During the last few decades the state of the Earth’s environment has become one of the biggest causes for concern among the people of the world. Along with this has come an understanding that the fate of the environment is directly linked to the survival of human civilization. Fear of disasters caused by Global Warming, Peak Oil, Overpopulation, the destruction of natural habitats and biodiversity, soil erosion and water shortage are endemic. The drive to find a solution to these problems has led to a variety of proposals that have become intensely political. The urgency and severity of the perceived problem have generated a new brand of environmental extremism that is a stark departure from the bearded and bespectacled men in lifejackets who used to sail their boats into the path of whaling ships. Modern eco-warriors are rich and powerful businessmen, academics and politicians who devise their plans at in-camera meetings and in-house-only documents. They’ve also built up a following of underlings and admirers who are less subversive and more outspoken in their views. What unites them all is extreme political views and a shared malaise of deep pessimism and desperation. I’ve already discussed two of these individuals: Soren Renner and Pentti Linkola, see: http://hpanwo.blogspot.com/2010/05/billions-will-die-we-will-win.html and: http://hpanwo.blogspot.com/2010/02/pentti-linkola.html . Their opponents are often labeled as “deniers” and any questioning of even a part of the environmental issue is lambasted and the questioner will be accused of “not caring” and being an “eco-criminal”. But, as always in any political or scientific movement, is there more going on? Could there be an occult and/or conspiratorial element? The answer in this case is yes.
I’ve already dealt with the issues of Global Warming and Peak Oil. Global Warming is palpable nonsense; human “carbon” emissions have no effect on climate at all. Many say that Peak Oil is a myth too like my friend and fellow researcher Ian R Crane, see Links column and: http://hpanwo.blogspot.com/2008/10/ian-crane-war-on-terra.html . He says oil is not a fossil fuel and replenishes itself over time; a fact that if ever made public would cause oil prices to fall through the floor and ruin a nice useful nightmare. However this question becomes academic when one takes into account the Free Energy conspiracy, see: http://hpanwo-tv.blogspot.com/2009/09/freikraft.html . In this article I’m going to address another untruth: Overpopulation. One of the biggest concerns, and one who some say would automatically solve all the others if it itself was solved, is that the Earth simply has too many people on it. That the human population has exceeded the planet’s bioeconomic capacity and is now rapaciously consuming the planet’s biomass like yeast in a vat and when that biomass is all gone we’ll die too, like yeast does in fermentation. Richard Heinberg (http://richardheinberg.com/) facetiously asks: “Are humans more intelligent than yeast?” But I think that this whole idea is a delusion, one that is encouraged and spread like the Global Warming one. The world is not overpopulated. You might find it hard to believe that the world is not overpopulated when you consider that there are more than 6 and a half billion of us alive right now. Take a look at any industrial city anywhere in the world and they’re hellholes! But they are localized hellholes (and hopefully temporary ones), and this is the point. In fact it’s worth opening an atlas at this juncture and taking a look at the population density colour chart which most of them have. You’ll immediately see that almost three quarters of our planet is covered by the oceans and seas; then you’ll notice that of the remaining 30% or so of exposed land, only about 15% of that is inhabited to any great degree; most of the Earth’s people are crammed into a few rather small areas, Europe, the plains of China, India and a couple of smaller regions of the Far East. There are a few hotspots elsewhere, for instance in North America and Central Africa, but basically we’re all standing shoulder to shoulder in the corner of a big, empty room. If you squeeze us in enough we could all fit on the Isle of Wight! Now at this point someone’s going to say “Yes, but it’s not just about space, it’s about food and resources for all those people.” And that is why the world is not overpopulated; it only looks as though it is. It looks like this, not because the Earth is an inadequate home for so many people, it is simply because we are such bad tenants. I’ve already dealt with the issues of space and energy, and the water shortage is negated by the energy one because it will allow us to build machinery for turning seawater into irrigation and drinking water and pump it inland to drought areas for almost no cost or environmental obtrusion; let’s look at food. Can we produce enough food for everyone, that is without destroying the planet’s biosphere by overfishing, killing all the animals for meat and turning all the wilderness into farmland? Yes we can. We have this idea in our heads that modern factory farming is the ultimate achievement in food production. It is most certainly not. When the explorer Francisco de Orellana sailed his boat down the river Amazon he found a huge undiscovered civilization lining the riverbanks for hundreds of miles. It baffled him how such a culture could arise in the middle of a forest; the people he encountered only had tiny plots of farmland. Where did all their food come from? The answer can be found in a little-known TV documentary that keeps being removed from Google Video whenever somebody uploads it (so download this one quick before it disappears!): http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=8993313723654914866# The reason these people could sustain themselves with such a small amount of farmland was because they were using a special type of soil called Terra Preta, see here for more details: http://hpanwo.blogspot.com/2008/06/terra-preta.html . The discovery, or should I say “re-discovery”, of Terra Preta is just one illustration of how grossly unnatural are current lifestyle is; and that if we changed it we could vastly increase the yields of farmland, or reduce the space taken up by farms and leave more room for wilderness. Those smaller farms would also be non-polluting and not destroy topsoil. ORMUS is another good thing (See: http://www.subtleenergies.com/ORMus/whatisit.htm), in fact I suspect that Terra Preta is ORMUS-based. Also consider other factors: once Free Energy is declassified there’ll be a vast reduction in air pollution as well as plenty of building room on the brownfield sites where power stations used to be. Mother Earth has enough for everyone; we’ve just got to treat her with respect, give as well as take and she will deliver. In truth nobody knows for sure exactly how big the bio-economic capacity of the Earth is, and it is not infinite; it can’t be. However one thing’s for certain: when we live a more environmentally friendly manner that limit goes up, and it goes up manyfold. So to solve the apparent overpopulation problem we need to concentrate on our lifestyle, not our numbers. Seeing as the means to do this is being actively suppressed by the Illuminati what can we do? The answer lies in the question: Why would they do this? I’ll explain.
“But where’s the harm?” you might ask. Isn’t it good that people care about the environment, whether or not their specific ideas are true? Well, no. No because their deluded ideas can lead them to advocate actions that cause terrible damage, like with Mark Lynas’s promotion of nuclear power, see: http://hpanwo-voice.blogspot.com/2009/02/green-party-man-backs-nuclear-power-in.html . The Overpopulation Movement is also led by the conspiratorial elite who want to create the New World Order and Overpopulation gives them what David Icke calls a “Problem-Reaction-Solution”. Problem: Overpopulation, Reaction: people are fearful and worried, Solution: They join organizations and take part in secret agendas to bring in police-state Big Brother controls on energy consumption, sex and reproduction and other activities. An example is Erik Pianka. This is a biologist who called for the reduction of the human population by 90%; how this could be achieved he doesn’t say apart from muttering about “controlling reproduction”, but the unspoken elephant-in-the-room of his views is that to have his wish it would involve an active culling of the human population. Pianka always claims that he’s been misquoted, and seeing as the speech where he made his alleged incitements to genocide was not recorded, nor were minutes taken, we can’t prove him wrong, but it’s worth watching some of his videos! The most interesting ones are not on the usual film sites, but are on shared files that you’ll need to download here: http://www.zo.utexas.edu/courses/THOC/ The 26.5 minute video is the most interesting. I don’t know how many people he expects to be watching it, but he is much more outspoken here than in his online interviews; and his misanthropy really shines through. “Humans are Homo Saps not Homo Sapiens” and he compares our species to bacteria. The problem here is that people like Pianka could easily be recruited to a tyrannical depopulation agenda without needing to be briefed in on the entire conspiracy. Here’s another: Bill Gates talking about using vaccines to reduce the population: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6WQtRI7A064 Is this why massive amounts of different vaccines for Swine Flu and other diseases are being peddled to the people right now? What do these vaccines really contain? The discoveries of Jane Burgermeister make the picture fit together like a terrible jigsaw: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PelTWCUmTsU . I suspect that there are people working towards the depopulation agenda who are not in the Illuminati, who don’t want the New World Order, but who see it as justified, even to the point of mass genocide, because the falsehood I’ve described has made them so direly pessimistic and desperate. Speaking out on this issue could save the human race!
(Related HPANWO TV film: http://hpanwo-tv.blogspot.com/2011/01/erik-pianka-and-overpopulation.html)
Latest HPANWO Voice articles: http://hpanwo-voice.blogspot.com/2011/01/nisa-local-shops.html
And: http://hpanwo-voice.blogspot.com/2011/01/bmj-wakefield-article.html
And: http://hpanwo-voice.blogspot.com/2010/12/israeli-roswell.html
And: http://hpanwo-voice.blogspot.com/2010/12/zecharia-sitchin-1929-2010-official.html
Latest HPANWO TV films: http://hpanwo-tv.blogspot.com/2011/01/pat-condell-is-not-atheist.html
And: http://hpanwo-tv.blogspot.com/2011/01/ogonite-headband.html
And: http://hpanwo-tv.blogspot.com/2011/01/2012-ahoy.html
And: http://hpanwo-tv.blogspot.com/2010/12/rendlesham-forest-incident-30th.html
Hi Ben. I'm glad you brought this topic up. When I saw it, I was expecting to see a link to this recent Project Avalon interview that I watched yesterday. Bill's guest asserts in it that massive population reduction is definitely planned, neccesary, and the compassionate thing to do. Very disturbing stuff. I agree with you that there are not too many people right now. That's not why TPTB want it, and they are flat out lying when they say lower birth rates are their answer. The truth is, we can't maintain current population AND keep the control system. Thats because the control system is pyramidal in structure. This really sunk in for me when I started noticing two different types of editorial showing up frequently in the newspapers I used to read. The first type was your standard over-population propaganda. The second type was bemoaning Canada's negative population growth. In these stories, it was stated that continuous growth was needed in order to maintain things like pensions because you obviously can't have more retired people than working people to support them. A one to one ratio doesn't work. In a pyramid, the lowest level is always the largest. Replacement can't maintain the structure, there has to be growth. On a finite planet, this can't go on forever without collapsing. IF the control system is to remain in place, periodic culls are required. And those culls need to span all age demographics. In the Avalon interview, the interviewee, "Charles" assures us that TPTB (cap stone) have put their best minds on this problem and a cull is the only responsible option. I'm guessing that their best minds didn't consider getting rid of the control system pyramid, though. A much better solution, in my opinion.
In Lak'ech.
A simple non-loaded question - why would it be better to have 10 billion people on this planet than 7 billion?
Monad, I can think of a reason. It would increase the pool of human creativity. By the looks of things, we can use all help we can get in that respect. Even if I couldn't think of a reason though, there still might be a very good one. It is dangerous to assume too much from limited information.
In Lak'ech.
Hi Muluc. Thanks for your comment. Sorry for the delay in replying. I'm afraid I didn't think much of "Charles" as you can see on my latest HPANWO TV film. However my personal dislike of him might be leading me away from his varacity, which I must be wary of. I do suspect that the control-system envisaged by the Illuminati has a "ratio problem" which means that they can only maintain the New World Order if the population is kept at a certain level. As with Peak oil, Global Warming and other FutureShock scenarioes Overpop also serves as a "useful nightmare"; a powerful dread to demoralize us.
Monad, I don't know. I'm not sure what the idea number is for whatever purpose you think. To create a free world numbers help, but our mindset is the most important thing.
Thanks for the replies. It was a question that a friend asked me when we were having a discussion about this issue, and was one to which I couldn't supply a satisfactory answer. I still can't come up with one. I have some thoughts though.
It seems that if we can't make things work with the numbers we have already on a planet on which resources are being abused and wasted, then more people aren't gonna help either. I'm fully up to speed with all the conspiracy info and sympathetic to most of it, except this issue does give me pause for thought. I despise the idea of imposed population control from 'above' but I do think that some kind of enlightened voluntary control of numbers would be desirable, at least for a period, at least until we have free energy and can feed and clothe all the hungry and homeless etc.
I am a big Bill Hicks fan (and somewhat of a misanthrope), and if you've listened to his rants about 'mankind being a virus with shoes' etc then I'm sorry, I do empathize with him even if he wasn't being perceived as serious (I suspect he actually was). To all those folks who mention that the Earth's population could live in an area the size of Texas, I say, 'Great! Does that mean I can have the rest of the planet to myself? Brilliant!!' But that's just me (and my friends...)
People aren't wonderful yet. If they were, we wouldn't still be in this mess. So we don't need more of them, we need to educate the ones we've got now (about well-considered family planning as well - there are far too many unwanted children in the world), to change their mindsets for the better (yes) otherwise the mess/mass will just get bigger. After all, the 'elite' don't need numbers to control the rest of us. For the unfolding of their agenda they've simply worked out their plan a bit better than the rest of us. So seemingly numbers do not necessarily guarantee creativity.
Muluc and Monad, would you like to join the HPANWO Forum? We can have easier discussion there.
Muluc, Bill Hicks was a great man who many sadly miss. I remember his abortion jokes: "People suck! If we can kill 'em before they're born so much the better... Who don't the ProLife assholes picket cemetaries?" etc But he wasn't a misanthropist. One of the titles of his shows was "Love All People". I think he was being satirical. The thing is that the population explosion peaked in the 1950's and is now slowing down. With increasing education and access to contraception there's no reason for it to continue. The biggest threat is actually the Church, especially His Un-holiness the Pope who wants people to give up condoms. A temporary voluntary measure would do no harm on the surface, so long as it was not exploted by the NWO-ers. ID Cards, concentration camps and military rule all begin as mere "temporary and voluntary" measures.
I´m also against imposed control, but, we are dangerously approaching ecological limits of this world, soon, it´ll be too late to even sterilization to save us from famine.
But, it´s a selfish attitude toward the other creatures to share this planet with us to just worry about human well being.
The current 7 billion are a threat to every other living being and most creatures are extinct already cause of human expansion.
I´m 42, in my afe I saw the population more than DOUBLE, I saw many forests been converted to crops or cities, I saw rivers become sewers.
It requires a complete lack of vision to not connect such events to population growth, and, to deny overpopulation...
And, yes, I sterilized myself before someone call me an hypocrite, I do not eat meat and I drive the least possible as well, so, I´m doing my part
About human creativity, what I see with a bigger population is quite the opposite, we are creating a huge population of religious fanatics and, most of the greatest inventions and discoveries were made in much less populated times by individuals.
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