Saturday 20 September 2008

David Icke has been to Visit my House!

I was sitting at home this morning, doing my own things and minding my own business as usual when suddenly there was a mysterious knock at my front door. I stood up, walked over to the door and opened it, wondering who it could be. I wasn't expecting any visitors. And, to my astonishment and delight, David Icke stood on my doorstep!

I invited him in and made him a cup of tea, as any polite host would do. We even broke open some beers and had a nice chat about The Bilderberg Group, the Queen, Reptilians and the Holographic nature of the Universe. We even explored the fortunes of Coventry City FC

I showed him round my garden and let him lie on my Skywatching Mattress. He then let me take these photos of him.

Then something happened. David began trembling and shaking. He started making strange noises, a kind of hissing sound, and then to my shock and horror he shape-shifted! I managed to get a very quick snap of the phenomenon just before he fled the house. The Men-in-Black then popped in and confiscated my camera, but here's an artist's impression of the terrifying thing I saw:

(Costume design and make-up by my daughter Louisa- aged 13)


Jenn said...

Cheers Ben! Great post! I'm feeling a bit punchy this late night, and your photos just set off a laughing fit! Thanks very much :)

Ben Emlyn-Jones said...

Hi Jenn, thanks a lot! I'm glad that I cheered you up.

The costume was actually what I wore for Halloween last year. (Dunno what I'm going to be this year!) I know David is not a usual; Halloween ascociate, but he's spooky enough I guess!

aferrismoon said...

Stephoccocylus Ickeus.
Perhaps next years Boris Johnson, the wigs not far off.
Lord mayor of London, Dick Witlessington.
Can u imagine if geneticists spliced Icke and BJ together

Edward Ott said...

Fantastic post.

Ben Emlyn-Jones said...

Hi Aferrismoon. Actually the wig could almost do if I choose to be BoJo in the future. The wig was the one part of my costume that didn't quite work. I couldn't buy a silver-grey mullet one anywhere. Unfortunately the novelties industry has yet to cater for David Icke impersonaters!

Ben Emlyn-Jones said...

Thanks, Edward!

kerstin said...

I really thought it was him!

Ben Emlyn-Jones said...

Oh dear! I thought I was a bit less wrinkly! lol

Bev said...

A jolly good post Mr Emlyn Jones!
Unfortunately I missed yet another PROBE event. (huge sighs...)
However, one of these days, I feel sure that we will eventually meet up, have a jolly good old natter and put the whole world to rights :-)
until then...

Keep laughing!

Bev said...

OOOOps! I nearly forgot to mention...

thanks for the good laughs :-)


Ben Emlyn-Jones said...

Thanks, ETM. Sorry you missed Probe. It was a great one, the best so far I'd say.

Myron said...

Thanks for the post
new restaurants toronto said...

Oh my god, there's so much useful info above!

Toby said...

Quite worthwhile material, thank you for the post.
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