Who remembers the Millennium? Robbie Williams crooning along to a James Bond theme’s violin trills, getting your computer upgraded double-quick, and of course all the endless prophesies of doom. I can think of many people I knew who didn’t believe we’d live past the year 2000. Now it’s 2010 and we’re still here, but the Doomsday-heads haven’t gone away, they’ve simply got a new handhold on another year: 2012. I dislike this obsessive eschatological culture that has grown up (or been cultivated? But I’m getting ahead of myself) in the Illuminati heartland of the West. It is something fairly unusual in the spectrum of human creeds, and unique in the modern world to the Judeo-Christian worldview; the Book of Revelations, fire-and-brimstone, 666, the Second Coming etc etc ad nauseam. As I’ll explain, it serves a purpose in the agenda for the New World Order. There’s no reason to think that the world is about to end; far from it, it will probably live on for far longer than any of us can imagine. Our planet’s lifespan is determined, like every other planet in the solar system, by the lifespan of the sun. This is currently estimated at 5 to 6 billion years, at least as long to come as it has been here already; time enough to save up for a good wake at your funeral surely! However there are still many people convinced that the End is Nigh and 2012 is the year it will happen. The form this disaster will take is not agreed upon to say the least, in fact there are almost as many theories as there are theorists: Tsunami, volcanoes, crustal displacement, extreme weather, catastrophic sunspot events, dimensional quantum shifting, you name it. The Conspiratorial community is alive with rumour and wincing with dread.
So where does all this come from and why do so many people believe it? The significance of the year 2012 has always been understood by Mayan experts, but the idea wasn’t popularized until 1987 when Jose Aguelles published his book The Mayan Factor (See: http://www.amazon.co.uk/Mayan-Factor-Path-Beyond-Technology/dp/0939680386) In those pre-Millennium days the book only had a moderate impact, but following the anticlimax of Y2K 2012 quickly filled the vacuum. Literally hundreds of books, fact and fiction, have been written on this subject in the last decade. The best one I can recommend is Geoff Stray’s Beyond 2012- Catastrophe or Ecstasy? (See: http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/095506080X/2012diregnosi-20) It’s a huge doorstep of a book, a virtual encyclopaedia on the 2012 culture. The significance of this year, as with the second Gregorian Millennium, has nothing to do with any physical, geological or material aspects; it is all down to a calendar, the Mayan Calendar. The Mayans were a highly sophisticated civilization that emerged in Central America in about 200AD. It had a fully-fledged legal and political system, science, astronomy, mathematics, a written language and a deep and subtle spiritual tradition based on a long line of very developed cultures stretching back to about 1500BC. The Mayans built stone monuments that rival the Pyramids of Egypt and founded an empire that stretched for hundreds of miles. This empire collapsed very suddenly in the 9th Century. Because of their meticulous chronology we know the exact dates their various cities were abandoned. The cause is not known, but ecological problems are suspected. However the Mayans didn’t write about their reasons for abandoning their cities and they did so almost overnight, as if they all just woke up one morning and walked out. The people returned to tribal life in the jungle and stayed that way until the founding of new civilizations a few centuries later, the Post-Classic Mayan, Inca and Aztec Empires. The cities became derelict and were discovered by the Conquistadors after the 16th Century. Because, as I’ve written about before, the Conquistadors were an Illuminati front created to spread the New World Order to the Americas (See: http://hpanwo.blogspot.com/2010/01/boudica-and-perennial-holocaust.html) they attempted to destroy the native Shamanic cultures there. Unfortunately they did a fairly effective job and today very little remains of the native Mesoamerican libraries; or at least very little that hasn’t been hidden away from public view in the deep vaults of the Vatican Library. So it’s very difficult to know exactly why the Mayans and other pre-Illuminati civilizations designed the calendars and set the prominent dates where they did. What was their inspiration? How much did they know?
The Mayan Calendar is very complex compared to our own. To begin with, it’s not one calendar but three; three separate systems that run together in interlocking cycles of time that synchronize on specific years or dates. One of these systems is called the Tsolkin. It is based on a period of 260 days subdivided into two separate streams of subdivisions, one of 13 days signified with numbers and one of 20 days signified by “day-signs” that resemble Western astrology’s Zodiac with names and images associated with them. The second calendar is called the Haab and will seem more familiar to the modern Westerner because, like our own calendar, it is based on the solar year of 365 days. It was subdivided into 18 periods of 20 days each and a nineteenth period of 5 days. These periods served the same purpose as months in the Gregorian Calendar and like the Tsolkin day-signs they had names and symbols. There were no leap-years and the Mayans got round the leap-year problem by adjusting the calendar to the orbit of Venus, an important planet in Mayan astrology. The Haab was probably a utilitarian calendar for day-to-day practical functions like knowing when to plant seeds or what kind of weather to prepare for, whereas the other calendars were more designed for esoteric rites. The third system is the most interesting and infamous from our point of view: The Long Count. This is a much simpler system based on what is known as a “Tun”, a period of 360 days made up of 18 “Uinals" of 20 days each. 20 Tuns make 1 Katun and 20 Katuns make 1 Baktun. And it’s the 13 Baktun conglomeration that is significant because the current one is called “The Fifth Sun” and it is this time period that began on the 11th of August 3114BC and ends on the 21st of December 2012AD. A massive length of time, 5126 years, within which all history as we know it, let alone the Mayans’ own history, has taken place. So each date in the Mayan Calendar has three different entries. For instance the day I’m writing these words is the Wednesday the 17th of March 2010AD in the Gregorian Calendar; in the Mayan Calendar it is 8 Oc in the Tsolkin, 8 Kunku in the Haab and in the long count. In just 1010 days it will be 4 Ahau, 3 Kamkin,; the end of the current Long Count age. Should this concern us?

Well firstly we should ask whether there is any reason to think that this day will be significant; whether it’s good or bad we can come to later. If the Second Gregorian Millennium was such a let-down then won’t the End of the Fifth Sun be also? I say no. There are several reasons why I think the change in the Mayan Calendar will mean more than the change in the Gregorian. In the first place the Gregorian Calendar is a meaningless and arbitrary creation. It is a base-10 system whose zero date was the estimated birthday of Jesus Christ. In fact nobody can ever tell when Jesus was born and the whole story of his birth and death is laced with ancient solar-cult mythological symbolism. So the only significant thing you can say about the turning points if the centuries and millennia in the Gregorian Calendar is that they happen when they do because of when some theologian or historian from hundreds of years ago decided Jesus had been born. The idea of having a calendar based on Jesus’ birth wasn’t proposed until hundreds of years after the time of Christ, in fact the idea comes from the Venerable Bede in early Medieval England. Until the Roman Empire fell we measured the passing of years by the name of the current Caesar and how long he’d been on the throne, EG: “the 14th year of Claudius' reign”. The Gregorian Calendar is not only founded on an unstable and doubtful historical event, but it’s a system that is divorced from the natural rhythms of the Earth and Universe, and it was purposefully intended to be that way by whoever introduced it. For instance we set New Year on January the 1st, a totally random date right in the middle of winter. A natural calendar would set the New Year at a significant part of the natural cycle of the planet, for instance at one of the solstices or equinoxes, or on a date that had a powerful spiritual import based on long veneration throughout human history, like Beltane (Mayday) or Imbolc (Groundhog Day). All the red letter days in the Gregorian system are random and meaningless and the natural cycle dates do not structure it in any way. Now, I know that the Mayan Calendar doesn’t mark these dates either; but it does base its calendar on a sacred system of its own. For instance, the Tsolkin’s 260 day period is based on human gestation and was used, and still is used by the surviving Shamans, to make predictions and analyses in the same way modern Western astrologers do. As I’ve said, the Haab was a profane and utilitarian calendar, but the Long Count is sacred because, as Arguelles has pointed out, the Tsolkin diagram can be used as a template for the Long Count too, where each square represents a particular Tun, Katun or Baktun. This means that the two systems can be interpreted as a harmonic. The Tsolkin represents the gestation of a single human whereas the Long Count could signify the gestation of a whole human society. Another reason I think that the Mayan Calendar is more likely to signify real changes than the Gregorian is that it has a track record for past events that is not often acknowledged. For instance the Aztecs, who survived into the time of the Conquistadors and therefore history, used a similar calendrical system to the Mayans called the Short Count. The Short Count was similar to the long count except that its base unit was a 13 Katun period, about 257 years. It was said by the Aztecs that the changeover between each period was unlucky. The first changeover after the landing of the Conquistadors in 1518 was due to take place in 1697. On that very day the Spanish attacked and destroyed the island fortress of Flores, or Tayasal, on Lake Peten Itza in what is today Guatemala. Tayasal was the last independent Mayan kingdom to fall so on that day you could say that the mission of the Conquistadors was accomplished. But it didn’t end there; exactly 13 Katuns, 257 years after Tayasal fell the modern state of Guatemala suffered a similar disaster. It was 1954 and a military coup instituted by the CIA deposed their elected president and replaced it with a brutal dictatorship in which thousands of helpless people were imprisoned, tortured and executed. So this calendar is more than just a way of measuring time; it may well have an inbuilt system of prophesy. We don’t know because as I said above the records of what the calendar’s designers were thinking has been lost. So if we apply this principle to the Long Count, does it relate to major events in the same way? Yes it does. As Arguelles discovered, the Long Count and the Tsolkin are linked and this could signify a symbolic gestation of human civilization, and it may well do. There’s no doubt, even in official history, that at the time the current age began, 3114BC, the human species was undergoing a great social revolution. The development of culture and technology during the Neolithic and Bronze Ages resulted in the first officially-recognized urban civilizations. Nobody knows the exact time, but it was around 3114BC that the first kings of Sumer took the throne and the first Pharaohs rose to power in Egypt. History, as we know it, began around the time that the current Long Count age did. So what does this mean when that Long Count age ends in 2012? Will our gestation be over? Will be experience the pangs of our “birth”, or is it all just a phantom pregnancy? Or is it not our birth at all that we’re coming up to, but our death?
It is this question that has led to the seething morass of speculation, claim, counter-claim and hypothesis that currently occupies the whole Alternative Paradigm. The Skeptic Movement have naturally pounced upon it with their usual fury and here is a Skepper website dedicated to the subject: http://www.2012hoax.org/ . A lot of what is written here is perfectly correct and many of the articles are ones I totally agree with, but as is so often the case the site is using the various 2012 myths and scams to prop up the general Skepperist view of the world. It makes sure to tar belief in a 2012 Apocalypse with the same brush as belief in ghosts, UFO’s, Conspiracy Theories, Bigfoot etc; basic “pseudoscientific” and “irrational” thinking. The time has come for a proper analysis of 2012 from the other side of the divide, our own “Woo-woo” side. To fail to meet this challenge will mean that the Skepmeisters will have a clear field and will use 2012 to discourage newcomers to these issues from looking at any other aspects of alternative thought. So far the non-Skeptic community has done very little and even respected alternative journalists like Jeff Rense and scientists like Gregg Braden have merely parroted all sorts of dubious notions about the return of the Planet Nibiru and Pole Shifts etc. But now I’m glad to say that this is changing, and the pioneer is none other than my lovely Ustane.
Here is an article Ustane has been working at non-stop for over 2 months. She’s been focused on this work in a way I’ve never seen her before. I won’t intrude on her privacy by giving details, but I will point out to you that Ustane’s study of this subject has been a traumatic and disturbing experience for her; but it has been very evolving and beneficial in the long run and she is justly proud of her work: We don’t agree on every single aspect, but the general theme is very progressive and… downright reassuring! See: http://livenoevil-ustane.blogspot.com/2010/02/have-party-in-2012.html
“Every few years predictions about the world ending happen, they have happened throughout human history. Prophecies don't fulfil, and the purveyors of doom say “Never mind” as they look for new doomsday dates in some ancient text, full of ego as they exploit your search for the meaning of life or the wish for a better world” This quote is very interesting because it highlights a strange phenomenon in our psychology, a kind of need for a Doomsday scenario, and this may well be manipulated by the Illuminati-controlled media. During the Cold War we lived under the shadow of the Bomb; when the Cold War ended it was only then that prospects of other disaster-scenarios emerged like plagues, Tsunamis, comet impact etc. This is deliberate programming by the Illuminati I think, see this article: http://hpanwo.blogspot.com/2007/12/convenient-lie.html . I remember as a child being horrified at these kind of notions. I was petrified to tears when I went to the London Planetarium and learned for the first time that the sun will one day destroy the Earth. I know that’s not for billions of years, as I said above, but that means nothing to a small child. I also was debilitated by my fears about nuclear war, as were most people at the time. I was convinced that I probably would never live into adulthood because the Russians would wipe us all out in a nuclear fireball. Fear is a word whose definition changes as one grows up. Too few adults remember what it was like to be a child. When I was a child, fear and worry had different meanings. Nothing I’ve ever been scared of or worried about has come close to the intensity of what it was like to feel these emotions as a child: lying awake in tears, unable to think of anything else, sometimes for weeks on end. Make no mistake, as Ustane rightly points out at the start of her article: this is not harmless nonsense; it can screw up a child’s mind! There are children, and sometimes adults, considering suicide because of what some people are saying about 2012. Sometimes they tragically do more than just consider it. Ustane mentions the 16 year old girl in India who poisoned herself and the young mother who was contemplating having an abortion so her child would not have to experience 2012. Nancy Lieder, a character I will talk a lot about later, said on a radio show that people should drown their dogs before 2012. Some people will take her at her words and they won‘t stop with their dogs; they could then move on to their children, and maybe then themselves. Telling the truth about 2012 is going to save lives.

Let’s start at a very obvious place: If the world is going to end when the Mayan Calendar ends then the creators of the Calendar, the Maya, should mention it at some point. There are two avenues of enquiry: The records left by the Classical Maya and the survivors of the Conquest, the modern Native Americans. As I’ve already said, the records of the Mayan civilization have been looted and possibly destroyed so it’s very hard to know exactly what they meant. There is a stone monument called “Monument 6” at Tortoguero which is carved with a piece of text that mentions the Long Count date, and this has been taken to mean 2012; well it does in a way, but it also could refer to 3114BC or 7148AD or any other changing of the Long Count cycle. The changeover happens regularly every 5126 years and could refer to any of them. It would be an infinite number too because the Mayans didn’t believe that the world would ever end. Their creation mythology, the Popol Vuh, is one of the few texts that has survived the Illuminati-sponsored genocide and it is very different to the Western Judeo-Christian vision of the Universe. For Westerners the world is something created by God for a purpose, it is finite and leading up to an appointed end. For the Maya the Universe is eternal and infinite. It will never end; it merely goes through cycles and dialectics of transformation after which it carries on in perfect health, ageless, non-temporal and divine. What has happened is that the fact that the calendar changes over, along with little scraps of the Mayan myths, has been crowbarred into the Western concept of the Apocalypse with very few people checking and seeing that it is not a very good fit. The Long Count Calendar and the whole concept of “ the end-of-the-world” come from two completely alien cultures that never had any contact. The Mayan Calendar is an eternal one, like our own. The Long Count doesn’t “end” at all; it just begins a new cycle in the same way that our own calendar doesn’t end on New Year’s Eve, it just carries on into a new solar year. This date in the Long Count does not match any significant date in the Tsolkin or Haab calendars; 4 Ahau, 3 Kankin are just random dates. If the Mayans planned to ever end their calendrical system then they’d probably design the Long Count so that it came to a close on the same date as a new Tsolkin or Haab year. The Mayans Monument 6 is in poor condition and much of the inscription has been obliterated by time; it refers to the arrival of “9 support gods”, but it’s impossible to place that comment into context because of the lack of more information. If the Maya believed that the changeover of the current Long Count would be accompanied by some kind of global Armageddon then they’d surely have been clearer about what they thought. There would be more monuments and stone carvings dotted all over the ruins of their citystates heralding that the End was Nigh. The modern Native Americans have worked very hard over 500 years to preserve as much as they could of their culture, languages and religions. Today there are still Shamans alive and practicing in the Americas, much to the frustration of the Illuminati no doubt. They are actually laughing and shaking their heads at the modern 2012 hysteria and do what they can to calm the waters with their own expert opinion on the subject. There is no legend in the Americas that states the world will end in 2012.
Now we have to mention Nibiru; oh I love this one! See, I’ve made a HPANWO TV film about it: http://hpanwo-tv.blogspot.com/2010/01/where-is-nibiru.html . There’s very little I can add to this absurdity that I don’t say in the vid. The attachment of Nibiru to the 2012 myth comes from Zecharia Sitchin. As Ustane points out, he’s a rather shady character. His translations of the Sumerian Tablets are controversial, to put it mildly. Sitchin is also named by a survivor of government mind control, Arizona Wilder, of being a Reptilian and he attends Satanic rituals at Balmoral and Stonehenge. His array of books have been pasted onto the 2012 myth in a similar way that the Judeo-Christian Apocalypse scenario has. Despite all the strange online photos and YouTube vids claiming to show Nibiru; it simply ain’t there. The biggest promoter of the Nibiru theory is Nancy Lieder and Ustane tells you all about her doubtful credentials. Here’s one of her contemptible “Zeta-talk” videos: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EoFxxo42DDA . She’s the one who spoke about having a “puppy lake” in every town so that people can drown their pets before Nibiru strikes the Earth. She really is a bullshit artist extraordinaire, and I don‘t say things like that often. She may well be part of a organized disinformation campaign whose possibility I’ll discuss later. She’s associated with the Godlike Productions Forum which has been nominated as a CIA front (See: http://www.godlikeproductions.com/ . Interestingly I can’t access the site myself. It says my IP is banned!)

The 2012 doomsday-mongers named an asteroid or comet impact as a possible 2012 scenario. They describe how out in space there are a countless number of asteroids and comets orbiting in regions of the solar system where they could collide with the Earth. Pieces of rock, flying pebbles, constantly hit the Earth every second and burn up in the atmosphere; few are big enough to survive to land on the ground. However there are a few minor planets out there that are big enough to cause considerable environmental damage if they were to collide with the Earth. There’s 4179-Toutatis for example, a lump of rock about 3 miles across could strike the Earth one day. It is thought that the dinosaurs were wiped out this way. This is a genuine danger, in fact Arthur C Clarke compared living in the solar system to running around on a rifle range, but astronomers keep a very close eye on all large asteroids and comets out there and don’t think one is likely to hit the Earth very soon. Of course they may have missed one, but if they have then there’s no reason to think that such an asteroid would hit the Earth in 2012 any more than it’s likely to hit the Earth in any other year. There is no specific link between this scenario and the year itself.

Another thing that many Doom-and-gloom-artists claim will happen in 2012 is a magnetic pole reversal. This is where the Earth’s magnetic field suddenly flips and north becomes south on the compass and vice versa; this will apparently cause Tsunamis, volcanoes earthquakes and all the other usual suspects. Well I know that’s not true because we’re not experiencing those thing even though a pole shift is going on right now! We’re in the middle of one! What these people don’t realize is that when geologists use the word “suddenly” it doesn’t mean the same as when we usually use the word. Geological timescales are so vast that the 5000 years that a magnetic pole reversal can take is “sudden” in their terminology. Pole shifts are one of the natural cycles of our planet’s existence and they‘re fairly harmless. The Earth’s magnetic field is very strong for one of the inner planets, and this is why life has been able to evolve to such a sophisticated level, and for as long as it has. Mars was once like the Earth, but its lack of a magnetic field caused it to lose its atmosphere, and this may be the thing which destroyed whatever species and culture built the Face of Mars and the Cydonia complex (See: http://hpanwo.blogspot.com/2008/08/skeptics-in-pub-18808.html). Pole-shifts don’t follow a regular, predictable rhythm, but they take place about 3 times every million years on average, so there have been over a hundred of them since the environmental catastrophe which caused the extinction of the dinosaurs 65 million years ago, with no comparatively ill effects. What happens during a pole-shift is that the Earth’s magnetic field begins to weaken and become chaotic; the magnetic poles and flux lines wander all over the place; sometimes second or third poles can split off from the main one. After about 2500 years the field withers to virtually nothing and for a few centuries the Earth is bombarded heavily by solar radiation. This is bound to cause some problems, but it is not as bad as the Doomsday-heads think because the planet’s surface still has the atmosphere to protect it which is the same as being 30 feet underwater. One bonus is that the entire Earth will be regularly treated to the aurora or “Northern Lights“, today only visible in the polar regions. After a few hundred years the magnetic field will return and slowly strengthen and after 2000 more years or so will be back to full strength, although the north and south pole will be reversed. This is an entirely natural process that occurs frequently and has not seriously hindered the evolution of life on Earth at all. If it did we wouldn’t be here; we’d still just be slime-mould and shellfish. What’s more the Earth's poles of rotation do not change during a magnetic reversal, only the magnetic ones do. It’s possible that physical displacement of the Earth’s crust can happen, but if it does the phenomenon is not related to magnetic pole shifts otherwise the geological record would show it. Ustane mentions the issue of crustal displacement, and along with her sources Rand Flem-Ath has written a lot on the subject. It could happen, yes, but as with the asteroids, is there any causative link between it and the year 2012? No, there’s none. It could happen in 2012, but then it’s just as likely to happen in 2011 or 2013 or any other year. There used to be a brilliant documentary on Google Video called Magnetic Flip which has unfortunately been taken down. It proves that we are currently in the middle of a magnetic pole reversal right now. The researchers for the programme went into the British Admiralty Library and pored through millions of compass readings taken from ships all over the world for the last 400 years. It shows that the magnetic poles are getting harder to find and are moving and splitting; we’re close to the heart of the reversal and in a few centuries we’ll have to contend with the eye of the storm when there is no field at all, but I’m sure we’ll manage it somehow; we’ve done it before.

I think Nibiru is probably the daftest of all the 2012 theories, but a close second must be Patrick Geryl’s bizarre and grotesque hypothesis of mega-solar flares. Here’s his site: http://www.howtosurvive2012.com/ . He presents himself as our saviour, the man who can deliver you from the evil that is to come in 2012. If you join his survival group he will show you where to build your shelter and store your food etc; and it’s a mere snip at £5000 which Geryl will take off your hands and invest for you into his survival bunker at a secret location in North Africa… apparently. Survivalism is a subject I want to write more about in a separate article, but for now I’ll concentrate on Geryl. Geryl was interviewed on Project Camelot; here’s the 94-minute interview here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cd-cCeaKrOA . Project Camelot have really gone downhill lately. They used to be excellent investigators who made interesting programmes about genuine individuals like Gary McKinnon, Jane Burgermeister and Joseph P Farrell, but look at them now! They’ll give a platform to any hairy-handed drop-out who can spin a half-decent yarn! They’ve become rather obsequious too and don’t ask the tough questions that investigators should. This programme about Patrick Geryl is probably their worst to date. Geryl believes… or says he believes… that in 2012 the sun is going to release a series of extreme particle events which will hit the Earth and because the Earth’s magnetic field is arranged north-to-south like the flares are there’ll be a magnetic homopole reaction which will repel the Earth’s field and push the planet out of orbit and flip it over 180 degrees so that south faces upwards. This is sheer fantasy! The magnetic homopole effect can be very strong, as you’ll find if you take two magnets and try to push the two north poles or the two south poles together, in fact this is the basis for maglev railways, see: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Maglev_(transport) . But the idea that you can do the same to the Earth as you can with magnets is ludicrous and Ustane explains why very well in the article. Coronal mass ejections, or solar flares are dangerous in terms of the radiation they produce. This can be a hazard to astronauts and delicate electronics, and I’ve written about this before, see: http://hpanwo.blogspot.com/2009/01/i-went-to-godamn-moon.html . But there’s no way any radiation flare the sun produces could do what Geryl claims. In fact the only thing that could would be a collision between the Earth and a similar sized planet; and as Ustane points out, the Earth would be smashed apart, not flipped over.

Another hobby-horse these people have is to do with the position of the stars, Milky Way and planets, both in the astrological and astrophysical realms. I’ve written before about the astrological aspects of 2012 in my reviews of the lectures by Helen Sewell and Cathy Rowan-Drewitt see: http://hpanwo.blogspot.com/2009/06/alternative-view-ii-part-6.html and: http://hpanwo.blogspot.com/2009/10/probe-autumn-2009-part-1.html . Neither of these ladies seemed particularly alarmed or delivered any portents of doom. But there’s a fear circulating about some kind of astrophysical disaster in 2012 because of the gravitation harmonics or resonance of the planets’ positions at that time. This happened a few years ago, as Ustane explains in her section on planetary alignment. The truth is not only that there is no significant alignment during that year, and even if there was it would have no more effect than the “Grand Tour” formation did in the 70’s and 80’s. This alignment was actually very useful for NASA because without it the famous Voyager missions would not have been possible. Ustane provides a link which shows photos of several crop circles that have appeared showing the positions of the planets in 2012 and to me it looks like all the other inner planets are in a group on the far side of the sun to the Earth. How often do these alignments and conjunctions occur? Well… every few decades; and so if the past ones have not caused any disaster then why should the future ones do? There’s some very shrill and frightened-sounding people in cyberspace who are claiming that on the 21st of December 2012 the Earth and sun are going to fall into the black hole at the centre of the Milky Way. This is a gross misunderstanding of something that sounds similar but is entirely different. What happens is that when the sun rises in midwinter it comes above the horizon at the same spot on the celestial sphere that the centre of the Milky Way is also located. This happens every year because the centre of the Milky Way is not a single point, but a large blob of billions of stars and dark nebulae a good few degrees across. But this effect has nothing to do with the distances between the sun and the Galactic core; it’s simply that they line up in a trick of perspective unique to an observer in our part of the cosmos, as during an eclipse. The solar system is actually about 40,000 light years from the Galactic core and will remain here for as long as the Milky Way exists which will probably be hundreds of billions of years. The sun will not fall into the Galactic core on the Winter Solstice of 2012 any more than the moon crashes into the sun during a solar eclipse. The sun actually rises in the general location of the centre of the Milky Way every year, but in 2012 it rises at a unique position within that central area: it eclipses the heart of the so-called “Dark Rift” which is actually a huge, black cloud of dust. The Mayans called this the “Crocodile’s Mouth” and this may be why they set the start and finish of the Long Count at the times they did. Of course “Astrogeek”, the Skepolata who runs the 2012 Hoax site sees no significance in this at all, because it’s a purely astrological event and as a Skeptic he doesn’t believe in astrology. Here’s where I differ from him. This Galactic alignment may well be prominent and may well have some effect on the Earth; we don’t know what, but there’s no reason to think the effect will be a bad one. As I said, the Mayans didn’t believe in the Apocalypse; they were basically very optimistic people.
Another theory… God, there are do many of them!… is that the Earth will be destroyed when a nearby star becomes a supernova. This less-than-totally-memorable B-movie explores the hypothesis: http://www.alluc.org/movies/2012-supernova-2009/watch1272003.html?hc=cedb6660e82deb8ec8597e09f3ac34e91265168457 Supernovae are the biggest explosions in the universe and if the sun became one the Earth and all the other planets would be vapourized; but, as I’ve said above, the sun is barely middle-aged in stellar terms and will last a lot longer yet. Also it’s the wrong type of star. Only a special kind of star, one off the “main sequence” of stellar evolution, can form a supernova and the sun is not one of them. It will end its life as a red giant and then a nova and black dwarf. The question then is raised, what if another star becomes a supernova? Would that harm the Earth? This is a theory raised by two students to try and explain the extinction of the dinosaurs. Well even an event as destructive as a supernova has its limitations. There have been many supernovae in our Galaxy and although they make astronomers very excited for a while and can sometimes even be visible in daylight, they don’t do any damage. The nearest star is 4 light-years away and the others much further. A star would have to be very close to the sun to have any effect. Are there any supernova-producing stars close enough? Ustane says they’d need to be a maximum of 25 light years away. Well if there are some there then, yes, there might be a danger; but again, what has that got to do with the particular year 2012? There are many more theories that Ustane covers: Attempts to fit 2012 into the abstract writings of Nostradamus, Mother Shipton’s predictions, the ramblings of the Oracle of Delphi, the I-Ching and “Timewave Zero” etc etc etc. The list is too long for either Ustane or myself to describe in detail and even Geoff Stray misses a few quirks. What’s it all about!?

Since the failed Millennium an entire culture has grown up around 2012, most of it based on fallacies and errors, and is very fearful and pessimistic. Where does it all come from? Is it just people being hysterical? Or is there more to it? For a long time I thought that it was just people getting the wrong end of the stick, like those who thought the world would end at the Millennium, then the movie 2012 came along and it changed my mind. See here for the trailer: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hz86TsGx3fc . This film was released in November last year, on Friday the 13th. Like all Roland Emmerich’s films it was hyped and advertised to an extent no other ever is. I remember going to the flicks shortly before the film came out and the cinema staff were all dressed in 2012 T-shirts. There was also a viral marketing campaign carried out by this very slick and upmarket website: http://www.instituteforhumancontinuity.org/ . Nobody said anything before the film’s release, but this website is actually fake; it’s run by the movie’s producers, Sony Pictures, which is why at the end of the trailer the voice tells us to search “2012”. In my opinion this film, like all of Emmerich’s oeuvre, is utterly dire. Its fancy special effects do nothing to compensate for the fact that it is badly-written, badly acted and badly directed. The plot is very crude, the characters and script is cliché and the acting so awful that it virtually realizes the paradox of “imitation-kitsch”! But ever since I watched Independence Day, and somehow sat through it to the end, I’ve understood that Emmerich is more than just a bad film-maker, he’s a major propaganda artist. His films, especially ID4 and 2012, are loaded with Conformist and FutureShock themes. I’ve written about this elsewhere, see: http://hpanwo.blogspot.com/2008/10/ian-crane-war-on-terra.html . Where ID4 was indoctrinating the audience to fear anything extraterrestrial 2012's indoctrination seems to geared to making us feel negative emotions towards anything connected to that year. Whenever you hear “2012” mentioned from now on the image most people will get in their heads is of mega-tsunamis and buildings falling over like skittles, as Neil Kramer very observantly points out (See: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lvpztP-zBoU) the aim is to keep us as low as possible in the “hierarchy of human needs”. Josef Gobbels said that propaganda should always be made as simple and blatant as possible; this was because it does its work in the basest and most fundamental levels of the psyche, and this definitely applies to Roland Emmerich’s films. The main incident in what passes for a plot of 2012 is a sequence of about 40 minutes, a quarter of the entire film, which just shows scene after scene of monstrous, over-the-top destruction, as you can see in the trailer. Oddly enough the film managed to wangle a “12A” certificate which means children much younger than my own daughter could go and see it, and this ties into what Ustane and I both said about how kids are effected by this kind of thing. The film classifiers have no idea about what really damages kids. The made Basic Instinct an “18” for its sex and nudity scenes while kids as young as 12 can go and watch the Earth being annihilated. The classifiers consider this harmless family fun, whereas a brief flash of pussy could scar them for life!?
So why would the Powers-That-Be spend however many millions of dollars to create a piece of propaganda about 2012? This is important, the most crucial question, because the Skeppers are telling us that 2012 is meaningless, but it can’t be or they wouldn’t have made that film. As you’ve gathered by now, I completely dismiss the 2012 catastrophe theory, but I would never go as far as to say that therefore 2012 is nothing, just another year. I think 2012 does mean something; it is going to be a special year, but not in the way most people think. The Mayans had access to knowledge that, as I explain above and in my Boudica article, has been systematically secreted and destroyed by the Illuminati. I think they knew a hell of a lot we don’t; even modern day Shamans are barely scratching the surface as they bravely attempt piece together the scattered remains of our lost heritage. I believe that the astrology and spirituality surrounding 2012 signifies a great transformation in human development, and maybe the entire universe, but this transformation will not change the physical world around us, or at least not in obvious ways. We might find that the laws of physics change slightly, like electrons and protons could swap places or something, but this is good not bad; we could run our electrical appliances of light! ("You twat!" says Prof Brian Cox!) But the main reason I think that the 2012 transformation will be good not bad is basically because the Illuminati are promoting the idea that it will be bad so rigorously! They’re afraid! The 2012 changes that are to come will mean that their New World Order will be unattainable. A lot can be read from their behaviour; it feels like they’re in a headlong rush to bring in the New World Order as soon as possible; they’re in a virtual frenzy. They think that if they can drag our minds down the “hierarchy of human needs” into pure survival mode we will miss the opportunity to ride on the 2012 spiritual energy. Well I’m glad to say that it looks like this trick will not work. Ustane puts it very well at the end of her article: “Your state of being can find the way home by knowing that we are already home and always were. Fear knocked on the door. Love answered, and there was no-one there.”
There is no doubt that the Illuminati are preparing for something. They’re building underground bases and seed vaults. There’s the famous testimony of the “Norwegian politician”. This is referred to by the Doomsday-heads as proof that the Elite are building a bolt-hole to hide in during the disaster, but keeping it a secret otherwise everybody will be struggling to get into it. They don’t care if the rest of us fry, just so long as they’re safe; this is the storyline of the Emmerich film. They believe in the “lifeboat” analogy of Pentti Linkola, see: http://hpanwo.blogspot.com/2010/02/pentti-linkola.html . However I take a different view. I don’t deny that the Illuminati seem to be “digging in” for some future event, but I don’t believe that they’re preparing for any of the 2012 disaster scenarios listed above. Remember that underground bases are nothing new. For instance, the facility at Area 51 was first begun in the 1950s and the Nazis also had underground bases. In fact an enormous underground excavation was carried out just before the end of World War II. The purpose of this excavation is unknown but it was called Project Riese (‘Riese’ means ‘giant’ in German). It consists of a tunnel a hundred or more feet across and many miles long. Today this tunnel is closed off to the public, allegedly because it is in constant danger of flooding. There may be underground bases that are even older. There is no reason to suspect that the Illuminati’s current base building programme is related to any forthcoming natural disaster. If the earth was about to be hit by tsunamis, asteroids and a supernova etc, why would they be bothering to register us on computer databases, inject us with viruses, or fill the atmosphere with Chemtrails?. It is far more likely that the crisis they are preparing for is one of their own making, the endgame of the New World Order. And this is good news because it means we can do something to stop it! See you at the party!
(Latest HPANWO Voice story: http://hpanwo-voice.blogspot.com/2010/03/hollie-and-anne-greig-event.html
Latest HPANWO TV film: http://hpanwo-tv.blogspot.com/2010/03/london-reptile-house.html)
Excellent works thanks Ben & also thanks for the link to Ustane's work.
Great title too :)
Very best to you
Thanks, Alex. Glad you like it. It's good that we can prove the Skeppers wrong by not fitting in with the template they like to portray us as. All the best x
This is a work of art part excellance, Ben. I very much enjoyed reading this. I am translating it for you into Spanish. Thank you for your support and interest in my article. You're a super writer Ben
Thanks, Ustane. I'll look forward to seeing the Spanish version.
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Loved your post on 2012! Brilliant and so well written! Keep up the clear and insightful communication. Hopefully lots of people are hearing your message. I so agree on the notion of instilling fear in each generation and 'gettin' 'em when they're young' to create the circuitory in the brain for easy manipulating...your thoughts on movie ratings brought me a good chuckle too!
This is an amazing time to be alive. I share this with people everyday...perhaps it is due to the shifting of the poles but I find that the more I focus only on 'the positive' the more directly connected I become to the Quantum Field and manifestation happens at a ridiculously fast pace. I meditate everyday and just place myself in a zone where I forget all time, space and my body...vibe out on that feeling for a while and then go about my day openly communicating with the field, offering clear direction of what I want and I swear the responses have become mind bogglingly accurate...I hope this sharing offers others insight into how to start taking advantage of the profound interactive energies that are available to us at this time! Might be what the Illuminati are really afraid of...that we discover just how easy it really is to create your day, your year, your life! Aloha & Peace, Love & Light, Lynn
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