Somebody on Facebook has sent me a strange piece of text
that he claims was written by the UFOlogist Peter Robbins. It was in a Word
file and my contact says he cut-and-pasted it from a post Peter made on
Facebook a few months ago. I have no way of verifying this because I cannot see
any of Peter's social media contribution at the moment. It lies behind the
expanding event horizon of my block list, forever invisible to me like light
rays within a black hole. How Peter Robbins ended up on that list is explained
I've checked his website and the article is not there so it must be something
Peter only published to his social media followers. This makes it authentic in
appearance, but impossible to prove as real. It is therefore similar to the
mysterious Majestic Twelve documents. However, the literary style reminds me of
Peter's, not least its significant length and verbosity.
Reader's Digest, do not give this man an editing job! I am going to
proceed on the assumption that the original document was in fact written by
Peter Robbins. If I am incorrect perhaps somebody outside his doghouse could
let me know. I have reproduced the entire text at the bottom of this post; but in
the content below I will dissect it for the relevant points, as I did with his
"War and Peace" article, see:
As with the aforementioned screed, the majority of the "Robbinsic 12"
document is not worth responding too, or indeed cannot be responded to. Most of
it is just a fanfare of feelz that consists of unpleasant rhetoric, digressions
and statements about the author's subjective position. A lot of it also refers
to matters I've already discussed; see the background links below. I will omit
those points as well. However, a minority of it does demand a response from me
because the article is primarily about me and it makes comments about my
character. What you are about to read, by both Peter and myself, you will
probably find controversial; but I am doing my best to be fair and honest. I
first heard about this at the New Year, but deliberately avoided mentioning it before
my trip to
in case the trolls tried to sabotage it. While eschewing direct personal
confrontation like the plague, see:
trolls have no such reservations when it comes to calling in internet air
strikes against venues, organizers, local authorities and delegates, for
example see:
(As it happens my
tour went wonderfully, see:
The text I extract from the article allegedly by Peter Robbins is in bold.
I'm going to keep
this simple.
No you won't, and you don't.
On Saturday the 13th
October I received a brief Facebook message from a friend in the UK. It read, "Someone sent me something
that's been said about you. It's not nice and don't know if you should/would
want to see it. I'd also say it was hugely anti-Semitic." I wrote back:
"Whatever it says, my friend, yes; I'd like to see it. And if by chance
you know who that someone is, I'd like to know that as well. With thanks,
Peter". The statement was posted sometime the day before (Friday 12th
October) and the message to me contained the name of my attacker, one Jay
Deavin, along with his Facebook address. "No idea who he is," my
friend continued, "I just see he's a friend of Ben's..."
Maybe it had
something to do with what Emlyn-Jones had written about me, then posted on 12th
of October: "The Peter Robbins Anti-Larry Warren Grand Radio Tour
continues. His latest stop-off is The Fenton Files on KCOR."
If it was related to that then it was not because of me or
anything I said. Don't you dare try to link any of my publications with that
social media post, Peter. You might think you're safe from my lawyer because
you have the Atlantic Ocean between us; well you're not!
I knew Ben had a
history of taking down offending posts at the same speed his friend Larry
Warren used to...
Example please? And I don't mean biased and groundless
assertions from Sacha's blog. When you say "history" you're
suggesting this is something I do regularly. I say it is something I have never
done. If I remove posts at all at all then it is not to cover up anything I've
previously said. All my past errors are set in stone.
...so I was not
surprised when I clicked one after another of the five URLs he provided at the
end of his post ("See here for background") only to read "Sorry,
the page you were looking for in this blog does not exist."
He chides me for
being on an "Anti-Larry Warren Grand Radio Tour." I do have very
strong objections to the making of any documentary film that gives voice to a
proven liar with the legendary track record of complete and total bullshit
achieved by my former co-author and always will.
The film has not even been released yet; why is everybody
reviewing it? Actually Capel Green is
the same as your radio shows, Peter. It's free speech. Yes, I do chide you for
your current actions on media platforms, but I don't object to you being on
them and would not try to stop you. I certainly would not claim to know what you are going to say before you say it.
The reason I've never
contacted any police department/constabulary regarding Warren's criminal enterprises is that I've
learned from more experienced colleagues in the UK who have done just that, and in some
cases, repeatedly, that law enforcement agencies there have not been willing to
investigate him, thus far anyway.
I've made this point many times before, but I'm going to
have to repeat it here again. The real reason the police are not investigating
Larry Warren is because they've worked out that the accusations against him are
nonsense. Think it over, Peter. What are these accusations: threats of murder
and assault, fraud, theft, deception involving antiques? This "more
experienced colleague" is Sacha Christie, isn't it? If one word of what
Sacha has alleged were true, Larry would have been in jail long ago.
"A loyal
cadre" is a fair characterization, and in no way is it "extremely
dishonest or underhanded."
Yes it is.
Emlyn-Jones is most
certainly the group's dedicated media-man and chief chronicler.
Now that is definitely true. You paid me an unintentional
compliment there, Peter.
Ben says that he
thinks I am wrong, but I invite him to answer the questions I posed to Warren in June 2017, questions he has steadfastly
refused to answer...
No, I have not refused at all. My entire Larry Warren
research project is an answer. See the background links below... Don't worry, I
will make sure that they work.
...and that both
Heseltine and Megaro have also gone silent on when posed to them in correspondence.
How are we supposed to correspond with people who behave the
way the trolls do?
Team Warren's definition of the word "troll"
is anyone who has ever disagreed with, questioned or contradicted, or worse,
had had the nerve to call into question any of Warren's claims or allegations, or worse,
embarrass him with actual evidence of his lies, errors or exaggerations.
Absolutely not. I am willing to discuss this matter at any
time with any person who conducts themselves in a civil manner; indeed I have
done several times. My definition of the world "troll" is very
specific. It means a person who acts in an antisocial manner online for any
reason whatsoever.
...(spoiler alert) Warren passes a polygraph test. One thing I'm
confident of regarding my former friend, if that if anyone could beat a
polygraph it's him.
Why, Peter? Because you don't like him? Is that evidence? Maybe
this is why you never made the same point about Travis Walton's polygraph
tests. Indeed, you are happy to trumpet them from every rooftop as proof of
Travis' honesty, correctly I might add. Modern polygraphs are very hard indeed,
almost impossible, to fool, even with specialist training that Larry could
never have had.
A good friend of mine
attended September's UFO Truth Magazine Conference where an extended trailer (of
Capel Green) was screened. He related
to me a sequence where our protagonist (Larry Warren) is standing out in the
field telling his story when his eyes tear up. Perhaps the pressure of knowing
this is his final shot at finally seeing a payday is better served by the
shedding of a few tears than more hyperbole.
Goodness me, Peter, you really are developing the most
massive hate-on for Larry. You're becoming an obsessive. What you've said here
is one of the silliest pieces of propaganda in your entire nine thousand word
ramble. It's almost as bad as what you say about me... but I'm getting ahead of
Listen to him in this
radio interview to learn that "The first biggest thing I ever did was I
was a PA (production assistant) for The Beach Boys in the Seventies."
Warren was born in 1961, so even if this was the late seventies, he was a
teenager working for them in California at the same time he was still living at home with his parents in New York State's Hudson Valley. "I met John Lennon more (sic) three times in my life.."
Funny that he never mentioned that to me for the first twenty-seven years or so
that I knew him; and this from the most John Lennon obsessed person I've ever
In a related matter,
why did Emlyn-Jones choose to delete his HPANWO show 138?
"...Apologies to
anybody who saw those comments."
Apologies to anybody
who saw those comments? How about an apology to me I wondered. I later learned
that he did post an extremely brief one though on a page I was unable to access.
Well, yes and no. I did write a brief apology to Peter, on
HPANWO Voice actually, the link above, that he can easily access. Later on I
regretted it and withdrew the apology. You'll see if you click now that I have
edited the article. I decided that I do not owe him an apology because it was
on my own social media account which he cannot access because he is blocked.
Therefore he did not see the comments himself. Also I acted properly in
response to those comments as soon as I saw them there, deleting and blocking
as I explain in the relevant background link.
Call me suspicious,
but something about this outpouring of support does not ring true.
I don't care what "rings" true or false to you,
Peter. You alone are qualified to comment on that. All I care about is the
facts; which is something you don't give a damn about, which we are about to
Wow. I guess I owed
Ben an apology. It was now clear that the attack on me had been cleverly staged
by "the Trolls" in order to embarrass him.
Ignoring the sarcasm, yes you do.
"Nobody said Ben
attacked Peter AT ALL, NOT EVER!"... seeming fixation on having been accused
of racism. No one as in no one accuses him of racism at any time. The word
itself is never mentioned in any context in the attack on me or anywhere else...
NOBODY accused him of racism.
I have no way of knowing that because I can't see the
trolls' social media posts. I'm grasping in the dark here.
Please make no
mistake. Ms Christie has very much earned the right to come down on Ben and
Larry like ten tons of bricks.
You are not making a mistake, Peter; you are lying. You are
always doing this, portraying Sacha as some kind of blameless twittering wallflower
who wouldn't raise her voice to the vicar's wife. You know very well that this
is not true and you don't care.
Some informed digging
then led me to an introduction to a specialty researcher in the UK named Bob.
"Bob" is a member of Team Droike, the people who
constantly abuse me online and were too gutless to meet up with me in person,
Now we're getting into the real slander. The following is the most serious part
of the article and the most despicable thing Peter says. However, he is in appropriate company. Look at what Droike has said about me and those close to me.
I can't see into
Emlyn-Jones' mind, so I don't know if he hates Jewish people or not.
Bob stated flatly
that "Emlyn-Jones is friends with and shares platforms with Nick
Kollerstrom"... Nick Kollerstrom, I quickly learned, is a respected figure
in the UK/European Holocaust denier movement, and Ben Emlyn-Jones is close
comrade-in-arms... All hail historical
revisionism... Mr Holocaust denier.
Yes, I am a friend and comrade of Dr Nick Kollerstrom. I do not
regard him as evil. Quite the opposite; I like and respect him deeply. I am
proud to be associated with him. Nick has never said or done anything that
would cause harm to anybody. On the contrary, he tries to prevent harm being
done to people of all races, religions and cultures by exposing state violence
in disguise as individual terrorism. He was a guest on HPANWO Radio just a few
days ago, see:
Nick discusses a wide variety of topics, some of which he is wrong about. Despite
this I have shared platforms with him and would do so again. Many other people
in the UFO/paranormal/conspiracy theory community have interacted with Nick as
well, such as Richard D Hall, Jim Fetzer, Mark Windows and Richie Allen. Are we
all... what was it Peter called us?... "Players in the movement"? No,
only those who disagree publicly with him about Larry Warren. This is why Peter
has never repudiated John Ventre for his "Fuck black people!" rant.
It took that so-called "traffic cop" and "misogynist" Gary
Heseltine to take action against Ventre's disgusting behaviour.
Bob suggested I
"do a search on his forum and see how any Jew or anyone suspected of being
a Jew is subjected to Anti-Semitic abuse and then banned."
Here's a sample of
Ben Emlyn-Jones' obscene musings, this under his forum name "Hagbard
Celine": "The gas chamber at Auschwitz is
indeed a fake. Its supposedly cosmetic shower heads have real plumbing behind
them and the doors and windows are just normal ones, not airtight as they'd
have to be. There's no chemical traces of Zyklon B in the room..."
This has to be the most extreme example of offence
archaeology the world has ever seen! It's not like these guys dug up a Tweet of
myself in blackface I made while drunk last Halloween or something. These are
words I allegedly uttered in 2010. If I really am an EEEEEEEEEvil Nazi
Jew-hating Holocaust denier can't they find anything more recent?
Bob also directed me
to this link on the HPANWFO Forum, but by the time I did, it had been
That's an interesting position. Peter and "Bob"
actually could not find the source of this Holocaust denying tirade I
supposedly made nine years ago. Peter concludes therefore that I sanitized the
thread because I knew it would be embarrassing for me in the future. This is
what is known as a circular argument and it is a fallacy. They can't find any
source. Why couldn't they find the source? Ben must have deleted it? How do
they know Ben deleted it? Well, how else could they have failed to find it?...
This is exactly the same as the "mystical levitating super-bed sheet"
in the trial of Helen Duncan, see:
https://hpanwo-tv.blogspot.com/2015/03/helen-duncan-wartime-psychic-jailed.html. Face it, there is no evidence at all that I ever wrote those words. Confession time: The truth of the matter is; I did make the statement Peter and
Bob accuse me of making. I actually made it before 2010 on an earlier thread.
The reason they can't find the source thread is because the HPANWO Forum host
has removed it through the auto-prune system because it was so very old. At the
time I said those words, I had come across several videos and other material by
Holocaust revisionists, including Dr Nick Kollerstrom. I was convinced by some of
it at the time. Now I find it far less credible that the Nazis somehow did not
deliberately try to exterminate millions of Jews. They most certainly did this earlier
on in their regime to disabled children, see:
so why not Jews? They regarded Jews the same way, as a debilitating force and a
burden on society. I also came across more ripostes to the Holocaust
revisionists that have made me reconsider. One thing I want to make abundantly
Nothing I have said above
should be interpreted as an apology. I am
sorry that I examined this issue and I am
sorry that I continue to do so. It's about time the Holocaust was debated openly
like all other historical events. I abhor the censors who destroy the lives of
those who have dissenting opinions, forcing them out of their jobs and even
into prison. Dr Nick Kollerstrom was one of those who were persecuted for their
beliefs. I shall say that again: No, I do
apologize. I most especially decline to apologize to Peter Robbins.
...along with another
target of his vitriol, Sacha Christie of Liverpool England...
Please see the background links below where I address
Sacha's claims about Larry. Unlike Peter, I provide all the source material
necessary. Make up your own mind, readers; who is the more vitriolic of the two
of us? Ask those who know me well; am I normally a vitriolic person? Who else
has been the target of my supposed vitriol?
I think the real reason Peter Robbins is so angry with me is
because of my reviews of his recent radio interviews where he lays hard into
Larry Warren despite constantly pleading that he "just wants to move
on!" What he would honestly like to do is speak with impunity about Larry
in disparaging tones on the World Wide Web where billions of people could
potentially listen to him. What he wants me to do is remain silent and not say
a word about his deceit and wickedness. Well, what can I say, Peter? Request
fucking denied! Every time you publicly
smear and lie about my friend Larry, as well myself and my other friends, expect
me to call you out on it. Believe me! I will be waiting by the loudspeaker! This
is something you'll just have to get used to. You have chosen to ally yourself
with the trolls because of a purely personal falling with Larry. Be honest, it
had nothing to do with Rendlesham; it was just convenient that somebody else
was against Larry over false RFI claims and so you united with them in hatred. You
are no better than those who tried to hang the paedophile label on Miles
Johnston, see:
Peter, you are lauding and celebrating people who have contributed absolutely
nothing to the UFOlogy scene. Who do they attack? People who have; authors,
journalists, magazine publishers, researchers, witnesses. The trolls have
caused nothing but confusion and destruction. You have turned against me
because I refused to join your petty little campaign of defamation and so you
decide to lie about me too. Shame on you, Peter! Shame on you! And once again:
shame on you! When I used to write for
Nettle along with Nick Pope (I told you, my dirty past is an open book.) I
wrote an article describing Peter as "the nicest UFOlogist in the
world", see:
Since then I've learned to be wary of people who appear "too nice".
Very often that niceness is a haze of treacle intended to camouflage malevolent
aspects of their personality. I don't know for sure if this is true about Peter
Robbins, but it might well be. He is behaving as if it is.
Here is the
original document sent to me that is allegedly written by Peter Robbins as a
social media post unedited and not transcribed
Peter Robbins
Yesterday at 5:37 AM ·
I’m going to keep
this simple. I never had a reason to draw a parallel between my chosen field of
research, that being UFO studies, and anti-Semitism, until last month that is
when I was given cause to do just that. The paper that follows addresses this
subject If you choose to read it you are welcome to respond, comment or otherwise
express their thoughts about it. I hope those doing so will include colleagues
in ufology, serious students of the subject, those who are new to it, old
friends, newer friends and Facebook friends I have yet to meet. I ask only that
you keep your comments and/or exchanges civil, at least as civil as I have in
this paper, which at times may not actually be saying much for me. I will not
be commenting on your posts, nor ‘liking’ nor ‘entering into dialogue’ with
anyone on them. I say what I feel I have to hear and trust that will be alright
with you. The fact is I need to turn my attention to a far more pressing
situation in my life about which I’ll post briefly tomorrow or the next day.
Thank you for your attention in this troubling matter, and how ironic that I
completed this piece earlier today on what is the eightieth anniversary of
A Case of Hate Speech
in Ufology and a Brief Investigation Into Its Origin
By Peter Robbins
Last month, someone I
do not know, had never heard of, and have no connection to that I’m aware of,
came at me in a particularly ugly, hateful way on a blogsite in the UK. My response to their attack was fated to
veer into investigation, the reasons for which will become apparent to readers.
My apologies in advance to anyone venturing into this narrative who finds parts
of it offensive. If so, I couldn’t agree with you more. The great majority of
individuals who people this field of ufology are dedicated to the truth as they
best perceive it, and ethical and principled in their research and
investigations. I’m proud to count many of them among my good friends and
esteemed colleagues and dedicate this paper to them, depressing as its subject
matter may be.
I’m one of those who
have dedicated a good part of their lives to the study of seemingly genuine
anomalous UFO related phenomena. People like me are sometimes lauded for our
views and findings and mocked or even attacked for them at other times. It
comes with the territory. I’ve seen my fair share of both over the years, and
long ago, developed the habit of rarely responding to attacks unless I felt it
was fully warranted. My friend and mentor Budd Hopkins set that example for me.
His well-founded observation was that, with respect to his self-appointed
critics and detractors. the overwhelming majority of negative communications he
received were rarely insightful or accurate. However, on those occasions when
this remarkable investigative writer, author, speaker, and artist suffered an
attack that demanded a response, he took the time necessary to fully address
his attacker, and in hyper-specific terms, never in generalizations. There is
no question that he resented every minute of the time it took away from the
things he otherwise needed or wanted to do, but Budd never avoided the task,
unpleasant as it might be. I felt and continue to feel the same way.
The investigators
who’ve earned my greatest respect are those who manage to balance the historic
and scientific data they’ve accumulated, along with the most credible (and
hopefully) evidence-driven witness and experiencer testimony. Running along a
parallel set of tracks is the ever-present desire to be taken seriously by the
public at large. Let’s face it, while becoming more accepting of the reality of
this phenomena each year, the general public still tends to regard an interest
in UFOs as a sign of mental instability, mystical longing, cult involvement,
being a trickster or conspiracy monger, a fame-driven loner, or, my personal
favorite, someone who wants to ‘feel special.’ Even so, on rare occasions, an
investigation can turn toxic. Some readers know that this was the case for me
several years back when decades of committed research melted down around me when
the alleged witness I had been working with was proven to have lied,
exaggerated and embellished his alleged account in a book we had written
together, then to have threatened numerous individuals, myself included, who
had contributed to the exposing his deceptions.
The specific UFO
event affected by this individual’s toxicity was England’s well-known
Rendlesham Forest UFO incident of 1980, an otherwise highly significant and
well-documented case, but one now heavily tagged with confusion, bad blood, and
feuding factions. No question about it, thirty plus years ago, I had first come
to believe Larry Warren’s account and agreed to coauthor a book about the
events of December 1980 and his involvement in them. I came to regard him as a
brother, if a troubled one, and a friend who had exhibited what I felt was
great courage in coming forward to make the incident, and his alleged
involvement in it, know to the public. That all ended more than two years ago
when I finally began paying attention to the mounting number of independent
investigators around the United Kingdom – literally all of who had previously
respected and admired Warren as much as I had, who were now contacting me,
imploring me to read what each of them had discovered, learned or confirmed regarding
problems in his published account and well documented example after example of
his many fabrications and forgeries, not the least of which involved some of
his USAF paperwork.
Despite the negative
the impact of all this professionally, I’ve been moved by the large number of
colleagues and friends who ‘got’ what had happened and did not hold it against
me. Others however went quiet or otherwise drifted off my personal and
professional radar. A methodical round of apologies on my part followed over the
next year, in person, on the air, via email, and social media, to many people
in specific, and to the thousands of readers in general who I had helped to
mislead in the service of my conman partner. I then removed my two follow-up
books from publication, both of which also lent support to Warren’s account.
Then, with a real mixture of sadness, objectivity and anger, I advised our
publisher of what I had learned with a request that they conduct their own
investigation into the allegations. They did, and their findings agreeing with
my own, the publication of Left At East Gate was suspended indefinitely this
past January.
All this was written
up and posted on my website, peterrobbinsny.com, in June of last year. You can
still find it there front-and-center. Not surprisingly, my doing so was met
with an assortment of attacks, from my former coauthor, and from a few of his
remaining supporters, almost all of which I chose to ignore. Since then I’ve
picked up where I’d left off with several new independent research projects,
work on completing a book for publication next year, finalizing a few new
conference papers, some intensive drilling down on investigations I’d begun but
never completed, and continuing to take part in radio programs and blog-casts
when invited. I’m sorry if some readers see this missive as ‘negative’ or
vindictive; a refusal to walk away from an argument based on opinions and not
facts. Nothing could be further from the truth. With all this understood, what
am I so up-in-arms about?
On Saturday 13
October I received a brief Facebook message from a friend in the UK. It read, “Someone sent me something
that’s been said about you. It’s not nice and don’t know if you should/would
want to see it. I’d also say it was hugely anti-Semitic.” I wrote back,
“Whatever it says my friend, yes, I'd like to see it. And if by chance you know
who that someone is, I'd like to know that as well. With thanks, Peter
The statement was
posted sometime the day before (Friday 19 October) and the message to me
contained the name of my attacker, one Jay Deavin, along with his Facebook
address, https://www.facebook.com/jay.deavin. “No idea who he is,” my friend
continued, “I just see he's a friend of Ben's...,” Ben being Ben Emlyn-Jones,
an Oxford based podcaster I had met on two occasions at conferences in England.
His HPANWO-VOICE.BLOGSPOT.COM was where the statement had appeared. I was also
sent two separate screen grabs of the attack on me as it appeared on Ben’s
page. I cannot include them in this Facebook post as they constitute such an
ugly example of hate speech that doing so would get me suspended from my page
for thirty days. This is not an exaggeration. Another friend in the UK did just that in an attempt to make this
attack known to others, and as a result received a thirty-day suspension from
one of her pages. I include that full statement as text only, and if any
representative of Facebook comes upon it, I trust they will understand and
appreciate the context and purpose of my doing so. I could only deduce that,
using the function on Facebook, he had played with the arrangement of his words
until he was pleased with their precise arrangement:
“Cannot stand this
Jewish homosexual !....Deceiving sly little shithead ! Most think he’s a sweet
mild mannered little old lady….nothing could be further from the truth.
Can’t stand this
little Jew boy fag !....Deceiving sly little shithead ! (devil emoji)
Can’t stand this
little Jew boy fag !....Deceiving sly little shithead !
Can’t stand this Jew
boy fag !....Deceiving sly little shithead !
Cannot stand this
Jewish homosexual !....Deceiving sly little shithead ! Most think he’s a sweet
mild mannered little old lady….nothing could be further from the truth.”
End of statement. If
that were not enough, someone had actually clicked their Facebook ‘like’ button
in response and added this comment as well: “Jay Deavin ppl {people} don’t have
a clue..” A clue as to what a deceiving sly little shithead Jew boy fag Jewish
homosexual I was? Or a clue to the later, that I’m anything but a sweet mild
mannered little old lady. Or perhaps both? The person who’d clicked ‘like’ and
left the message was Sue McAllister, someone who’d been a friend of mine once,
and a good friend at that. Sue also happened to be the ex-wife of Larry Warren.
What can I say? I sat
there staring at the screen trying to process what I had read and not doing a
very good job of it. Shock? Anger? Sure. And some other feelings as well. As
the impact of this truly ugly string of words began to take hold in my head, my
mind went into a kind of involuntary ‘switch-over’ to a state of extreme
objectivity. I understood that it was a manifestation of shock, and knowing it
would evaporate quickly enough, simply went with it. In an instant I was
reading and rereading Jay Deavin’s words as though I were a calculator, my only
job to add up the number of times the words and phrases “fag,” “little,” “sly,”
“deceiving” “Jew boy,” “sweet mild mannered little old lady,” “Can’t stand this
little Jew boy fag,” and “Cannot stand this Jewish homosexual” had been written
out. Who talks like this? I asked myself. Maybe a Gestapo officer in a film set
in 1940, but a real person? Jay Deavin did not seem to have a lot of range as a
writer, and I guess that’s being kind. If he’d intended to truly hurt or
humiliate me with his cutting, rapier-like prose, he’d fallen short of the
mark. But he really had made me angry.
Yes, I’m Jewish and
proud of the fact, even if I’m not what you’d call religious. I was called
names a few times as a kid because I was a Jew, but was fortunate to grow up
free of truly vicious antisemitic attacks. What Jay Deavin had written though
was like getting slapped in the face. I knew it was nothing by truly murderous
Jew-hating standards, but it was a shock and it hurt. However for true shock
value, it didn’t hold a candle to the second part of the ‘communication.’ I
knew I was a Jew of course, but imagine my surprise to learn that I was also a
homosexual as well. All my life I’d been living under the delusion I was a
heterosexual man; talk about your awkward moments. I was not exactly sure how
to handle this. I was not only being accused of being a ‘fag,’ but the ultimate
guy putdown was being leveled against me as well - the repeated used of the
word “little” that that clever fellow Jay Deavin had sewn into the fabric of
his text. I wondered how he imagined I’d react to this lethal suit of insults?
Perhaps, Oh NO and Eeeek! How will I ever live this down? How can I ever show
my face at another UFO conference without everyone there thinking that I am a
GAY UFO investigative writer? What would my gay friends think of me when they
learned I’d been living my entire life in the closet instead of being gay with
them? The humiliation would obviously be too much for me to bear. My life as I
knew it was over and I would now have little option other than to retreat from
public life for good and ever. Poor POOR pitiful me! Now that was funny.
What was not funny,
was while this prick had taken a shot at publicly hurting me in his pathetic,
unimaginative way, he caused me to think about something I thought I already
appreciated, and did, but not to the degree as I was now. That being that I
really had no idea what it felt like to be attacked simply because you are
sexually attracted to people who are the same sex you are. It’s something you
take for granted in our culture if you’re a heterosexual. During the course of
my entire life no one had ever made fun of me for that. No one had ever made
fun of me for being attracted to a girl, or later, being attracted to a woman.
But what if I had grown up as one of them instead of as I had? How would I have
dealt with the homophobes of the world who got in my face? To always be ready
to run, to stand my ground, or possibly to get hurt, or worse? It was not
unlike being a Jew, in the wrong place, at the wrong time, or at the wrong
moment in history. And it was all that simple, that ugly, and that awful.
Naturally I already ‘knew’ all of this, but not quite so viscerally. This has
nothing to do with the subject of UFOs of course. But it has everything to do
with being a decent human being, if that’s something that matters to you.
A single question
followed me out of my funk: who the FUCK was this Jay Deavin and what had
gotten his undies into such a twist? Clicking on the link to his Facebook page,
I was greeted by a photo of a smiling, beefy-faced, shaven-headed lad with
bright little eyes who I guessed was in his early thirties. Obviously a
good-natured sort of fellow, his Facebook photo shows him happily posing with a
man in a headlock under his left arm, and a woman in a headlock under his
right. Good fun! Deavin’s thumbs are up in the classic ‘winning’ gesture, and
the couple in close contact with him are both smiling as well. I noted that we
shared forty-one friends, but could find no hint of why he seemed to hate me.
Maybe it had something to do with what Emlyn-Jones had written about me, then
posted on12 October:
“The Peter Robbins
Anti-Larry Warren Grand Radio Tour continues. His latest stop-off is The Fenton
Files on KCOR. The relevant section is between 53.55 and 1.16.27:
He repeats a lot of
the same points he's made in previous interviews, for example:
https://hpanwo-voice.blogspot.com/…/peter-robbins-on-adx-fi…. He talks in more
detail about how he first met Larry Warren and the history behind their book
Left At East Gate. He then claims he found out that Larry had lied to him
"with evidence that you could bring into a court of law". However, as
I said in my review of his appearance on previous radio programmes, he has
never called the police or taken out a private suite against his former
co-author. This is strange seeing that he accuses Larry of committing serious
acts of criminal fraud. He then says that there is a "loyal cadre of
individuals in the UK" who "look the other way". This includes me of course.
This is an extremely dishonest and underhand thing indeed for Peter to say. I
have produced a multitude of publicly available material in written, audio and
video forms explaining exactly why I think Peter is wrong. Some of it is linked
below; anybody can see it and critique it at any time. He then gives another
precognitive review of Capel Green, an act that has become virtually a cliché,
and he advises people who see the film to "come to your own best
decisions". This is strange considering that it is obvious Peter is
terrified of the thought of people doing that, just like Nick Pope, Col. Halt and all the trolls. It's pretty clear
that Peter Robbins has made a decision to pursue his conflict with Larry Warren
and escalate it, even though he originally said he wanted to put it behind
I knew Ben had a
history of taking down offending posts at the same speed his friend Larry Warren
used to, so I was not surprised when I clicked one after another of the five
URLs he provided at the end of his post (“See here for background”) only to
read “Sorry, the page you were looking for in this blog does not exist.” He
chides me for being on an “Anti-Larry Warren Grand Radio Tour.” I do have very
strong objections to the making of any documentary film that gives voice to a
proven liar with the legendary track record of complete and total bullshit
achieved by my former coauthor and always will. It follows that Ben is again
correct in observing that I found out Larry Warren had been lying to me, lies I
maintained I could prove "..with evidence that you could bring into a
court of law.” True. I, among others, have already offered up evidence into the
public record to back this allegation, a sampling of which you will find in the
previously noted statement posted on my website. And it’s true, as Emlyn-Jones
asserts, that I‘ve never contacted the police or initiated a legal action
against Warren, which to Ben “is strange seeing that he
accuses Larry of committing serious acts of criminal fraud.” Back before this
blogger became such a devoted acolyte of Warren’s, I appeared as a guest on his show
several times at his request. He has been writing about me ever since, along
with another target of his vitriol, Sacha Christie of Liverpool England. You can read all about us in his ongoing
blog, “The Larry Warren Controversy,” now in its twenty-ninth episode I
The reason I’ve never
contacted any police department/ constabulary regarding Warren’s criminal enterprises is that I’ve
learned from more experienced colleagues in the UK who have done just that, and in some
cases, repeatedly, that law enforcement agencies there have not been willing to
investigate him, thus far anyway. This may change in the coming months with the
publication of an evidence-rich cyber-book that will literally catalogue Warren’s countless contradictions,
confabulations, lies, criminal activities and threats against the health,
safety and in some cases, the lives of a surprisingly large number of people.
Once published, this book will be available at no cost to anyone interested in
reading it. Neither have I initiated any legal actions against Warren. Why bother? So that I can spend an
initial several thousand pounds hiring a law firm 3,000 miles away to remain in
a protracted state of struggle with this person and in the process rob my
day-to-day life of even more vitality, enjoyment, and other positive aspects
than I already have? Thanks, but no thanks.
Emlyn-Jones again:
“He {Peter} then writes that there is a "loyal cadre of individuals in the
UK" who "look the other way".
This includes me of course. This is an extremely dishonest and underhand thing
indeed for Peter to say. I have produced a multitude of publicly available
material in written, audio and video forms explaining exactly why I think Peter
is wrong. Some of it is linked below; anybody can see it and critique it at any
‘A loyal cadre’ is a
fair characterization, and in no way is it ‘extremely dishonest or
underhanded.’ Gary Haseltine, the West Yorkshire-based ufologist and retired
police detective having taken over my old job as Warren’s chief defender and
promoter, is now also the cowriter of “Capel Green,” the documentary. Filmmaker
Dion M. Johnson is in charge of production and constitutes the other half of
the scriptwriting team, Emlyn-Jones is most certainly the group’s dedicated
media-man and chief chronicler, with Tino Megaro, Larry’s good friend and close
adviser rounding out the core team. Ben say that he thinks I am wrong, but I
invite him to answer the questions I posed to Warren in June 2017, questions he has steadfastly
refused to answer, and that both Haseltine and Megaro have also gone silent on
when posed to them in correspondence.
“He {Peter} then
gives another precognitive review of Capel Green, an act that has become
virtually a cliché, and he advises people who see the film to "come to
your own best decisions". This is strange considering that it is obvious
Peter is terrified of the thought of people doing that, just like Nick Pope, Col. Halt and all the trolls.”
review?” Nice one. No. Just some thoughts on a film project being built around
a bogus claim by a single individual. I can assure anyone concerned that I am
not terrified, obviously or otherwise, of viewers coming to their own best
decisions if they choose to see the completed production. Nor do I expect that
the well-known writer Nick Pope or former RAF Bentwaters Deputy Base Commander
Charles Halt are terrified of this either. Nor “the Trolls” for that matter. It
should be noted that Team Warren’s
definition of the word ‘troll’ is anyone who has ever disagreed with,
questioned or contradicted, or worse, had had the nerve to call into question
any of Warren’s claims or allegations, or worse,
embarrass him with actual evidence of his lies, errors or exaggerations.
Here’s what it comes
down to. The only reason that the name Capel Green, a farmer’s field in Suffolk
East Anglia, ever came to public attention was because two men, myself and
Larry Warren, insisted for years – in person, in print, in television and radio
interviews, during conference presentations and informal talks, that the field
had been the site of the single most dramatic event of the three-night-long
incident - the appearance, as if out of ‘bubbles,’ of three nonhuman beings
next to a craft of undetermined origin which Warren claims to have observed
along with “forty-odd men” (page 45, Left At East Gate), yet thirty-eight years
after the fact, not a single one of these other ‘witnesses’ has come forward to
verify his account. More, Warren
associate Gary Haseltime now maintains there were actually four nights of UFO
related events, a ‘fact’ new to me and anyone else who has ever been involved
in this investigation. You can hear him say so for yourself in this interview
recorded earlier this year in Brazil: https://www.youtube.com/watch…
Then there is that
one mercurial witness, Adrian Bustinza, whom Warren freely acknowledges getting part of his
story from (page 74, LAEG), but who has remained selective in what he has been
willing to confirm. Again not a single one of the other forty-odd men that Warren claims were present in that field with him
surrounding that craft has verified his account. What does this tell you? And
we’re to be presented with a film named after this field starring this man?
This project inspires zero confidence in me, no matter how many respected
ufological personalities, authorities, witnesses to related and unrelated
events have been enticed into appearing on film with him. My only advice to
anyone so involved would be to request that your signed release be voided and
to sever all connections with this dubious project. My opinion only.
And what a fortuitous
time to be involved in such a film project! Sony Pictures Television has
announced that they are coming out with a UFO anthology drama entitied
“Rendlesham,” with the outstanding American actor Laurence Fishburne as star
and executive producer. Riding the coattails of such a perfectly-timed program
with the name ‘Rendlesham’ in it is sure to bring in the cash for Larry and
Gary if they don’t blow it.
The online trailer I
watched for “Capel Green” (there are several to choose from) reveals that
(spoiler alert) Warren passes a polygraph test. One thing I’m
confident of regarding my former friend, if that if anyone could beat a
polygraph its him. The man lies as effortlessly and convincingly as most people
breathe – in print, on screen or on stage, on the phone or in person looking
you right in the eyes. A good friend of mine attended September’s UFO TRUTH
Conference where an extended trailer was screened. He related to me a sequence
where our protagonist is standing out in the field telling his story when his
eyes tear up. Perhaps the pressure of knowing this is his final shot at finally
seeing a payday is better served by the shedding of a few tears than more
hyperbole. Perhaps he’s been telling himself this story for so long that he’s come
to believe it.
Forgive me if I
appear insensitive. I honestly don’t mean to be. No one has spent more time on
more occasions in Capel Green with Larry Warren than I have. This including our
initial visit to the area together in February 1988 which he maintains was his
first return to the field since the night of the incident. On that occasion he
stood at the spot where it all happened ‘reliving’ his memories, dry-eyed and
without the slightest quiver in his voice. The same was true for all our subsequent
visits to the site, including our last there together to film a program for
Canadian television. I don’t believe Larry Warren’s account any further than I
can throw him.
Need to confirm some
of this for yourself? No problem. Listen to him in this radio interview to
learn that “The first biggest thing I ever did was I was a PA (production
assistant) for The Beach Boys in the Seventies..” Warren was born in 1961, so
even if this was the late Seventies, he was a teenager working for them in California at the same time he was still living at
home with his parents in New York State’s Hudson Valley. “I met John Lennon more {sic} three times in my life..” Funny that he
never mentioned that to me for the first twenty-seven years or so that I knew
him – and this from the most John Lennon obsessed person I’ve ever known. And
when he did tell me, he had only met him once. Until sometime later when that
number magically advanced one notch. But three times? Sure. Why not?
In a related matter,
why did Emlyn-Jones choose to delete his HPANWO show 138? Larry, homeless at
the time of that interview, was extremely fortunate to have friends like Sacha
Christie, her partner Dave Kelly and two of her children, all kind enough to
take him in for a prolonged period. In that broadcast Warren only had nice things to say about
Christie. Also, that he had never met John Lennon, much as he would have liked
to. “I worked with Stevie Ray Vaughn for ten years.” No he didn’t, but he
certainly forged Stevie’s signature enough times on objects purporting to have
belonged to the blues legend. And he not only spelled ‘Ray Vaughn’ incorrectly
on selected items, but also on at least one piece of faked provenance from the
early Nineties that I have personally seen for myself. More, it is in his (Warren’s) own distinctive handwriting! But he
deserves to be cut some slack on that one. He was still developing his skills
as a forger at the time.
Larry Warren’s
ugliest and most outrageous lie is in a class by itself. Though. Despite the
fact that he was living and working in Liverpool England during and following
the September 11, 2001 attacks on the World Trade Center the city he has called
home since 2000 – and attending a UFO conference in the City of Leeds during
the same time frame, according to him, he was also somehow living in the Bronx
at the same time, having been flown to New York City especially to assist in
the clean up at Ground Zero in the months afterward. Sacha: “..yet he gets no
mention on any of the registers, not one photo in the memorial photo albums or
any other images anywhere and he is probably the only person not to have
suffered with any of the diseases associated with the clean-up.” And all that
time he didn’t even think to let his good friend and coauthor Peter, a longtime
resident of Manhattan and there during the attacks, that he was
in town. Here is a video of Warren
talking about his ‘time at ground zero.’ That’s not just a lie. It’s a damned
If it’s starting to
seem like I’m beating a dead horse here, I guess it’s because I am. But only
because I hope to never again return to this subject in my life as a writer,
and that you need to know, definitively, that this is not some ‘difference of
opinion’ between two former friends and coauthors. And we haven’t even touched
on his lies, exaggerations and inaccuracies as they appear in Left At East Gate
in this tirade.
I ended my June 2017
statement asking to be left alone when it came to Left At East Gate and Larry
Warren. And that request was indeed honored by all concerned, for some months
anyway. But there were those, primarily radio show hosts and producers who
respectfully asked me not to turn my back on legitimate question that had gone
unanswered in my June 2017 post, especially regarding listeners who had read
Left At East Gate and whose respect and admiration I had since lost. Nor was
the point lost on me that my continued silence might be interpreted as evasion,
which was something I was not willing to allow.
Emlyn-Jones tells us
it takes about two days for someone to bring Jay Deavin’s twisted bit of
rhetoric to his attention. He then replaces the offending statement with a text
box reading “”Somebody called “Jay Deavin” has posted comments of antiSemitic
{sic} abuse towards Peter Robbins under my article ‘Peter Robbins on the Fenton
Files.’ I have removed the comments and blocked the account. Apologies to
anybody who saw those comments.”” Apologies to anybody who saw those comments?”
How about an apology to me I wondered. I later learn that he did post an
extremely brief one, though on a page I was unable to access. This pair of
dubious exchanges then appear :
Phil Hainsworth: “Hi
Ben. Didn’t see the comments pal but appreciate your deleting them and removing
the person who posted them.
Emlyn-Jones: I did it
as soon as I saw them Phil Hainsworth. I don’t care what the trolls are saying
about me right now. But I can guess how they are twisting it as much as they
can to denounce me.
P. H.: Ben
Emlyn-Jones they can say what they like,I {sic} no {sic} you are a sound bloke
and do what you think is right pal. Those of us that no {sic} you properly will
always have your back.
E.-J: Phil Hainsworth
Thanks {sic}, mate. That means a lot 😊
P. H.: Ben
Emlyn-Jones I only tell the truth my mate
Sue McAllister jumps
in again to add this comment: You don’t have to apologize Ben you didnt {sic}
write it another {sic} excuse for the Trolls to have a go again! Yawn”
Then this:
Jennifer Ann: Oh no
Ben Emlyn-Jones:
Jennifer Ann it was the trolls again.
J. A.: Ben
Emlyn-Jones I’m so sorry
B. E-J.: Jennifer Ann
J. A.: Ben
Emlyn-Jones I miss you
B. E-J.: Jennifer Ann
you too. Thanks for your support
J. A.: Ben
Emlyn-Jones xo
Call me suspicious,
but something about this outpouring of support does not ring true.
On Tuesday 23 October
Emlyn-Jones opines, “What REALLY Happened: This Thursday evening on the HPAWNO
Show: Some of the trolls are claiming that I have attacked Peter Robbins
online. The attack involved racism. This is false. It is an extremely serious
allegation and so I need to set the record straight and therefore stop these
slurs against my character. See here for background: (link no longer active).”
Wow. I guess I owed Ben an apology. It was now clear that the attack on me had
been cleverly staged by ‘the Trolls’ in order to embarrass him. The rest of
this outrageous self-serving monologue can be accessed in one of Ben’s blogs,
but is well summed up by the person who has been more outspoken and more
dedicated to exposing the antics of Emlyn-Jones’, Warren, and their associates
than any other individual throughout this ugly episode in ufology, my friend
and colleague Sacha Christie of Liverpool:
“Nobody said Ben
attacked Peter AT ALL, NOT EVER but Ben has turned this into something about
HIM again because it is the ONLY way he can justify his continued interference
in MY LIFE and the life of Peter Robbins. We discussed the situation, as is our
right, but Ben only wants free speech for himself and he wants us to stop talking
about him talking about us. Well we won't and we are not going away and seeing
as he likes to make everything about him, lets do that. Warren was my friend and was living in my house.
Peter Robbins was Warren's friend and Co-Author and NONE of it is anything to
do with Ben Emlyn Jones, yet he insists that WE are trolling HIM when HE is the
one interfering in the lives of Peter and myself. Can I say this enough? NO I
CAN'T. So I will say it again.”
And she does, and in
no uncertain terms. Please make no mistake. Ms. Christie has very much earned
the right to come down on Ben and Larry like ten tons of bricks. Study the
history of their incredibly vicious and at times outrageous verbal attacks on
her and you will come to the same conclusion.
One of the specifics
which Sacha then zeros in on in Ben’s woeful tale of victimization was sparked
by his seeming fixation on having been accused of racism. No one as in no one
accuses him of racism at any time. The word itself is never mentioned in any
context in the attack on me or anywhere else, but in Ben’s mind, Jay Deavin’s
attack seems to have somehow been hardwired into the word. This may seem a
minor point to some, but not to others of us. Jewish people, whatever else
their backgrounds or origins, never refer to themselves as ‘a race,’ period.
The reason being that anyone who wishes, is welcome to become to become a Jew.
Converts to Judaism are considered every bit as Jewish as any established
member of the religion, whatever their previous faith or lack of same. Whatever
their nationality or country of origin, and whatever the color of their skin.
The only people I’ve ever know of who refer to the Jewish people as a ‘race’
are the people who attempted to do away with that ‘race’ during the Second
World War, or as Sacha so succinctly notes, “NOBODY accused him of racism, the
attack wasn't even racist and I feel like I have to point out that the only
people who think of Jews as a race existed in 1940's Germany and since that
time, pockets of meat-heads around the globe.”
Some informed digging
then led me to an introduction to a specialty researcher in the UK named Bob, who in turn directed me to a
series of links that went to the core of the matter. I can’t see into
Emlyn-Jones mind, so who am I don’t know if he hates Jewish people or not. But
if he doesn’t, then he is something closely related to an anti-Semite, that
being a Holocaust denier. And not one of your garden variety Holocaust deniers
either, Ben is a player in the movement:
My new colleague Bob
stated flatly that “Emlyn-Jones is friends with and shares platforms with Nick
Kollerstrom.” These two antisemites are so disgusting their rants are held
behined {sic) closed doors where the ticket holders only find out the venue a
few hours before as once the word is out their shows get cancelled by the venue
management. Ben Emlyn Jones recently organized a talk where he would share the
stage with fellow Holocaust denier Kollerstom. The outrage was so great that
the venue cancelled the talk and it went ahead at a secret venue only disclosed
a few hours before the start to those idiots who bought tickets.”
Nick Kollerstrom, I
quickly learned, is a respected figure in the UK/European Holocaust denier
movement, and Ben Emlyn-Jones is close comrade-in-arms. Bob suggested I “Do a
search on his forum and see how any Jew or anyone suspected of being a Jew is
subjected to Antisemitic abuse and then banned.” Here’s a sample of Ben
Emlyn-Jones’ obscene musings, this under his ‘forum name,’ “Haggard Celine:
“The gas chamber at Auschwitz is indeed a fake. Its supposedly cosmetic
shower heads have real plumbing behind them and the doors and windows are just
normal ones, not airtight as they'd have to be. There's no chemical traces of
Zyklon B in the room. There are gas chambers at my hospital for preserving
pathology specimens and they are sealled {sic} with metal and rubber doors. I
don't deny that the Nazis killed all those poor people in the photo but they
didn't kill them by gassing them. The easiest way to kill undesirables in Nazi Germany was surely to just tie them up and leave
them out in the street during an air raid. You see I doubt that gas was
regularly used as the means of murder in the Holocaust, at least not on the
scale that official history tells us it was. It's far more likely that other
methods were used. The most convincing speculation is that the Nazis mostly
locked the victims in their cells and let them starve to death. The official
stories of people lined up and fed into gas chambers are mostly false.”
reflective observations, or fucking outrageous mega-lies? Are you kidding me?
But hey, take my opinion with a grain of salt. How objective can I be knowing
something of the fate of members of my mother’s family at the hands of the
Nazis? Bob also directed me to this link on the HPANWFO Forum,
https://www.tapatalk.com/groups/hpanwoforum/index.php, but by the time I did,
it has been ‘rehabilitated.’ Fortunately, if that’s the word for it, a quick
internet search brought up other links featuring this duo which you’re welcome
to explore for yourself, if you can stomach them. All hail historical
“Some of the trolls
are claiming that I have attacked Peter Robbins online. The attack involved
racism. This is false. It is an extremely serious allegation and so I need to
set the record straight and therefore stop these slurs against my character.”
As far as I was concerned, the record had now been set straight on Mr.
Holacaust denier. But what of the connection between him and this Jay Deavin
person? I returned to Deavin’s Facebook page to see if I’d missed anything among
the few accessible particulars that might help me understand why he’d targeted
me for his little hate-fest. But this time I was greeting with “Sorry, this
content isn't available right now. The link you followed may have expired, or
the page may only be visible to an audience you're not in.” Deavin had flown
the coup leaving no forwarding address. There were other Jay Deavin’s out there
of course, but none of them my Jay Deavin (Strike that. Sounds too gay) and I
have to admit, I was disappointed. I had never had my own personal Jew-hater
before, that I knew of anyway, and he never even gave me a chance to say a
Seriously though. Was
Deavin a fan/follower of Rendlesham and the Larry Warren brigade? Had he simply
stumbled onto Emlyn-Jones page to find the remarks about me, then spontaneously
decided to just let me have it? Was he a visitor there because he was also a
Holocaust denier? It did tend to go hand-in-hand with being an anti-Semite. How
did he even know I was ‘a JEW’ in the first place? Ben had never mentioned it.
Neither the comments he’d taken offense to nor anything in his criticism made
reference to my being Jewish. It’s not something I advertise, nor do I think I
look particularly ‘Jewish.’ My name, Peter Philip Robbins, is at least as
English-sounding as Jay Deavin’s, so what possibility was I missing? Was it out
of the question to consider that someone might have put someone else up to
this? Someone who shared their hatred of Jews and might welcome the change to
take down one who was proving to be a continuing irritant to a like-minded
friend, acquaintance or pal? This was what finally led me to think back to a
memory of any instance where someone, anyone, had ever demeaned me with a
specific combination of anti-Semitic and homophobic verbiage. The answer came
back yes, one time and one time only, and an old email established that I’d
learned of it on August 11, 2015, from none other than Sacha Christie.
By that time my
former coauthor had (well) worn out his welcome at Chez Christie and told me
the real reason that Sacha and Dave had kicked him out. It was because she had
had a thing for him going back ten years or so to when they first met and
wanted to sleep with him. Being a principled sort of a person though, he had
refused to acquiesce for the old-fashioned reason that she was in an ongoing
relationship with Dave, who was living in the same house as them for goodness
sake, though not quite in those words. I, still the loyal supporter and friend,
did not so much buy into that aspect of his story, but was aware that Sacha had
been treated for bi-polar disorder, or some such mental aberration and even
written about this in an online blog. I am embarrassed to say that because of
that, I chose to dismiss something important that she had told me in that
email. Her writing to me that day was primarily to thank me for sending her son
an envelope stuffed with assorted postage stamps. In an earlier exchange she
had told me that her son had begun collecting them. I’d let her know that I had
the same hobby at his age and had a remaining packet of them stuck away that
I’d found and sent to him. It was then that she told me Larry had cursed me out
using a combination of words including “fucking tight cunt jew, fag boy,
fucking gay cunt jew, and various rearrangements of the same words and
sentiments.” She then wished me luck and said that Warren didn’t deserve to have a friend like me.
How did I manage to
reject the possibility that Larry Warren had said something so ugly about me? I
couldn’t completely. But I could imagine that in an especially inebriated state
– something he was a real possibility with him, if he’d been angry with me for
some reason, he might just have had the kind of alcohol-fueled meltdown actor/
producer Mel Gibson famously had years back, and during which he went all
anti-Semite on a cop who had pulled him over for a driving offense. Gibson had
later publicly apologized in what seemed like a sincere mia culpa to me and we
never heard about any related slip up on his part again. This was what I had
hoped had happened with Larry. He’d certainly never said anything anti-Semitic
or homophobic to me to my face. Anything but. In fact he often – often enough
anyway, talked about how he identified with Jewish people, partly from our both
being born in New York City, the largest Jewish population city in the world,
and partly how they Jews survivors and cultured and like thoughts. It was
something he held dear like the pride he took in his mother having actively
been involved in the Civil Rights Movement.
This was one of the
main reasons that when I was in my final, months-long struggle with him over
the deepening divisions between us, I tried to base my arguments in my
understanding of the thoughtful and reflective traditions embodied in the
Jewish holiday of Rosh Hashsanah, the Jewish new year. You can read what I
wrote to him toward the beginning of my long statement of June 2017 posted at
peterrobbinsny.com. None of what I wrote made the least bit of difference
though I’m sorry to say. But the ugly words Sacha Christie had shared with me
in her 2015 email were now weighing on me. If she had been telling the truth,
it was the only other time in my life that someone had directed Jew hating and
gay hating remarks at me and I had to know if Larry had really done this. If he
had, perhaps the connection to Jay Deavlin was Larry Warren, and that was an
awful thought. So what did I do? I emailed Sacha and asked her if she know of
any other people I might know who Warren might possibly have spoken to using
such words as “fucking tight cunt jew, fag boy, fucking gay cunt jew” to
describe me in the past years. She responded shortly after to let me know that
yes, at least eight people I knew other than herself who fit that profile. I
can only report that I made it my business to follow up on these leads and now
know that she was right, and that’s about the lousiest investigative results
I’ve been forced to acknowledge in my decades long involvement in UFO studies.
Here’s a sampling:
“Dear Peter,
I have been trying to
remember where and when I heard Larry say those particular vile things about
you and I couldn't be sure. I had been in Larry’s company before when he had
disparaged your name but then he had disparaged Gary Heseltine, Tino Megaro and
Ben Emylyn Jones amongst others at times. I thought perhaps it was just a bad
side to his character. Oddly he seemed to disparage those also who were closest
to him and had helped him, it left me wondering what he was saying about me
behind my back.
You mentioned Peter
Broughan had heard his vile comments also so this makes me feel it occurred on
the occasion when I met up with Peter and Larry at their Woodbridge hotel. Larry’s comments on that occasion
were particularly vile, disgusting and racist towards you. That was when the
penny dropped and I realised for the first time he was not the person I thought
he was. Peter Broughan (Rob Roy Films) was in the early stages of a film
project based on LAEG .Larry and Peter were in Woodbridge on a recce* for that film project and was
keen for me to meet Peter.
Over the previous
couple of years I had loaned Larry several hundred pounds to save him from
being evicted by his landlord. I had loaned Larry money on three occasions to
pay his rent, the first two occasions I received payments in dribs and drabs
over a long period of time, at the meet in Woodbridge Larry had promised he
would make a payment off what he owed me so you could say I had an added
incentive to go. I knew all hope of that went out of the window when I learnt
he had borrowed money that day off Peter Broughan.
At that time it
didn’t concern me too much as on previous occasions he did pay up eventually
and after all this was a friend facing a tough time. On the last occasion I
loaned him money I had borrowed it off my credit card. A whole year had passed
and Larry had made no attempt to pay back a dime. As the interest on my card
was accruing {sic} I started making payments to stop it escalating. Then came a
tip off from a mutual friend that Larry had sold some rock memorabilia and had
wads of cash.
I contacted Larry
asking him to pay up. The money was paid direct to my bank a few days later. I
was left with the bill for the compound interest which by then was almost as
much as the original loan!
Hint, don’t lend
Larry Warren money!
From that moment on
Larry turned vile towards me. He bombarded me with threatening phone texts and
messages to my family computer, all of which are in a file at my solicitors. He
claimed on radio shows I was someone he only knew from the internet and I know
he told you Peter I was out to cause trouble. On the contrary when we had
Adrian Bustinza on Phenomenon Radio it was me who persuaded John Burroughs to
allow Larry to participate in that show in the interest of fairness but he
seemed paranoid that I was out to cause trouble. I found his behavior bizarre.
I had always been a supporter of both you and Larry and like many of us LAEG
was our bible.
Larry is a very good
talker and a very convincing liar.
From that moment on I
re read Left At East Gate as like many I had trusted and believed his every
word. I went on to read every bit of literature on the Rendlesham Forest Incident I could lay my hands on.
During the course of
my investigations I have forged friendships with many of the key investigators
and witnesses to the RFI incidents, some have gone on the record some prefer
not to be named .If I released all the information I have been told regarding
Larry Warren it would of buried his yarn long ago but I do know the meaning of
“ in the strictest confidence “ and “off the record”
The further I
researched the more I realised I had been duped. Larry Warren is a fraud and a
liar and I now know he can’t be trusted and you can’t believe a single word he
Ronnie Dugdale
*Recce is a
production term used in the UK, Australia, New Zealand and South Africa which
refers to a pre-filming visit to a location to determine its suitability for
shooting, including access to necessary facilities and assessment of any
potential lighting or sound issues, and is closely related to location
Wikipedia: “I do
recall him refering {sic} to you as a 'tight jew' {sic} and 'gay'. He probably
used the f word but as it was a few years ago I really cannot be sure, but make
no mistake about it he talked to me in those disgusting tones, both face to
face and on the phone, in fact during phone calls he definatley {sic} was more
agressive {sic} in his language towards you. Definatly {sic} using fucking and
jew {sic} to describe you.”
Name withheld on
Did Larry Warren put
someone named Jay Deavin up to the mean little stunt of attacking me online?
They’re the only two people in my entire life who ever used such a uniquely
ugly combination of words to describe me, and deductive reasoning makes me feel
that this may have been the case. There is no way I can prove it thought so it
will remain an open question. What is not in question though is that my former
friend, coauthor, brother for all intents and purposes should be ashamed of
himself for having ever referred to me in such terms, on his own or through a
confederate. Not that it, or he really matters to me anymore.
So where does this
leave us with regard to UFO studies? On the dark side of the moon pretty much.
What a sad waste of my time this has been in one respect, but should we who
make up this often-ridiculed area of study ignore attacks of hate speech when
they make themselves known in our community? We are living in a golden age of
misunderstanding where attacks on ‘the other’ are everyday occurrences both
here and abroad, and on the increase. The New York Daily News reported last week that while
Jewish people make up about 2% of the American population, they are currently
the targets of a full 50% of the hate crimes reported across the nation. Yea!
We’re number one!
Going back to my
beginnings in ufology, I felt and continue to believe that one of the most
exciting possibilities inherent in this work is that it has the potential to
bring people together in a way that little else can. If and when disclosure
comes, when the overwhelming number of our fellow planet dwellers finally come
to realize that other intelligences from parts unknown and known have been
coming and going from here via advanced technology for millennia and that we
are truly not alone in the universe, won’t we then come to realize how much
more we have in common with our fellow human beings than all of the things that
separate us from each other? I like to think that that will be the case at
least. President Reagan said as much in his now famous speech to the members of
the United Nations General Assembly thirty-odd-years ago, and the sentiment has
never been truer or more needed than it is today. As for me, I’m not sure where
I go from here. I know I will not be wasting any more of my time on the
individuals singled out herein, nor am I necessarily going to continue on in
this field. To parrot the tired and overused statement of President Trump’s,
“We’ll see what happens.” I do know that none of my colleagues or friends in
this fascinating fraternity of thinkers, writers, doers and experiencers should
ever be subjected to the kind of hateful speech that I was, nor should we
tolerate such behavior from anyone with even the remotest relationship to
ufology. We’re better than that, and may the best of us continue to come
together to address, collectively and individually, this frontier outpost on
the edge of the unknown, and perhaps the unknowable.
Peter Robbins
Ithaca, New York
November 9, 2018