” says that dozens of submarines from several different navies have converged on the Gulf of Mexico as a result of this incident. “AC” gives us live blow-by-blow coverage of the unfolding events, relayed from his girlfriend in America. The French submarine attacked was an SSN, nuclear-powered hunter-killer boat, called Amethyste; see: . It turns out a few hours later that the sub was not sunk, but just badly damaged. Many of her crew were injured. The attacker was a US Navy ASW helicopter, like a Sikorsky Seahawk. I expect it used some kind of depth-charge rather than a torpedo to force the boat to the surface. This worked and the Amethyste later surfaced in the Gulf. “AC” continues to post information despite torrents of ridicule and abuse from the GLP membership and other unregistered posters. The captain sent a message to his command stating that radiation levels on the surface were above normal. This could be a misunderstanding and “AC” means that the radiation in the submarine was above normal because of some damage to the nuclear powerplant, a very hazardous situation on a submarine. The submarine is then approached by a pair of patrol boats which radio the sub asking for permission to come aboard. The captain refuses and it quickly becomes clear that the boats are manned by a boarding party of US Special forces and they will not take no for an answer. The situation becomes ugly when two German submarines surface between the boats and the Amethyste and try to ram the two boats while another French assault ship heads towards the area with all dispatch. Later an Israeli submarine tried to intervene too. “AC” keeps the members posted through the following hours and days as the situation unfolds. It soon becomes clear why the Amethyste was attacked in this way; the submarine is carrying some kind of “cargo” that has been stolen from American territorial waters and the government wants it back. By now some of the more sensible members of GLP have started looking for solid evidence to back up “AC’s” story. They’ve been tracing ship movements; not the naval craft obviously, whose locations are always classified, but the merchant vessels that “AC” mentions. They also find reports of fishermen and leisure boat-users in the area who report strange activity going on. People living near local US Air Force bases and naval air stations report jets scrambling. The thread blossoms and is currently at almost a thousand pages. At just after 5 o’clock in the afternoon of the 26th of June the Amethyste’s captain reports that his sub has been boarded by US Special Forces and there’s a shoot-out. Eventually Nexus magazine (See links) gets hold of the story. Here’s an interview with the magazine’s editor, Duncan Roads, talking about the subject: . He would not have given this story this much publicity if he wasn’t convinced that there was something substantial in it. The following day “AC” reports that the entire embassy staff is at work even though it’s Sunday and security is as tight as it’s ever been before. Eventually he finds out a bit more about what this most coveted and sought-after cargo is. It’s some kind of extraterrestrial artifact, and it’s artificial! The captain also reports peculiar changes in local environmental conditions; weird sounds coming from the seabed, the quality of the water deteriorating. What happens next is a bit indistinct. “AC” relates that the Israeli sub opens fire on an American aircraft with her missiles; then it appears that the US aircraft fired first. The boarding attempt seems to fail and the Amethyste manages to make enough repairs to get underway and dive. They first transfer the mysterious cargo to another vessel, possibly one of the German submarines. What happens next is that most or all of the foreign assets manage to escape the clutches of the US Navy and eventually the American assets withdraw from the area. Then the next day the captain of the French assault ship relays a message from whichever unnamed vessel has the cargo that the cargo has “gone live” and the ship’s captain is asking from French task force command to jettison it. What does that mean?

Who is this “Anonymous Coward- 1011531” and is he telling the truth? Well there is hard evidence to back up some of his story. Duncan also claims to have made contact with other people in the know about this. It’s obvious and understandable that “AC” doesn’t want to be identified. His girlfriend is passing highly classified information to him from secure French government channels. If they were caught they’d both face many years in prison… if they were lucky! Many people will dismiss “AC” as a fantasist and a liar, despite the corroborating evidence, but I think to do this would be hasty. When you take a look at the world media today then it’s easy to see that if somebody did want to blow the whistle on secret activities and knowledge like this then the internet is probably the place where it would happen. This is why I always check out the “secret government film” of aliens and monsters on YouTube. If I had a secret film like that and wanted to get it out to the public YouTube is where I’d put it! I’d also contact internet researchers, like Jack did to me. See: .

The latest information on this story is a theory that the “cargo” is some kind of alien sludge containing a hostile extraterrestrial life form and it’s spreading. It’s apparently leaking out of the Gulf of Mexico and trying to infect the entire Ocean. There has been no word at all from the mainstream media. This is a worrying and frightening story; it’s important not to accept every theory tabled about it just because the basics of the case pass scrutiny. This is an active and current affair and it’s still unfolding. If more stable and believable information comes out of it I’ll post it on HPANWO immediately.

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